Chapter 15

Note: EEEE!!! Thank you SOOOOOOO much you guys!!! Especially Nova S. who has been there for me since like the very beginning! All of you guys (and gals) who reviewed are the reason why this story went on and sadly...coming to an end. Now I'm not very good at endings (since I rarely stick with a story long enough to get one), but here's my shot at it. THANKS AGAIN YOU GUYS!!!

"Vegeta," Goku gasped as his ki blast evaporated.
"Hello Kakkorot," Vegeta smirked.
Tears welled in Bulma's eyes as she stared in disbelief, "Ve-Vegeta..."
"Hello," Vegeta paused for a second then added freely, "Mom."
Bulma sniffled then ran to Vegeta hugging him tight, "Oh Vegeta! It's been so long! I thought I'd never see you again!"
Vegeta hugged Bulma back and smiled, "for awhile it seemed like I wasn't going to be coming back."
"Huh?" Bulma looked at Vegeta.
"We'll talk later," Vegeta smiled again and walked over to Chi-chi and Goku as he let Bulma go. He looked down at Chi-chi, "Get up, woman."
Chi-chi blinked as she stared at him.
"Come on," Vegeta put a hand out, "get up."
Chi-chi took Vegeta's hand and he helped her up.
Vegeta looked at Goku with a berating look, "You'd think you'dve learned something from Bulma by now Kakkorot."
"What are you going on about?" Goku grumbled rudely.
"Is it me or does it seem history is repeating itself," Vegeta looked around, "because as I was I got a bad case of deja vu."
Goku rubbed his temples, "You are trying my patience Vegeta."
"All I'm trying to say is this seems like the predicament I was in and Bulma saved me from. So," Vegeta stood in front of Chi-chi protectively, "I shall do the same for this woman."
"Look at your feet!" Goku shouted, "Those are my son's corpses Vegeta! My flesh and my blood!"
Vegeta looked down at Gohan and Goten, "yes I see."
"With you it was different Vegeta, I had not lost anyone yet, but..." Goku spoke sadly and then faltered.
"I know Goku," Vegeta nodded, "but I believe that the woman can change, if you just give her a chance to live."
Goku shook his head, "NO! She must die!"
Goku took a threatening step towards Chi-chi, but Vegeta stood his ground to protect her.
"Move it Vegeta," Goku growled, "did you know that she's bent on killing Bulma? That's right, if we don't do something she'll do it to."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," Vegeta said strongly, "if you give her another chance."
Goku sighed heavily and glared at Chi-chi, "consider yourself lucky, because next time I WILL kill you."
Suddenly police sirens went off and they all heard running in the distance.
"Yamcha came through after all," Bulma whispered.
"Help me bring Gohan and Goten back to Capsule Corp. Vegeta, if the police see them there's going to be trouble," Goku said.
Vegeta nodded.
By the time the police got there only Bulma and a stunned Chi-chi remained.
Yamcha hugged Bulma, "You're still alive! Thank god!"
"Yeah no thanks to you!" Bulma pushed Yamcha off.
"Wha-what?" Yamcha blinked, attacking like he had done nothing wrong, "I went and got the cops!"
"I suppose this is the one huh?" A cop pointed at Chi-chi.
"Yeah," Bulma and Yamcha replied in unison.
"Her gun is over there, officer," Bulma pointed to the grass as a policewoman cuffed Chi-chi.
"I'm still alive...he stuck up for one has ever done that for me before," Chi-chi kept muttering as the police officers lead her out of the park.
"Was anyone hurt or shot?" A remaining police officer took out a notebook and looked at Bulma.
"Yes, but they were taken back to Capsule Corp. to be treated," Bulma partially lied.
"Capsule Cor--hey! You're Bulma Briefs!"
Bulma slighting smiled, "Uhm...yeah."

Chi-chi was sentenced 10 years in jail for countless cases of embezzlement, robbery, and so on. More years were added for attempted murder and she was also sentenced 12 months of community service. Yamcha was sentenced to 5 years for associating with a criminal. Capsule Corp. bailed them both out after Chi-chi signed the divorce papers and went through therapy.

