You Did What?

Chapter 15

Disclaimer: They aren't mine. They never will be.

A/N: I just want to thank you for all the reviews. This chapter is the 4th reward for the B_S July Challenge.

To Jenrar: thank you so much for all your Beta skills, your encouragement, and your friendship.

To Angie: I don't think this story would have been the same without you. You aren't just my friend, you're the sister I never had. Love ya, Babe.

Steph's POV

Carlos' voice broke over the noise. "Enough!" he yelled in a threatening tone. The room fell instantly silent. He took my hand and led me to the head of the long table in the middle of the room.

The conference room was filled to capacity, with a Merry Man stationed in each corner. One side of the table held my family, Connie, Lula, and Mary Lou. The other side was filled with people I'd never seen, but based on their beautiful mocha latte skin tone, I was guessing they were Carlos' family.

Sitting across the table from us were Grandma Mazur and an older Cuban woman. They kept looking at each other with a conspiratorial smile. Those two together could be a dangerous combination.

We took our seats, and Carlos got down to business. "I'd like to thank you all for coming."

A young man on the Manoso side interrupted. "Like we had any choice."

Carlos glared, but continued on as if he'd never been interrupted. "As most of you are aware, Stephanie and I were married in Vegas four days ago."

"In some drunken mistake," my mother mumbled.

He turned to stare at my mother. "Please know that our marriage is not some drunken mistake. Yes, we realize that this seems sudden …"

A beautiful woman from Carlos' family interrupted. "Look, why don't you just tell us when the baby's due, and when the divorce is scheduled. I don't know why all this is necessary. It's not like you'll keep her around long enough for it to matter."

Carlos' mother reached over and smacked the younger Manoso on the back her head, hissing something in Spanish. The young woman glared at Carlos and me before lowering her eyes.

Carlos growled, and I placed my hand on his thigh to calm him as I spoke to one of his sisters. "Actually, there is no baby. At least, not yet, anyway." Carlos' eyes flashed to mine as he smiled a small smile. "And to answer your other questions, there will be no divorce. This meeting was necessary because we want our families to meet and accept that we are happy. We are in this for the long haul, so he will be keeping me around long enough for all of this to really matter." I looked at her and smiled as a look of total shock settled on her face.

My mother had a bitter look on her face as she replied, "This is wrong, Stephanie. I want you to be happy, but he's not one of us."

I sucked in a breath, and Carlos' back stiffened. My father turned in his chair, about to say something, when Carlos' mother's icily replied, "How can you say something like that to your daughter? Your job is to support and cherish her. Not belittle and criticize her choices. How dare you insinuate that my son isn't good enough for her, just because he didn't grow up here! You need to realize that we don't live in the nineteen forties. You might not support your daughter's choices, and that's okay. Because I do, and I will gladly take your place and show her how a real mother is supposed to treat her child."

Tears filled my eyes as his mother stood up from her chair and came over, wrapping me in a warm embrace. "Welcome to our family. Don't you worry about a thing! You're my daughter now." She kissed my cheek, then kissed Carlos'. "I would be honored if you would allow me to throw you a reception when you return from your honeymoon."

We nodded our head in agreement, and she looked at the remaining members of her family. "All right, everyone, let's go, so they can be on their way." The Manoso family walked over one at a time, and Carlos' introduced them as they each gave me a hug and told me welcome to the family.

Once they left, my father turned to my mother. "Helen Plum, you listen to me. From now on, you will no longer speak to my daughter that way. That was uncalled for, and entirely disrespectful. You will make amends to these two, but it will be at a later date and entirely of their choosing. If they choose to no longer associate with you, so be it. Your mother, Valerie, and I will come to visit them, and leave you at home. If that's acceptable to them, of course. Though, I would understand, after your rude and hurtful comments, if they wrote us all out of their lives completely."

"Daddy, of course I want you all in my life." I grabbed Carlos' hand for support and turned to glare at my mother. "But Mom, you need to understand. Gone are the days where I allow you to dictate my life. I will no longer accept your treatment of me. If you can find it in your heart to apologize for your actions, decide that you can accept me for who I am, and welcome my husband into your family with open arms, then you will have a onetime offer of forgiveness. Think about it while we're gone, Mom, but know that should you choose that you can't, I'm done. I will no longer be your daughter."

