
Traveling's a bitch! I'm at my dad's again, I know I complain about going and when I'm here and the whole idea of being up rooted every fucking month just to see him? What about my life? I have to change everything just because he wants to see me? I don't need to see him, I'm just fine with out him. I want to come home so much. He left us at grandma's again so he could work, I love my grandparents, you know I do so I don't know why I always say it, but I'd love for it to be just us time you know? I miss being up there with you, this summer was suppose to be different, I was suppose to be with you all the time, see how well that turned out? Give Mojo and Jazzy a kiss for me, oh and go to my place and give the boys kisses too.



Dear J!

Stop your whining! I know you miss me, I miss you just as much. How are the grandparents? I miss them…maybe a little more than you. Just kidding! Well whatever we don't get done when your gone we'll just have to do twice as much when you're here! Its not that hard, and to think they call you the smart one! I kissed all the fuzzy little animals for you. I went up north this weekend anyway so you would've been alone all by yourself crying because I wasn't there. I talked to your mom the other day, some conversations will not be talked about outside of our 'bubble'. (fyi, your so not in the bubble) Aw, don't be upset, you're still a little too young for it though, so I'll tell you the week after you get home. :D! My cousin broke the tube and the jet ski so as you can imagine I wasn't too happy up north. But Andrew and I hit the major landmarks, you know the flea market, trading post, putt-putt golf. Well its getting late, I know shocker late for me?! Is that even possible? I miss you and I'll be waiting for you in your drive like normal.

So much love,



I'M NOT WHINING! Any way I remember a certain someone that bitched twice as much as I did about me going to my dads? Ah see now you remember! Don't you huff at me. It took me like 40 times to get the bubble thing, yeah you need to go for some help Em. And how many times do we have to tell you, she's your mom too so call her mom. I'm also not that much younger than you. So is it just me or did you try and say that all really fast? Cause I can see you saying that all really quickly. I'm sorry about the tube and jet ski, can they be fixed? I hope so. We miss you up here, Andrew told me to grow up and get a life today cause I was 'moping around too much.' I cant help it I miss you, you're my life. Gotta love the land marks baby! Hahaha.

Cya soon




Love ya



I plead the 5th.



I never should've taught you that, 2) it better not be the 5th of wiskey in my room, 3) why wont you tell me? I'm hurt.



I'll kill you and you know it. I'm taking that bottle out of your room asap… And plans changed… I wont be home till after the 14th not on the 1st…. I'm so sorry.

Forgive me?



Aw babe its not your fault, I forgive ya. Where to now? Penn? I'd love to go see nana and papa if your heading out that way. Give them my love k? You can have the bottle, not opened, in the blue bin in the closet, code to the master lock is 43-03-12. Its not like I was going to drink it. God.



I know you better than that! Yeah, we're heading to Penn, can you watch the boys? Please? I'll give them your love, though they know they have it already. I'll give the family the hugs and love they need k? I know its upsetting you because its upsetting me too believe me I'd rather sleep in my own bed at least one day a month. I can't believe my family sometimes. I'll see you in three weeks…hopefully.



Yeah send them my love, and I'll take the boys its no prob. I'll see you when I get home.



Now I get to ask, when you get home? Emily what are you hiding from me now?



My mother has to move us again.



Blunt much? Um…I don't know what to say.






Don't pull this sorry crap on me, it never works. We'll still get to see each other, I mean you we're adopted by my family they cant just say no. I'll see you soon ok? The family sends their love.

Love you



Come on its been a week since the last letter. What's going on in that mind of yours? Please just talk to me. I thought we shared everything?



Please, I miss you…two weeks? So not like us.



Return to sender.

Post Office.

Background information.

Andrew, Emily's brother 2 years older than Emily

JJ and Emily-best friends

(more maybe information I mean, I'll check to see, if your like o my god lost tell me! otherwise I cant help, I cant read minds) And hopefully I can get the format down perfectly for these…. Cross fingers.

So Tell me what you think! This is also really old and if your on LJ you may have seen this. :) Hopefully a post a day, we'll see.