Videl blinked her eyes open and sat up after she had been wished back. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Gohan lying beside her. He sat up as well and turned to Videl with a groggy look on his face, then his eyes widened.
"Videl!" He exclaimed before hugging her tightly.
"Am I...alive?" she looked around her.
"Kami!" Goten sat up, "My neck is killin' me!"
"You're alive! You're all alive!" Bulma hugged them all as they stood up.
"MY boys," Goku smiled as he looked at Gohan and Goten.
"Well it's nice to see you all again--alive this time," Vegeta smirked.
"Vegeta?" Gohan blinked in disbelief.
"You're back!" Goten exclaimed.
Just then Trunks walked through the gate, as soon as he saw Vegeta he went pale and went right back out.
"Hey Trunks!" Vegeta called and chased him down, "Long time no see!"
"Heh, heh, yeah," Trunks turned to Vegeta nervously looking down, "missed ya man, it's been a long time."
"So how's it been?" Vegeta asked, happy to finally see his old friends again.
"Well there's something I need to tell you," Trunks backed up and then ran down the block as he yelled, "Your bike is dead!"
Vegeta's happy expression disappeared as he chased Trunks snarling, "WHAT?!"
Everyone started laughing and went inside as if nothing had ever happened.
"So what happened you guys?! You have to tell me everything!" Pwar squealed as they went into the living room. They told her and Videl the story and they both stared blankly, dumbfounded.
"There's something I need to ask you Videl," Gohan got on one knee in front of her and kissed her hand, it took him forever to summon up enough courage to say the rest, "I don't have a ring, but I do have my love for you."
"Gohan," Videl gasped.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is," Gohan looked at Videl, "will you...marry me?"
Videl rubbed her eyes and practically fell on top of Gohan as she hugged him. She couldn't get out words, but managed to give a nod of approval.
Goku and Bulma exchanged glances and smiled.
Vegeta walked in with Trunks laughing.
"You honestly thought a few bullet marks was damage?" Vegeta punched Trunks playfully in the arm, "C'mon! I could fix that!"
"Heh," Trunks smirked as Vegeta walked in the living room, then stood out in the hall rubbing his arm furiously in pain.
"Vegeta, you still haven't told us why you've been away so long," Bulma said as Vegeta sat beside him, "you really have grown a lot."
Vegeta nodded, "Well, the Saiyans won, limme just start by saying that. Then I was asked to stay and rule Vegeta-sei..." he paused and everyone fell silent.
"What did you say?" Gohan asked.
"Over the years feelings I've forgotten returned to me, I remembered what it was like to be a real Saiyan, to feel the adrenaline in battle," Vegeta went off, "and that's why I couldn't stay."
"Huh?" Everyone blinked looking at him.
Vegeta's brows furrowed as he looked down trying to pick out the right words, "I killed so many while I was there and all the while I thought of you Bulma," Vegeta looked at Bulma, "and how sad you'd be if you saw me slaughtering so many living beings. I still live for the fight--but I refuse to live to kill and as a Saiyan I will never have any other choice, but to kill. So that's why I decided to come back."
Bulma sniffled and hugged Vegeta. Finally her family was whole again. Finally she'd have the family she'd always wanted.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Pwar shouted as she flew through the airport with a big hiking bag on her back a year and a half later, "We have to find them!"
"I'm coming!" Bulma chased after Pwar pulling her rolly bag behind her.
"Slow down!" Chi-chi adjusted her sunglasses chasing after them with her own rolly bag, "I'm in heels you know!"
"GOKU!" Pwar squealed tackling Goku.
"There you are!" Goku exclaimed then called the others, "Hey guys they're over here!"
Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Yamcha, Trunks, Bra, and Videl holding the newborn Pan all ran over.
"What's the big news Mom?" Vegeta asked.
"Yeah, what's so important that you had to cut your trip so short?" Videl asked rocking Pan as she sensed her about to cry, "You guys have been planning this trip since you got back from your first one!"
"Well," Bulma smiled at Pwar and then at Chi-chi, she hesitated.
"C'mon, c'mon tell them!" Chi-chi exclaimed, "I just saw this real cute hottie walk by!"
"Well Goku," Bulma took Goku's hands and bit her bottom lip, "while in Spain I found out that, I'm pregnant..."
Everyone stared at her dumbfounded until Goku took her up in his arms and hugged her tight, "Bulma! That's fantastic! I-I can't believe it!"
"Do you know the sex yet?" Bra asked.
"Hey!" Goten exclaimed, "I do not need to know about my parents' love life!"
Everyone stared at him like he was a moron.
"Well," Bulma started as Goku put her down, "I dunno how reliable gypsy fortunetellers are, but I think it may be a girl."
"My first daughter!" Goku exclaimed excited.
"Don't get your hopes up though Goku. If it is a girl, however, I want to name her after Chi," she looked over to where chi-chi was standing and saw no one, "chi...HEY! Where'd she go?!"
"The psycho's over there," Gohan pointed to Chi-chi flirting with the 'hottie' she saw before. Gohan, Goten, and Videl's relationship had remained neutral since the shooting. They didn't necessarily hate her since she changed, but didn't necessarily like her either--how can you like someone who killed you? Gohan would sometimes refer to her as the psycho or mental case, but in a joking way.
Bulma looked over insulted, "Maybe I'll just call her Bra."
"YEAH!" Bra cheered and hugged Goten tight.
Goten beamed at Bulma, blushing in a perverted sort of way after Bra hugged him, "I think that's a brilliant idea."
"Pervert," Videl looked at him.
Everyone laughed as Goku and Bulma smiled at each other again. They had survived and gained more than they could have ever imagined. They had done things and said things that they never thought they'd do or say. They had changed their destiny.
And to think, it was all because, of a night, two break-ups, and an old song.