Carlos had remained silent through the entire exchange. He stood up, pulled me into a hug, and whispered into my ear, "Proud of you, Babe."

He turned back to my family and friends. "As I said before, we realize that our marriage might have come as a shock to most of you. But know that we love each other. We are happy, and we will be spending the rest of our lives together." He sighed and turned his gaze to Connie, Lula, and Mary Lou. "If you are truly her friends, you will not speak of anything that happened here today. Her life should be her own, without living in fear that one of her friends will betray her trust, to pass on gossip to the 'Burg. Imagine how you would feel if you were living in her shoes. I'm asking for her, help me protect her?"

They all nodded their heads in agreement. He reached down and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. "This is staying here. We will be gone for a month, possibly two."

My eyes went wide. I'd figured a week, maybe two if we were lucky. "Really?"

"Yeah, Babe. We both deserve some time off."

He turned his attention back to the people in the room. "We will be considered offline."

Valerie asked, "What's that mean?"

"It means that we will be unreachable. Tank has our itinerary and knows ways to reach me in the event of an emergency. I will also be checking in with him every couple of weeks. He will call Frank and tell Lula that we are okay, and they can pass on the information to everyone else." He looked directly at Lula. "He is under direct orders not to share our plans with anyone. Don't get mad at him for not telling you where we are and where we're going. Steph's and my safety is his main concern. I still have enemies that would love to find out where we are vacationing."

Lula nodded that she understood, and Carlos looked down at me. "You ready to go, Babe?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." My family and friends stood up, and I walked down to give them a hug. I reached my mother, who was standing at the end of the line. I hesitated for a second, then wrapped her in a hug. "I still love you, Mom." I turned and walked out of the room.

Carlos grabbed my hand and led me to the elevators. We were getting off and heading towards the Cayenne, when I stopped abruptly. "But I haven't packed anything!"

"Already taken care of, Babe," he said as he opened my door and helped me into the seat.

Of course he'd already taken care of everything. "So where are we going?"

He looked over at me. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

We pulled up to a private airfield, and were buckled up and in the air before I could blink. I spent the next hour trying to coax our destination out or him. He resisted all of my tricks.

"Come on, Babe. Time to go to bed," he said as he pulled me to my feet and led me to the bedroom at the end of the plane.

I couldn't fight the yawn that escaped, and had to admit that I was tired, but I really wanted to continue trying to figure out where we were going.

"Don't worry, Babe. We have a long flight. You'll have plenty of time to grill me later," he chuckled.

"Plenty of time? Just how long are we going to be on this plane?" I asked incredulously.

"Sixteen to eighteen hours, depending on how long it takes to refuel."

"Where are you taking me that it's going to take that long to get there?"

"Nice try, Babe." He kissed my head and lay down beside me on the king-sized bed. Within minutes, we were both asleep.

Several hours later …

I awoke to gentle kisses on my face and lips, while hands traced patterns over my stomach. I moaned as he captured my lips. He pulled back when breathing became necessary.

"Sleep well, Babe?"

I stretched and sighed. "Yes, how long was I asleep? Are we there yet?"

"Babe, you've been asleep for twelve hours. I've come in to check to make sure you were still breathing twice. We should be landing in a little over three hours. Refueling took less time than we thought."

"So what are we going to do for the next three hours?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can think of something," he growled as he started to remove my shirt.

He quickly removed the rest of our clothing and started to trail kisses down my body. He traced my nipples with his tongue, bringing them to hard nubs. He pulled black, blowing on my moistened skin, causing me to shiver.

His hand trailed down to my core, where his fingers began to tease and caress my folds. He would almost let his finger slip inside, and then pull away at the last minute.

"Please?" I begged.

He slid one finger inside and pumped it in and out a few times before returning to his earlier teasing. "Please what, Babe?"

"Please …" my voice trailed off as he returned two of his fingers to where I wanted them most.

He brought me to the edge of my orgasm, and removed his fingers yet again, returning once again to tormenting action.

"Please," he kissed me and pulled away, "what?" He slid three fingers in, pumping once and withdrawing completely. "Tell me what you want, Babe."

"I want you to finish what you started!" I practically yelled.

