This is from Light's point of view; it is the first day that Light and L were chained together.

"I'm going to regret killing him, I think." I thought as I watched L sleep. This was one of the rare moments he ever does sleep. Most of the time, he's so hyped up on caffeine and sugar that he never stops working. His head sat on the arm of the couch and he was curled up into a tight little ball. It wasn't exactly the warmest of nights and L doesn't exactly wear the most appropriate of clothing.

I looked at him some more before a shiver rolled off his body. His white shirt and baggy pants were covered in chocolate, cake and cookie crumbs. There was a small stain of coffee in the middle and it was all wrinkled. I would never wear such clothes.

I wasn't about to let him freeze, no matter how many times I've thought about killing him. I just didn't like the thought of being without L. His small hands always picking at something, whether it be a file from a case, or anything with sugar. He never wore shoes and I doubt he ever combed his hair.

I picked him up and held him for a moment. I then walked into the other room which held L's bed and slowly lowered him onto it. His hair was tangly and it caught on my fingers as I ran my hand through his hair, but he obviously used conditioner. I chuckled to myself. I climbed into the bed beside him and lay there. I was early morning so I had already slept the night away earlier before L had fallen asleep on the couch.

I am not afraid to say that I don't really care for Misa. She whines and pouts and is extremely annoying but I am afraid to admit, even to myself that I do care about L. He is one of the few real friends that I have. He even said that I was his friend. I might even care about him more than I should. I yearned to hold the sleeping figure beside me but resisted because I knew that there were cameras all around the room and L could wake up any second and when he did, he would surely want cake, cookies or ice-cream, something with sugar at least.

The chain jingled slightly as I moved to turn away from him, in fear that he would wake up and see me looking at him.

The suns light slipped in the curtain less window painting the room in an orange glow. My normal routine for a day usually consists of a shower in the morning, eating, work, lunch, work, dinner, then more work, and then sleep. I wonder how being chained to L will affect my routine. It will most defiantly involve more work and more sugar. L had chained us together yesterday afternoon.

L stirred in his sleep and rolled over. The chain pulled my arm and it flopped over L. I tried to pull but I couldn't without moving L or tuning so I would face him and be awkwardly close to him. So I sat up and sat close to him making sure not to move my arm too fast.

I glanced at the clock. It read seven thirty. L will probably be furious with himself for sleeping "late". He works most of the days and pulls all nighters quite often from what knowledge I have of him.

He ended up sleeping for another hour before I finally decided to wake him up.

"L!" I said shaking his curled up body.

He didn't move.

"L!" I called again.

SMACK! His hand flew towards my face and smacked my across the face.

L bolted strait up and glared at me. He glanced at the clock like I had previously.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Now I've lost precious time that I could have been working on the Kira case!" He jumped out of bed dragging me along with him.

He practically ran over to his computer and yelled into the micro phone.

"Watari! I need cake now!"

"Yes sir." Watari replied back.

"Now Yagami. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You needed your sleep to do your best on this case." I replied simply. I really need a shower to think right now…

"I do just fine as long as I have my cake." He said as Watari entered handing him the cake.

"Alright, whatever. I need to take a shower Ryuzaki. Unchain us." I said annoyed.

"I can not do that. Then I wouldn't be able to watch you and that would defeat the point of the whole thing." L stated. Did I hear him right? This doesn't mean… No it can't…

"What?! No! This means… No. I refuse to think about it." I stumbled backwards slightly.

"Well. This does mean what you think. I will be coming along and besides, I am in need of a shower as well." L stood up after finishing off his piece of cake. "Come on."

He grabbed two towels and dragged me down the hallway to the bathroom. Throwing open the door I stopped as he progressed to take off his shirt. I looked away.

"What's wrong Light-kun?" L asked innocently.


"I thought you said you needed a shower…" Said L confused. I swear to god he is about as clueless as the children in Pre School about these kinds of things.

"I do but. I refuse to have one in your presence." I said stubbornly trying not to act like a three year old girl, and failing miserable. Damn it.

"I don't understand." L was now fully nude and I kept my face turned and my eyes focused on the door knob. "It's just a shower. Would you rather stay grimy and dirty?" L bent over to turn on the water. The chain was tight and my arm was stretched out but I stayed rooted to the spot.

"L." I said threatening.

"Come on Light-Kun. The water is nice and warm." L pulled the chain and I took a few steps forward. I would rather a cold shower at the moment. My pants were feeling tight and I dared not look at L.

"Is Light-Kun too scared?" L asked suspiciously.

"No." I grumbled back.

"Then what is his problem?"


"Then why won't you take a shower with me?" L asked. He didn't know how wrong that sounded.

I didn't know how to answer this one so I just removed my shirt and felt my whole body grow hot. I fought my growing erection.

Finally after I was finally awkwardly nude, I somehow ended up in the shower.

L was rubbing shampoo in his hair and I was facing the other way doing the same.

I risked a glance at L. Bad idea. He was washing himself with a cloth, somewhere, that I really shouldn't have seen. I couldn't hold it in. I felt myself grow hot. My hardened member throbbed but I was lucky. L probably would pelt me with questions but I had no choice.

My hand grasped it, wrapping my fingers around and I…

Review please!! Tell if I should write more!!!