Okay everyone I thought I'd end this on an even note… so here's the last chapter *dodges things thrown at her*. It's extra long to make the parting a little easier… I might write a sequel… not sure yet. It depends on if I get enough ideas. Or I might start a new series of Kaname and Zero… we'll see what I have time for! But in the mean time… enjoy!
All in Good Time
Chapter 25: And So It Ends
Yagari watched his two students leave in a hurry and he there was only one thing that would make Zero leave so fast. It was just as he had feared. There was no way that Kuran was alive now because Zero would have been ecstatic at the news but Zero's eyes had been devoid of all emotion when he left. Yagari felt his heart clench. Both because he knew that Zero would have a hard time coping with this and because now the Vampire's had no leader. He shuddered at the thought of what would happen between the association and the Vampires. Kuran had always been the one to keep the Vampires in control without him there was sure to be a power struggle that would not be good for the Association.
Cleaning up the equipment that his students had discarded Yagari continued on his train of through. As president of the Association he was the one who was going to have to deal with all of this shit. The new leader was bound to be an ass. It was just his luck it seemed that he and Kuran had just gotten on good terms and now he would have to start all over again.
And Zero! He had seen that kid grow up. It always seemed to be one bad thing after another for him and now this. As soon as he found someone he loved; Kaname was taken away. Yagari really whished that he could go after Shizuka and kill her… but that was the best part of her plan… she was already dead. There would be no way for any of Kaname's loved ones to seek revenge. Yagari punched the wall to vent his anger. This was all so ridicules! He hated it. But there was nothing he could do but be here if Zero needed somewhere to go.
* * *
Zero leaned his head against the elevator wall. Kaito was silent next to him. Zero let his thought run wild as he was brought closer and closer to something he was sure he didn't want to see. I thought that I would get everything I wanted if I just waited. All in good time I would tell myself… but all that time has brought me this time is pain. I've lost Kaname… the one thing I never wanted to lose. The only person I wanted to spend my life with. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. And so it ends in the only way I hadn't foreseen. Zero walked slowly into the hall and turned toward Kaname's room. He got three paces from the door before he stopped. He just couldn't. He didn't want to see Kaname's angelic face pale and emotionless in death. He didn't want to see Yuki crying.
Kaito didn't rush Zero he simply waited for his friend to take the last few steps himself. "I can't." he whispered after standing still for almost ten minutes.
"You've got to Ze." Kaito placed a hand on Zero's shoulder.
"But… I can't." Zero turned and started walking away. He was too scared to face this reality. If he didn't see him then Kaname could still be alive… right? He could pretend… no… it would never work.
"Zero." Kaito hadn't moved after Zero. "At least for Yuki."
"But… I don't have the strength to do that…" Zero stopped. So much for being able to cope with this.
Kaito walked over to Zero. He couldn't even imagine what was going on in Zero's mind. "Listen, Ze."
"Kaito I know what I have to do. And I hate it! This all sucks! And there's nothing that I could do. I'm just useless! I don't even see why Kaname wanted me around in the first place. I don't feel like I have the right to walk into that room and help Yuki. But I know she need me…" Zero shook his head and turned toward the quiet hospital room. "I've got to…" Zero took one step toward the room then stopped again.
* * *
Aidou sat behind Kaname's desk. It was so hard to run Night. He couldn't figure out how Kaname ever did it and still had free time and he went to college! It was amazing he hadn't burnt himself out! But now that hardest part was keeping the fact that Kaname was sick out of the news and away from prying ears. Yuki had told him specifically that they needed to keep Kaname's sill health quite. He already knew that it was because if any other Purebloods heard about it then they would probably try to kill Kaname themselves or at least try and seize the power he held. Aidou shivered at that thought. It would be beyond disastrous if another Pureblood took power. Every other Pureblood was just out for their own gains. They would bring the whole world to ruin!
But it didn't look like Kaname was going to survive. Yuki had told him the Kaname was poisoned with Wolfsbane and that Zero's blood hadn't helped any. As for Zero… he didn't want to think about the poor boy. At first he'd been rather angry that a Human had captured Kaname's affections but once he had seen them together there was no doubt they were a perfect match. He'd really felt sorry for Zero when he was changed and now he couldn't even drink Shizuka's blood to prevent his decent into madness. The only way to fight it now was to feed often. It was sad really. Now Zero didn't even have Kaname around to support or help him through everything. At least Yuki would help. She had quite the soft spot for Zero. He was something like a second brother to her now and Aidou liked that. He wouldn't mind having Zero around.