He laughed at my obvious discomfort, before replacing his fingers and moved them in and out again. He curled them in a come here motion, finding just the right spot.

I screamed, "Carlos!" Before I could come down from the first orgasm, he pushed his cock inside me.

I gasped at the sudden intrusion, but quickly adjusted to his size.

He set a fast rhythm, thrusting into me at a fevered pace. He reached down, flicking my clit and growling in my ear, "Come with me, Babe!"

Our orgasms claimed us at the same time. He poured his cum into me as my pussy milked him dry.

I slid off his body and curled my body to his.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke. "We should probably clean up and get some food before we land."

I sat up and glanced down at his cock. It glistened with our intermingled juices, and was already half erect. "I agree we should probably clean up some." I leaned down and licked the tip of his cock, tasting our unique essence. I trailed my tongue down his growing erection, pulling a moan from deep within his chest.

"Dios mio!" His fingers wound in my hair as I took him in my mouth. I relaxed my throat, and took as much of him as possible. I wrapped one hand around the part that wouldn't fit, and started to fondle his balls with other. He was trying to tug on my hair to get me to release him. When it became obvious that I had no intention of complying, he reached for one of legs and drew it over his chest, pulling my pussy to his mouth.

He licked me clean of our mingled juices, then started to thrust his tongue in and out of my pussy, mimicking the motion of my mouth on his cock. He moved up to flick my clit with his tongue, causing me to moan around him, which pulled a groan out of him.

Is it possible to die from phenomenal sex? If so, what a way to go!

I could tell he was close, and I wasn't quite ready to give up my treat. I pulled gently on his sack and slowed my movements. He pulled his head away! "Jesus, Babe! Don't stop!" I released him and got back to work, then he put his head back to my slit and nipped my clit.

An orgasm claimed me instantly, and he drank my juices like a man dying of thirst. I grazed my teeth down his cock and pushed him over the edge, swallowing every last drop.

We sighed in contentment as our breathing returned to normal. "Steph," he sighed as he stroked my hair. "That was phenomenal."

"I love you, Mr. Manoso."

"And I love you, Mrs. Manoso."

We finally got up out of bed, dressed quickly, and went in search of food. It seemed like no time at all that we were taxi'ing up to an airport. Once we landed and I stepped out of the plane, I could see a sign that read, 'Welcome to Ethiopia."

"You've shipped me to a third world country for our honeymoon? Are you serious?"

"We're going to visit some of my old employees that I had disagreements with," he replied with a smirk. Chuckling, he said, "Babe, come on. We've got to catch another flight."

The pilot handed Carlos two large backpacks. "What are those?" I asked, pointing at the offending packs.

"These are our luggage," he said with a grin.

"But … but … I need more than that!" I was starting to second guess this whole honeymoon thing.

"Not where we're going."

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. "And where exactly are we going, mister?" I crossed my arms and glared my soon-to-be-dead husband.

"Babe!" He quirked his eyebrow at me. "Do you trust me?" He knew he had me.

"You know I do," I answered, trying to pout.

"Come on, Babe. The plane's waiting."

I looked at the packs in his hand and sighed. "I'm going to be eating twigs and berries, aren't I?"

His eyes turned black, and his voice got husky. "Don't worry, I can make you forget all about food."

My mind flashed back to the plane. Yep, I'm pretty sure he can.

We made our way towards a small Cessna plane. We jumped in and buckled ourselves up. Well, Carlos buckled himself up, then he leaned over to fasten mine when I began struggling with it. The pilot turned in his seat to greet us. Once he checked everything over, he handed us each a pair of headsets. As the plane lifted off the ground, the pilot made an announcement. "Thank you for choosing me to fly you to Omo Valley."

I gave Carlos a weird look as I screeched, "We're going where?

The End …

A/N: This story has been a journey, and I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to read and review. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please, review and tell me what you think of this final chapter.

As you can see, the next title for the 5 W's series will be We're Going Where? I hope you'll join me on the next adventure. I have a lot of things planned, and a lot of loving in mind for the next one. Now the bad news, I have two brand new stories stuck in my head. And, I'm thinking about waiting until those are done before starting We're Going Where?.

What do you think? Let me know in your review if you want one of the new stories or more of this series next.