Yes, yes, yes…It's that time again! It's time once again for you friendly neighborhood A/N! (Ducks incoming shoe…)
I told you all that updates may becoming quicker or slower, depending on how often I got to use my mom's computer, seeing as my laptop had two info-tracker/key logger viruses and no Internet security. Well, more than half way through Tenko-Sama! Chapter 5, I had to get off so my mother could do something on her machine…I hate sharing comps. I did not save my stories/chapters to a flashdrive, seeing as I was hoping to hop on when she was done with whatever she had to do and hopefully, I could finish the chapter and upload it.
No such luck.
Ten minutes before I would have gotten back on the computer, it died. Over heated and flatlined. Yeah. What sucks, is well...this...
Heir of Uzu had about 1,500 words…
Kitty had about 200 words…Want to get it right, which would have taken a while to do…
Tenko-Sama! had over 6k…
Notes for future chapters for Heir of Uzu and the planned return of Acidic Properties were wiped and so was my other story that I had just started jotting down on techno-paper…AKA Word…all gone.
Do you know what's funny about this whole series of events? Besides me not saving everything to a flashdrive when theres one sitting right next to me? Is the fact that I have had more trouble with my humor stories than I have had with any other sort of story…Well, at least when it comes to tech problems. Writer's Block, AKA WB; is just a road block…The frying and the viruses? Maybe it's a sign?
Meh, I don't know…But I thought you all should know.
Also, I thought you should all know that I have Internet security on my laptop again and there are no viruses on my laptop…So…I should be good for the moment.
Thanks for reading and understanding.
P.S.: For the time being, Kitty and Tenko-Sama! are both on hold until I can get back what I lost…Not technically, but still. Until I feel I have what I need to update either of them, they probably won't be updated for a while. I am still working on them though… So, expect to see Heir of Uzu updated or maybe even the revised version of Acidic Properties before the former two.