As Aidou spun in the chair to look out at the city he made a vow that he would be there to help Zero whenever he could. He'd become the friend that Zero would need… then again he had Kaito. Leans on that damn Pureblood hater too much. Aidou though bitterly then he started to analyze it… after all he was doing nothing but waiting for Yuki to call with the bad news. They probably have been through a lot together… if he'd been with Yagari eight years then that would place him close to Zero right after Zero's parents were killed. Makes a bit of sense why he relies on that asshole so much… but still. It's annoying I'd rather be his friend then let Kaito infect his mind. Aidou sulked in the chair. Everything had been going so smoothly for so long that they all probably should have seen a huge upset coming… His phone started to ring. Gulping Aidou picked up the call from Yuki. "Yuki?" The only reply he got for a few minutes was sobs since she couldn't properly form what she wanted to say. Aidou waited with baited breath as his eyes stung.
* * *
"I just hate feeling so useless… I only wish I could have saved Kaname… I mean there are so many things I wish I could have said or done or just…" A tears slipped down Zero's cheek. "We were supposed to have an eternity together."
"I know Ze." Kaito pulled Zero in for a hug. Even though he was hugging Zero he wanted to smack him or shake him! Every time! Every freaking time he would do this. Kaito had learned quickly that shaking Zero did nothing to ease the pain. He'd done that after Zero's parents were killed but it had just backfired and Zero almost killed himself. It had been uncomfortable to hug Zero at first but that's all that Zero had ever wanted. It seemed after his parent's death he kept looking for someone to love him because he didn't have family that loved him. It was obvious that Ichiru hated him which was probably why Zero tried so hard and loved his brother so much because he hoped that one day Ichiru would love him back. But it didn't seem like that was going to happen now. And Zero was once again left broken. Quite frankly it didn't seem fair. Kaito had seen Zero break so many times in the past that now he knew just what to do to help his friend. But he also had to watch Zero suffer through too many things. It wasn't fair. Then again it seemed that nothing in Zero's life was ever going to be fair because he had finally found someone he loved unconditionally and who loved him back and now Kaname wasn't there. The rug had once again been pulled out from under his feet and he was left to get up on his own. Kaito knew that he'd stay close for his friend but it was going to be harder this time.
"I need to go in… Kaname would want me to help Yuki." Zero mumbled into Kaito's shirt but he made no move to go into the room. Kaito sigh. He had seen this before. The only thing to do was wait till Zero was ready.
::Zero.:: The silver haired Hunter stopped stiffened in Kaito's grasp. Then he pulled away as the voice rang in his head. ::Please come into the room.::
Zero's eyes were wide now. "Ze? Are you okay?" Kaito asked cautiously slightly afraid that Zero had just gone off the deep end.
"Ya." Zero sprinted the few paces to the room and skidded in.
There sitting up in bed was Kaname. Tears stung Zero's eyes as he ran and threw himself into Kaname's arms. Nuzzling into his neck Zero let his tears flow. "I thought you were dead. I can't believe this!" He pulled back and kissed Kaname. "I love you." He kissed him again. "I'm so happy you're alive!" he kissed him again. Kaito walked in.
"Get a room." He laughed, trying to conceal his happiness with jests.
"Get a life." Zero shot back. Then he turned away from Kaname and looked at Yuki. "I thought he was dead. You…"
"When I called you I thought so too!" She blushed. "But his heart monitor stopped working when his heart started working again." Yuki shrugged.
"Well I don't care I have Kaname back." Zero kissed his boyfriend for a long minute.
"Ya welcome back Kuran." Kaito said. It was nice to know that Zero wasn't going to have to deal with another death in his life.
"Thanks." Kaname smiled weakly. He still looked paler than normal. "Uh… Zero… thank you. Yuki told me that you saved me with your blood."
"You know I'd do anything for you." Zero looked into the deep maroon pools that he'd come to miss so much.
"Thank you." Kaname smiled and ran his cold hand down Zero's cheek.
"Hey Yuki you wanna go grab coffee?" Kaito asked, he figure Zero and Kaname would want some time together.
"Sure." Yuki stood. "Behave." Yuki said to her brother as she kissed his forehead and left.
"Kaname I… I don't even know how to say how I feel right now. I'm beside myself with joy that you're alive and that I haven't lost you. And I'm so happy that I can spend the rest of my life with you and that I now have time to do things and go place with you. And say things that I never said enough or just never said. And I get to wake up and see you every day is what makes me the happiest." Zero held Kaname's hands tightly.
