Hi! I'm Kaitlyn and this is my first story hope you like it! Its kinda violent and dark but also romance might be coming soon, I don't know if I should make It with Jasper or Edward... so for the moment enjoy some bloody murder, because at the end of the day,
All innocence is lost...
Prologue BPOV – 6 years old
I looked at the dismembered body that lay Lifelessly in front of me. Eyes wide open even in death, mouth slightly agape in shock. I smiled and giggled in delight, A life so easily tooken. But still,one couldn't be enough could it?
I wiped the crimson blood from my hands and rid my self of the knife. I looked back over my shoulder and said "Good bye mommy dearest."and with that I glided silently into the night.
Later.... Bpov still(7 years old)
I was found by a woman who worked for an adoption agency in Seattle. She took me there after she learned of my mothers mysterious death.
I grinned uncontrollably at that. The other children here avoid me, smartI thought to myself, so I am alone, just as I wish. I am not one for company I enjoy being with me, myself and I. Ever since the day I was born.
I chose to make a decent sized room with a Grand piano in the middle the place I would stay. People found the music I compose impressive because of my age, and disturbing because of the haunting melodies.
I smiled again, I have never been adopted, but many have come to see me and left with goosebumps forming on their skin. They always have the same answer as to why they didn't want me " I don't like the way she looks at me." They say. Over and over its always the same, always.
I dream of the day when I am free again. "until the day shall come," I whisper quietly. "Hell shall be payed." I stand from the piano and reach for the kitchen knife from underneath my pillow.
Slowly I turn the knob of my bedroom door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Everyone is asleep, the blood lust is getting stronger. The desire to kill excruciating! I could feel it in my veins. My body begins to do different thins then my self consonance wants.
I grip the knife tighter, I stumble softly downstairs(a/n does not mean shes clumsy, shes a graceful killer) my entire being begging for the bloodshed. I begin to pant slightly as my thoughts dull and my instinct kicks in.
I see little Jimmy sleeping peacefully in his bed, his soft snores break the silence. But then Jimmy moves slightly, and all my humanity is lost.
I clamp my hand over his mouth and hold him down before he has time to register where he is or whats happening. I began to slash the small boy's body, blood seeping through the sheets and into the mattress. He begins to become more weak as he loses more blood. His screams and wails of pain muffled by my hand.
He stills his movements and his eyes close softly. I feel satisfied and lean in to kiss his cheek. "Goodnight Jimmy." I whisper into his ear and brush his pale blond locks from his face matted in blood.
I take a step back and a lone tear drops from my eye and to the ground . I turn on my heel,straighten my dress and walk down the dark corridor drenched in sweet Jimmy's blood.
Okay short first chapter but tons of action! Review and tell me if you want more also tell me if you want Jasper or Edward. The next chapter should be up soon but I need your help okay?
Okay so there is weird shit going on wiht my computer so im gonna post ch2 on here for now and fix it later okay?
kay so I got two reviews and they were awesome! I was hoping for more but I decided I would be nice to you guys. Also I couldn't wait to update! I'm going to have the Cullen's make an appearance today. I know yay! I think I'm going to leave the Jasper / Edward thing neutral for now so other people have a chance to vote okay enjoy!
P.s another one of my own quotes
When you die an angels wings are ripped from their backs,
they are sent to earth to be reborn again.
* * *
Bpov (7 years old)
Today there are supposed to be a new family coming. From the information that I have gathered about them, they are all pale, have strange colored eyes and are also insanely beautiful. I wouldn't consider myself unattractive, but nothing special.
I have long chocolate brown curls that have hints of gold in them,large dark eyes that people claim to be mysterious. And I'm also very pale, small, yet durable.
But taking the spotlight away from me for me for the moment, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen also seem to have 5 adopted children. Rather strange if you ask me too much of a burden.
I sighed and walked over to my piano once again seeking inspiration. I was playing one of my darkest songs I had written (I was thinking of having her compose a new song for each murder she commits, also I'm listening to animal I have become while reading this) For sweet Jimmy I said to myself. And giggled remembering what had happened the night before. He was found after breakfast because he wasn't seen.
Carol one of the people who volunteered was devastated . She spent many afternoons with the blond hair boy who was murdered in his room late at night. Never suspected as always, I was too experienced for there to even be a chance of my DNA being found at the crime scene.
I was too caught up in my own thoughts and music to notice that my door had opened. I stopped playing admittedly and slowly turned around to see 7 beautiful people staring back at me.
I stared at them blankly, not letting my emotions be shown on my face. How could I have not heard them? Or at least sensed them. They were looking at me with wide eyes. They seemed to be a little intimidated being under my blank stare. Just like everyone else I have met.
The tall blond woman was the first to recover. "Hi, I'm Rosalie." she said with a smile. "what piece were you playing?"
I didn't talk much so in a small voice I said "Hello Rosalie, pleasure to meet you. I am Bella." "And the piece I was playing was my own. It is unnamed." The beautiful group looked rather shocked again. Especially the boy with messy bronze hair. " You composed that yourself?" he asked surprised. I turn my attention to him and give a small nod.
The tall curly haired blond boy , he looked like he could be Rosalie's twin looked like he was concentrating rather hard as he looked at me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by emotion. "Excuse me." I said in a strangled voice.
