"Everyone hates me," I randomly spat out.

Bakura and I were on his front porch so he could smoke a cigarette. It was getting late; the sun was already fading. I didn't want to go home yet.

"What do you mean?" He took a drag of his cigarette, inhaled and blew out the smoke. He turned his head to look at me, like he was interested.

Sighing, I decided to tell him everything. "Malik told me not to get involved with you and on the same day…well, when Marik interrupted us, I was supposed to hang out with them…" My throat was getting dry. "So I ditched them so I could spend time with you…"

He still showed no expression when he said, "Talk to them."

Thank Ra he didn't ask why I wanted to spend time with him.


He put his cigarette out in the ash tray and moved over to sit next to me. "Talk to them, Ryou," He lightly strokes my cheek. "You need your friends. If they are true friends, they'll listen and understand. I may not be trustworthy, but please take this advice." His eyes were sad. It's the first real emotion I've seen him show.

"Okay…" I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Maybe one day I'll tell you everything…but that'll be a long time from now…"

Bakura, I think I'm falling for you.

The next day I took Bakura's advice to heart and decided to talk to Malik. My heart was pounding as I walked up to his locker.

After obnoxiously clearing my throat, he turned around. Malik's face went from confusion to a squint up angry face.

"What do you want?"

"I want to apologize for being a complete ass and hoping we can be friends again…" I didn't have the courage to look into his eyes.

"Oh, so did that ass dick you over already?"

My eyes shot up, he was still mad. "No, we're fine. Actually, he's the one who gave me the advice to talk to you…"

Malik's eyes widened. "…Bakura, the complete ass who has no heart for anyone but his fuck buddy, gave you that advice?"

I nodded. "I don't know why people think he's an ass, but he does have a hea-" Malik glomped me.

"You like Bakura!" He teased me, a smile on his face.

"Shut up!" This was great; Malik seems like he's forgiven me.

"I still think he's a complete ass and I don't like him, but I'll respect your feelings. I just don't want to see you hurt…"

"And if that happens, I know you'll be here for me." I smiled. "Now let's get to class."

The rest of the day went great; everyone accepted my apology and the classes went fast. Today couldn't possibly get better.

"Do you want to do something this weekend? Maybe have a picnic at the park?" Malik asks me while we walked to our lockers.

"Sure, that sounds-" Malik and I stopped in our tracks when we saw Marik pressing Bakura up against his locker. They were locking lips and Marik seemed like he couldn't get enough of Bakura.

"Oh, hell no!" Before I could grab Malik's arm he was stomping toward Bakura and Marik. "You are a heartless bastard! You have no heart for anyone but this player!" He points at Marik. "And you, you are a despicable human being! You probably have a shit load of diseases and I hope you pass every single one to this ass hole!"

"Malik…" My voice was too low for him to hear.

Marik had an evil grin on his face. "If you want me, all you have to do is ask."

Malik turned his head toward Marik. "You think I want you? You are a conceited filthy bastard! Stay away from Ryou, both of you!" Malik grabbed my arm and we rushed outside. So much for getting my books out of my locker.

"Ryou…" Malik puts his arms around me. "I don't want to say I told you so, so I won't."

I may not be trustworthy…Those words entered my brain. Is this what he meant? My mind shut down and I pressed my face into Malik's chest.

I wish I understood you…

Malik stayed with me until 10 that night. He called his mom up and told her a friend needed him and he would be home an hour after curfew.

"If you need anything at all, call me. I'll make sure I'll answer." He wiped a tear that escaped and gave me a quick hug goodbye.

A long hot shower sounded good right about now. I walked up to the bathroom and stripped while the hot water ran. All I could think about is how shitty I felt.

After the shower I hopped into bed, not like I could sleep.

Something or someone tapped on my window. The first time I didn't think anything about it, but the next few times I knew someone was there. I didn't know whether to hide under my blankets, open the window or call the cops. Mom wouldn't be home for another 3 hours.

I decided to take the house phone off my night stand. If it was someone I didn't know I'd call the cops as soon as possible.

My heart beat faster when I saw who was there. I opened the window.

"I need to talk to you…you need to understand." Bakura sounded urgent.

"Understand what, Bakura? Why you hurt me? Why Marik is your lover? Wh-"

"Marik isn't my lover, Ryou!"

"Whatever! He's something no one else can compare with to you!"

I was steaming mad. How could I go from being happy, to insanely sad, to completely pissed off?

"Can you please just sit down so I can talk?" Even though my light wasn't on, the street light illuminated his face. He was dead serious.

I sighed, "Fine."

He didn't talk right away. I sighed again with frustration.

"My…my dad used to rape me." My head shot up to look at him; he was staring at his hands that were resting on his lap. "It started when I turned 15. He told me I was his favorite person. I was terrified of him. Home was the last place I wanted to go to. When I actually gained courage to tell my mom, she didn't believe me or maybe she didn't care. I don't know…my mom and I didn't have a relationship.

"The summer before 9th grade I started cutting. Suicide was the only thing on my mind, but I could never bring myself to actually do it. Why my dad never realized the cuts on my legs or arms, I have no idea. Or maybe he did see them and ignored them…"

Bakura stopped talking. I moved closer to him, placing my hand on his. "You don't have to continue…" He looked into my eyes, his eyes full of tears.

"You need to understand about this whole thing with Marik…"

"It's okay. Take your time." I nuzzled my head against his shoulder.

"I met Marik in 9th grade. He was always happy and tried talking to me. I ignored him because he annoyed me. One day, near the end of the school year, he jumps from the back of this bench I was sitting on to sit next to me. What he said changed my life, changed the way I viewed him. He said 'You're hurting.' It wasn't a question. I remember him turning his head to look in my eyes. 'Tell me about it.' He said. He was no longer an annoying kid who I didn't give two shits about. He really cared and he became the hope I needed."

A small smile made its way onto Bakura's face.

"Marik is my savior, Ryou. He came to my house, told me to pack my shit, and come live with him. He told my dad that I had videos of what he did, and if he ever tries to find me, he'd make his life a living hell. The first part was obviously a lie; I'd never have the courage to videotape what he did and definitely no balls to take him to court. My mom already didn't care about me so it wasn't hard at all.

Marik lived by himself. I can't tell you why. His story is confidential. He even found me a job to support myself. Eventually, I moved out, got my own house, and here I am now. I'll never be able to thank him enough for saving me. That's why I let him to do what he does; because I always want him to be happy."

Silence. What was I supposed to say? Thanks for telling me? Wow, you had a shitty childhood? I completely understand even though I don't?

Bakura looks at me, "…and that's it. I'll let you get some rest."

"Wait!" I screamed when Bakura sat up. "Stay with me, just for tonight."

Bakura didn't say anything when he laid down on my bed and pulled me down with him.

"Thanks for listening," Bakura whispered before he drifted off to sleep.

How was I going to explain myself to Malik?