Here we go, chapter six. The team is getting awfully big now, haha. Lets members now o.o; this is gonna get crazy before long, haha. Enjoy ch six. Also, for the fun of it, I will now include a "last time" before my stories...should help, with my long updates and such. I was originally going to make this a short "filler" chapter, but now its a LONG filler chapter...MUAHAHAHA

Disclaimer: As much as I wish the opposite, I don't own Zelda, or any other copyrighted thing that I may mention...too bad.


"Guys, I hate to interrupt this, but it's time to head to the Goron City, we need to get the Goron's ruby." Azu said, enjoying all the drama, but remembering the duty she was given.

"Alright, let's go." The six others replied in unison.

"Hey Saria" Arg asked, "what exactly are your strengths, how can you contribute to our group's power?"

"Well, I have some knowledge on basic potion making, so I can help with a few basics here and there. Also...Err...I have this." Saria then took out a 4 foot long staff. It was well made, using a sturdy wood. It appeared to have been used for many fights on the way to and from the lost woods.

"I can fight fairly well with this, but I'm not all that great at it. However, if I can sneak up on my foes, I can knock them unconscious for a long time." Saria concluded

"Hm...You can play the ocarina very well, can't you?" Arg asked.

"Oh, yeah I can. I guess I can play just about anything we may learn along the trip." Saria responded, happy to have another role in the team. With that, they came to a gate. A guard promptly stopped the seven.

"Hey, no entrance past here!" He shouted, military style.

"Um...I have this." Link said, pulling out a letter from...who knows where. Link then handed the letter to the guard.

"Hm...Please, like, let this team pass through, they are under my order to, Hyrule..." He read. "HAHAHA, that princess comes up with some crazy ideas, alright, I'll let you past, but I recommend getting steel shields, wood won't protect you much against fire." He saluted us, and hit his spear on the ground. The gate retracted, and the team began to converse with each other.

"Alright, we should split up guys. We have two shield users here, myself and Arg. So lets split into two teams of two, and accomplish our tasks." Link said.

"Ooooh, look at fairy boy getting commanding." Malon half mocked.

"He's right Malon. You and Saria should go ahead to the Goron City. Protect her at all costs. Link and I will head to get some shields." Arg agreed with Link.

The team quickly split up, and went about their respective tasks. Saria, Stel, and Malon headed up death mountain, and quickly found their goal. Arg and Link, however, weren't so lucky...

-With Link, and Arg-

"Are you sure there's a shield in that grave?" Link asked, eying Arg like he was crazy.

"Yes, now help me move it already!" Arg demanded. The two quickly pulled it out of place, revealing a hole. Arg jumped in first. Link, hesitantly, followed.

Inside, a treasure chest. In front of it however, was a creature we all are too familiar with... A redead. Azu quietly warned the two.

"Guys, that is a redead, you can sneak around them if you are quiet enough, but be careful, their glare will paralyze you. Also... do NOT let them get close...or else." She concluded.

Link whispered back "Or else what?"

Navi blurted out "OR YOULL GET-" She was promptly smacked by Azu, working to keep this fic relatively mild.

However, the readead heard that outburst, and looked at the four intruders in his lair. Link and Arg were both paralyzed with fear, and both barely managed to get out before it reached them.

"Okay, I vote we pay 80 more rupees for a second shield, you?" Arg asked, catching his breath. Link just nodded in agreement.

-With Malon and Saria-

The three had managed to reach the Goron City alright, however...getting to their destination was difficult. They were assigned to get four goron braclets. However, a door was blocking their way. The ladies looked at each other, lacking ideas. Although they noticed the carpet saying that those with a royal melody would be let in, neither one knew one. They decided to just wait for the guys to arrive, perhaps they knew one and forgot about teaching it to them.

-With Arg and Link-

"That'll be 160 rupees." The hairy Hyrule shopkeeper said. Link pouted slightly, as he emptied the massive sum out of his wallet.

"It took me years just to get 80 rupees, those shields had better be worth it..." Link grumbled.

-Back with Malon and Saria-

"Hey, I just remembered Saria, I have a connection with Azura and Navi that allows me to speak to them at any time, perhaps they could talk to Argus and Link, so that we can learn the song that will give us access to the leader." Stel suggested.

"Thats not a bad idea Stella, give it a try." Saria replied, happy that something was finally going to happen. The fairy shone an intense gray, and Arg's voice was heard.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Argus, it's Saria and Malon. We're just outside the door where the Goron leader is, but we need a 'royal melody' to get inside, do you or Link know anything that would work?" Saria asked.

Argus thought for a moment.

"Hm, I have something, play this song." With that, he took the ocarina from a curious Link, and the slow, calming notes of Zelda's Lullaby flowed from the instrument. Saria promptly repeated the notes, and the door quickly opened as she did so. (Saria has now learned "Zelda's Lullaby")

"Thanks guys, I'll let you get back to what you were doing now." Saria said gratefully.