I walked into the bathroom calmly so they wouldn't suspect there was some thing wrong. I don't like other peoples concern for me, it disgusts me. I shut the door and it made a small click. The swirling emotions were still there, I became nauseas, and bent over the toilet and blood came pouring out of my mouth.
I was panting, surely it was strange to vomit blood,but I have always suspected I wasn't normal. Another round of blood came from my throat. I felt better but there was pounding at the door. "Bella?"
I flushed the toilet to remove all traces of what had just happened moments ago. I opened the door to see Dr. Cullen with a worried expression on his face. "Disgusting." I muttered.
"What was that?" he asked.
"Nothing." I said He looked at me suspiciously but let it drop. I turned to face the rest of the family who's eyes were black. They seem to of become paler than they already were, almost sickly.
"We would like to ask you some questions." the Carmelle haired mother figure spoke for the first time.
"Go ahead" I said seating myself at my piano again. (Also I found some piano songs on youtube so I might post them)
"Well what do you like to do for fun?" asked Rosalie. I smiled slightly to myself, I couldn't fully answer that. So I said " I like to play piano and read." I began to play a different melody the one I wrote for my mother.
"Well whats you favorite color?" asked the large one with a silly grin on his face showing his dimples.
"Red." I said truthfully with a small laugh . And that is how it continued on for a while longer. After that they said they were going to step out for a moment to talk.
More like run I said to myself. Oh well I thought . The door opened again to reveal all 7 of them in their shining glory. The pixie like one who introduced herself as Alice was smiling hugely. " You're coming home with us!" she practically screamed.
I cocked my head to the side. Was she serious? Then she was a tornado spinning through my room gathering my things. Next thing I knew I was being dragged out the door and into the car. It was a nice car, a Mercedes I believe.
Alice did not stop talking for the entire car ride. I just stared outside at the rain falling and dripping down the tinted windows. The gloomy sky Grey above us. Clouds darkening as I speak. Wind swirling the leaves into the damp fall air.
We drove up a long driveway with a huge white mansion towering over us. Wasn't paying nay particular attention so I didn't notice when the car stopped and the door was being opened for me by Alice. She led me inside while I stayed silent as the rain became heaver and lighting struck. It was warm inside the home, yet dim. Only lighting the house with a flickering fire. "Your home is exquisite." I say barley above a whisper " Such vocabulary for her age." I hear someone mutter. But I ignore the statement.
"Do you want to see your room?" Alice and Rosalie as with enthusiasm. I simply nod my head, it would be nice to know where I will be staying. They grab both of my arms and lead me upstairs. I don't like the feeling of them restraining me so I carefully slip out of their hold.
We keep walking until they stop in front of a door with a single red rose dangling on the door. The door swings open and we step inside. It is beautiful, crimson and cream walls with a large black bed . "Thank you" I said "I love it." They both grinned largely. And told me they were going to let me settle.
I was thankful for that. Now, what to do. I thought and sighed. I walked over to my bed and began plotting.
I had declined the dinner Esme offered me. I turned on the CD player that was in my room so if something happened no one would hear me. Carlisle and Esme said that they were sorry and had to go out for a little while.
At about 2:00 am my body began to shake I sensed someone in the near by forest I backed up until I hit the wall. My body was shaking so hard it was as if I was vibrating. I tried to resist the call of blood. I began to slide down the wall, my rational side becoming weak.
I fisted my hands in my hair screaming. Clawing at my exposed skin. Shaking my head side to side trying to gain some control over myself. With one last blood curling Scream I stood up still shaking my entire body having a numb feeling. Emmett and Jasper had gotten me a metal baseball bat in hopes of me becoming a tomboy. I grabbed the end of the cold metal and dragged it to the window.
I undid the latch and the windows forcefully flew open by the wind still whirling in the sky the black night puring drops of rain onto my face,exhilarating. I took a hold of the lattice that was entwined with ivy vines. And scaled the side of the house. I began to climb down until I was in jumping distance.
I gripped the bat tighter and entered the dark forest.
I walked faster as my animistic side became stronger. I was close enough to see and hear the woman breathing my brunette curls bouncing as I took even steps. The Woman looked about 23. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt so I suspected she got lost hiking. How unlucky for her. I smiled grimly as she looked around panicked.
I lifted the bat high and struck her as she tuned around obviously hearing my footsteps hitting her directly in the temple. She fell from taking the unexpected blow. My eye began to twitch as my smile became wider I was laughing like a mad person, obviously enjoying myself. I swing again and heard a very distinct crunch. Blood began to splatter me each time I swung with more force.
When I knew for sure she was dead I spread the womans blood onto my body soaking myself in it. I knew most people would find this sick and disturbing but I enjoyed the warm dark liquid coating my skin. My dress once again dirty and tattered, I stood over the woman and said "Goodnight." (Have you noticed how she always says that? Maybe she can be the sweet dreams killer lol)
I began to dance and spin back to Cullen Manor Singing "La, La La La, La." I began to hum it to myself. I walked into the mansion my body still splattered from my last kill. I peeled the bloody clothes from my small frame.
I couldn't see anyone but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched . Then I heard a whisper "So the hunter becomes the hunted." I spun around and saw......
Ooh cliff hanger! I don't know what to write now im kinda stuck. any ideas for who the whisperer should be? Review ! XD