EDIT: Sorry for reposting straight after posting but I can't seem to get the breakers to work
Well, first off I'd like to say how truly sorry I am for no updates – really, I hate leaving stories unfinished and to be honest it plays on my mind quite a bit. I'm not so much into the HP fandom any more and haven't been for a while (I haven't even read the last two books yet) and I suppose that's one of the main reasons I haven't written any more (well, that and the fact that the girl I was writing this with hasn't been in touch with me even longer then I haven't been updating).
I'd like to apologise for not updating and the possible badness of the chapter I write to finish this off. I'm going to give it a shot and if you aren't happy with it just says so, hell if you think you can do better drop me a message and I'll officially hand this story over to you!
Disclaimer: Do you honestly think I created HP? Think I'm getting any cash for this? Um… no.
Oh, and due to lack of Crystalstargardien I won't be using her character so much.
Ella sniffled a little pathetically as she made her way towards her final destination. She had made several stops already to pick up the items on the list currently clutched in her right hand and was now ready to enter the main human settlement. Or, as ready as she could be considering the man she was going to see is the only human she has ever talked to before.
In preparation for the human world Ella had dressed all in their clothes (so rough! So scratchy on her skin, did they not know how to weave?), cut her long hair (Do humans not know how to look lovely? Why would they find it odd for her to have waist length hair?) and styled it to hide her Elvin ears. At her last stop she had bought their soaps and scents and a loaf of human bread. The bread was symbolic – she was trying to become one of them and there for had fasted her body of elfin foods and broke said fast with human bread, then she had washed with their soap and scents – a form of cleansing herself? Hardly. The young elf girl had been running through the forest night and day for almost four days and although elves do not sweat and stink the way humans do she HAD fallen during the night and become filthy with mud. Ella was not the most graceful of her people by a long shot.
Now she looked and smelt like a human girl, her ears hidden behind a small bundle of hair and the new ribbons on either side of her head – the think bunches hardly even shoulder length, she was sure she could do this, just walk right through the town centre and head off to her friend's home on the other side. No one would stare at her or point, would they? No. Think human, look human, act human. Nothing out of the ordinary here, nothing to see. Just an everyday girl travelling to a relative's.
"Hey! You there, stop!"
Oh dear.
Harry sat outside reading a book in the warm sunlight, Ginny lay on the grass next to him looking at the single fully could in the afternoon sky.
The book was snatched out of the green eyed boy's hands and bopped none too gently on his head.
"Ah, oww. Yes, Ginny dear?"
"I'm bored!"
"Well? Do something!"
"Like what Ginny?"
The redheaded girl sighed and flopped back down onto the grass, sometimes she wished she had a more interesting boyfriend instead of one who reads or day dreams all day. i "Maybe like that attractive young farmer that was at the market this morning. Augh, no – how terrible of me to think that!" /i
"I don't know, why don't we do something together? Like a couple"
Harry frowned "But… we ARE doing something together"
"No we're not, you're reading and I'm bored. That's not doing something together" She turned onto her side and propped her head up wit her arm "How about we take a nice romantic walk in the forest?"
At that suggestion Harry turned to look at the edge of the forest behind them and flashes of his dream from last night danced in his mind. The blond boy who had grown with him in this slumber, aged with him in his dreams, was slumped dejectedly against a tree. His fine travelling clothes were dirty and slightly torn, the perfect platinum blond locks mussed and tangled. His dream self had started to approach the handsomely pretty boy but held back as someone else crashed through the trees calling out in a language he thought he recognised but woke up before he could understand.
"HARRY!!" He was once again shaken from his thoughts by Ginny "For goodness sake, you've been slipping off like that more and more recently! Maybe I should take you to a doctor"
He shook his head a little and smiled at the redheaded girl beside him "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little tired, that's all" He got up and stretched before holding out a hand for his girlfriend "Why don't we go find your brother and Hermione and invite them on our walk? I think those two could use a little calm and tranquillity"
Ginny smiled and nodded, the other couple HAD been on edge with each other recently, but then again who hadn't? There was something in the air that just didn't feel right and everyone noticed it.
"Hey! You there, stop!"
Ella's heart pounded with fright as she heard someone run to catch up with her, she wasn't quite at the town centre yet and not many people were around so she was fairly certain this person was calling out to her.
"Miss! Wait!"
She hurried one down the street at a pace that wasn't quite running or walking so as to get away but not seem like she was trying to escape. Instinctively she ducked her head and reached to pull up the hood of her cloak only to grasp at only her shirt and remember she no longer wore her old garments.
"Please, miss! Please wait!"
Why was this person running after her? If she didn't slip out of his sight soon he would be at her side in moments. Whilst glancing for some place to hide she tried to think what she could have done to be chased after.
"Excuse me, miss?"
Damn, now he was beside her and not only that but he was clutching her elbow gently as he panted a little from the run. Keeping her eyes on the ground she turned to this stranger.
"Yes sir? Have I wronged you in some way to harass me in the street?"
She heard him sharply take in a breath and recoil his hand from her arm, she could almost i hear /i him perspire, goddess knows she could smell it and taste it in the air.
"No miss, I'm sorry but I didn't mean to frighten you but you dropped this further back up the road. You looked so deep in thought its o wonder you didn't notice"
Looking up Ella notices for the first time that this boy, no… i man /i is holding tightly onto a smallish red leather bound book. Under normal circumstances this would be no cause for alarm but quite clearly on the front of the book were elfish letters embossed in gold. What's even worse is that those letters spelt Diary. It was her personal journal and no one eve knew it existed except for herself… and now him.
Grabbing the book Ella darted into an ally way between two buildings and ran all the way to the crowded town square, leaving behind a shocked and gawping young man – his hands still held out like he was holding the book.
i "What a shame" /i she thought as she dodged and weaved her way through the crowds of people, grasping her diary tightly i "I couldn't have asked for a more attractive human male to have my very second encounter with!" /i
Sorry for the shortness and the lack of Draco, let alone D/H but it's almost 2AM right now and I'm quite tired (plus I'm typing with fake nails on, which is making me spend more time correcting then writing)
Hmm, I've had a few ideas about who the young man is but I can't decide/keep changing my mind. Anyone want to make a suggestion?
I'll try and write chapters with regularity but please don't expect miracles, I'm very busy with uni and other things right now, thanks.
ALSO: Unbeta'ed, sorry