-Back with Link and Arg-

"I never knew fairies could do that." Arg and Link both said, looking curiously at their fairies.

"Well...There is much about us you'll never find out." Azu said with a smile.

"Yeah, it IS better you don't know some things about fairies." Navi said, obviously meaning it in her own little way.

We now rejoin the small team at a familiar sight, the graveyard. They had just played Zelda's Lullaby to break open the tomb of the royal family and were staring down into the black abyss below.

"Err...I really don't want to go down there, what if there's another of those zombie things?" Link said, nervousness obvious in his voice.

"There is a song down there that will let us control the day and night cycles. If we get it, we won't need to fight against the stalchildren again, which will save us a lot of time in the long run." Arg said, not looking forward to the mini-adventure either. The two nod, and jump down. Darkness greeted them, as well as a freezing dampness in the air. Decay was in the air, although the scent was not overpowering. Small squeaks were coming from the ceiling above, granting the team instant unease. As they went through the tunnel, the room seemed to illuminate itself. Right as they reached the middle of the room, a small swarm of bats flew down to attack the intruders.

"AAARRRRGGGHHHHH! I HATE BATS!" Arg shouted out. Unexpectedly, all the bats fell to the ground, dead from the sudden noise.

"Wow Argus, you should learn to use that power more often." Link said, half mocking, half awestruck. The two then decided to investigate the room a bit more. They found what lit the room: a single torch. Link went about the task of lighting the other torches in the room, while Arg investigated the rest of the room. What he found disturbed him. Skeletons littered the room. Some had inscriptions upon their skulls. One confirmed both Arg and Link's fears.

"Those that trespass in the Royal Crypt will be stopped by the lurkers of the night..."

Arg stood there, frozen, almost paralyzed in fear. Link promptly joined him, curious about his friend's sudden stillness. Arg said nothing, and merely pointed to the inscription. Link stared, also frozen in fear at the unpleasant news.

"...Maybe we should come back when its more than...Just us, safety in numbers and all..." Arg said meekly.

"I gotta agree with you here Argus, let's get out of here." Link replied, just as weak.

-Back with Saria/Malon-

"Get out of here! My people are dieing, and I'd rather be all alone and not be seen by anyone that could help that get out and look for a solution to our problems!" A massive goron demanded to the ladies. The goron was obviously depressed, but about what? Malon decided to chance it, and ask.

"Alright, whats the big problem? I bet me and my friends can solve it in record time!" She demanded, confidently.

"Oh, confident, are we? Well, I'll tell you since I admire that in a Hylian. Our entire food supply has been blocked off by a giant rock!" The goron replied, a mixture of sadness and annoyance in his voice.

"Well...What do you gorons eat?" Saria chimed in.

"Isn't it obvious? Our people are just like rocks, because THAT is what we eat." The goron replied, as the the answer was obvious.

"Seriously, your food source, which is rocks...Is blocked off by a giant rock?" Saria and Malon both asked.

"Yup" The goron replied, resulting in a facepalm by the Hylian, ex-Kokiri and two fairies.

-Returning to Link and Arg-

"Hm...We should be to the Goron City by nightfall." Link said, happy to be out of the Royal Crypt.

"Yeah, once we meet up with the girls, we should be ready for our second dungeon." Arg replied, just as happy to be out of the grip of death. The two continued up the mountain at a relaxed pace, confident the girls would have the task done when they got there.

-Back with Saria and Malon (AGAIN)-

"Alright, fine, if you are that determined to help, take these." The goron said, handing them small, golden bracelets, with the goron insignia on them.

"I hate to need two more for our friends." Saria spoke out, meekly. She hated asking too much of others, and this goron already seemed on the verge of snapping.

"Just take them and get out, I dont want to see you or your friends until that problem is solved, got it?" The goron said flatly. The ladies didn't dare say anything after this, so with the four goron bracelets in tow, they begin heading towards the entrance of the Goron City. Upon reaching the entrance, they run into the rest of their team.

"LINK, ARGUS, ITS YOU!" Saria cried out, happily running towards them. Malon followed quickly behind. The team then began the discussion about what they accomplished in the time they were separated.

"So let me get this strait, you two only got some shields? THATS IT?" Malon stated, annoyed at the seeming laziness of the guys.

"Malon, if you knew what we went through, trust me, you wouldn't have gotten much done either." Arg replied, mostly unphased by the outburst.

"If we are done talking, I suggest we figure something out about that giant rock, that is our first hindrance to talking to the Goron leader about the Spiritual Stone of Fire." Azu said, mind always on the next objective. The team nodded, and began thinking about what they should do next.

I hope that wasn't too unbearable of a filler chapter. For some reason, I really don't want to begin a dungeon midchapter, I'd rather try and have the main focus of a chapter being a dungeon. I hope you enjoyed, and please review! :)

To diabowserker- I actually used to be a huge Zelink fan, but now I do prefer SariaxLink. And thanks again for the comment, its greatly appreciated.

This chapter is now redone, mostly with spelling changes, thanks for reading everybody.