Disclaimer: Avatar: The Last Airbender all characters and locations are official property of Nickolodean. This is song is based on a song that is property of Sarah Silverman except for the tune which I think belongs to someone else.

Foreword: Based on Sarah Silverman's parody song "I'm f#king Matt Damon". Yeah I went there.

Avatar Short: I'm f#king your girlfriend.

Azula's plan was moving exactly as she had hoped though the Avatar and his crew had managed to figure out she was baiting them a little sooner than she had hoped. She needed to stall them for a few more minutes before the eclipse passed but already they were ignoring her to go off and search for the Fire Lord. The princess then decided it was time for plan B.

"Wait a second there's something I need to tell you!" Azula then interrupted.

The Gaang turned around to see her suddenly carrying a guitar which she started strumming a pleasant tune to. Then Ty Lee suddenly appeared dressed in a Kyoshi warrior getup.

"This is for you Sokka. It's about my favourite prisoner. She was so sure that you come rescue her but in the end she gave up. But the best part is-"

Suddenly her song became flighty and energetic.

"I'm f#king your girlfriend!"

"She's f#king your girlfriend!" Ty Lee added.

"She's not imagining it's you."

"I'm f#king your girlfriend!"

"In the cell, in the yard, in the cooler by the door, in the ship, in the blimp, even in the royal spa!"

"I'm f#king your girlfriend!"

"She's f#king your girlfriend!"

"While you're chomping on fire flakes."

"I said I'm f#king your girlfriend!"

"She said she's f#king your girlfriend!"

"And guess what I'm helping too," Ty Lee then added.


"Well you can't have all the fun."

"You didn't tell me about this. We could have had a threesome!"

"Oh sorry."

"Oh Sokka don't feel so bad. It's not like you ever got it on anyway. So it's not like you're missing much. Even though Suki f#ks like a tiger in bed. She's still having plenty of fun."

Then suddenly a whole bunch of Dai Li agents sprang from the wall along with several female firebenders and they started dancing with the princess and her acrobatic friend.

"Knock! Knock!" Azula sang with her Dai Li agents.

"Who's that knocking at my door?" Ty Lee asked while two female firebenders sang with her.

"I'm f#k!"

"I'm f$k who?"

"I'm f#king your girlfriend."

"She's f#king your girlfriend."

Then there was a long instrumental where Azula busted out some really fancy moves to go with her tune.

"I'm f#king your girlfriend."

"She's f#king your girlfriend."

"And you know that I ain't lying."

"I'm f#king your girlfriend."

"She's f#king your girlfriend."

"Even Aunt Wu knows that it is true."

Then Aunt Wu suddenly appeared.

"It's true she really is f#king your girlfriend. I saw it myself in my crystal ball."

Then the Dai Li dragged her off.

"While you were busy fighting in Ba Sing Se I was f#king your girlfriend."

"And while you were learning to use a sword from Master Piaondao she was definitely f#king your girlfriend."

"In the cell, in the yard, in the cooler by the door, in the ship, in the blimp, even in the royal spa!"

"She's f#king your girlfriend."

"She's f#king your girlfriend."

"She's f#king your girlfrienddddddd."

Then there was fireworks and applause before everyone but the Azula suddenly disappeared with Ty Lee yelling: "Finish up quick already so we can go back to f#king Sokka's girlfriend!" Then Azula threw away her guitar and asked:

"So what do you think?" Azula then asked a very stunned looking group of heroes.

Sokka of course after shaking away all his perverted thoughts (or at least most of them) charged at her with his sword.

"Come and get it," Azula smirked and pulled out a shuriken.

Author's Note: Now wait for the sequel. And go watch the song on youtube.