"I'm so lucky to have you." Kaname said to Zero as he sat up for another kiss. "I hate to ask… but… can I please drink from you again? I just need a little." Kaname blushed. He really did feel bad asking Zero for blood but he was still really tired and hurt in quite a few places.
"Of course." Zero felt warm on the inside as he pulled his collar down. Kaname pulled Zero closed then leaned back so Zero was lying on his chest. "Take as much as you need."
"Thank you." Kaname said before he bit into Zero's neck. The taste that filled his mouth was the most amazing thing ever. He had thought that Yuki's blood was fantastic tasting but that didn't even compare to the taste of Zero. And for some reason it just tasted so rich right now that Kaname wanted to drink him dry but he reeled himself in and pulled back after a few long swallows. "Zero I'm so happy that I can drink from you now." Kaname started licking Zero's neck clean. The ex-human had to suppress a shiver of pleasure.
"I never said I didn't want you too. You just assumed." Zero grumped.
"Well whatever. You taste amazing and now we're bonded…" Kaname smiled. "I love you." He kissed Zero's cheek and whispered in to his ear, "Now we're even."
"What do you mean?"
"I saved your life with my blood and now you saved my life with your blood." Kaname smiled brilliantly.
"I suppose you're right." Zero leaned in for a long kiss. "So when can you go home?"
"Anytime I like."
"Perfect. I think we can stay at Yagari's tonight then we can go back to our place tomorrow… if that's okay with you."
"That sounds amazing. I don't care where I sleep tonight as long as I get to sleep next to you." Kaname ran his lips lightly up Zero's jaw then back down to kiss him again.
Kaname left the hospital after Kaito and Yuki went to get a change of clothes that just happened to be Zero's, then they all went back to Yagari's. The older hunter had a very hard time concealing the joy he felt at seeing Kaname. "Kuran-Sama. It's fantastic to see you alive!" Yagari shook Kaname's hand.
"Thank you. I would not be here without Zero." Kaname gave Zero's hand a little squeeze.
"Oh Yaragi-Sensei, I was curious if we could all stay here tonight. I don't particularly want Kaname moving a lot… you know he needs rest." Zero said and he blushed slightly.
"Of course. Will you all be staying?"
"I'm going back to my place." Yuki said. "Aidou should be here to pick me up soon."
"Okay then."
They were all sitting in the living room when the front door practically flew off his hinges. "KANAME-SAMA!" Aidou bounded over to Kaname and hugged him close. "I can't even express how happy I am that you are alive!"
"Thank you Aidou."
"And Zero." the eccentric blond turned to the ex-human sitting next to Kaname. "I can't thank you enough for saving Kaname-Sama's life. It's truly a service you've done to the whole Vampire race!" Aidou bowed deeply.
"You're…wel-come…" Zero was a little miffed. Aidou had never been rude or mean to him in any way but he'd never been so friendly either… it was a little weird but he could get used to it.
"Aidou. You're being silly again." Yuki stood and bounced over to her boyfriend. "Come on let's go home."
"Okay." Aidou and Yuki said their farewells and left.
It wasn't long after the two Vampires had left the Zero and Kaname went up to Zero's old room. It was empty feeling because Zero had moved most of his things to Kaname's penthouse. Kaname stretched out on the bed and Zero cuddled up next to him. "Kaname…"
"Yes?" he looked into lilac eyes.
"I really can't say how happy I am to have you back."
"And I can't tell you how happy I am that I'm back and I can spend forever with you. When I was at work that last day and on the way home all I could hope was that I would live. I didn't want to die. I wanted to be with you Zero. I always want to be with you." Kaname nuzzled Zero's neck.
"I'll always be here for you." Zero held Kaname close and inhaled that familiar scent of his lover. He was happy to have Kaname and he prayed that his life would become something normal now. The two drifted off to sleep curled up together.
* * *
Zero rolled over in bed hoping to feel another body… but he was greeted by nothingness. Sitting up he looked around his room. No one was around. Damn it and I had planned on having so much fun in bed this morning. Zero scowled slightly, then he saw that the bathroom door across the hall was ajar. He reached for his cell and dialed. "Hey Ze."
"Hey Kaito… where are you?" Zero asked innocently.
"I'm at the Association with Yagari. Sorry I didn't stick around to see ya this morning. Yagari and I had an urgent call that we had to attend to. Sorry…"
"It's fine." Zero sigh into the phone. "I'll see you later when you get back then."
"Okay. I'll make sure to pick up something for us to eat."
"'K. Thanks. Bye."
"Later Ze." Kaito smiled and hung up the phone.
Zero closed his phone and got out of bed. Well he had a few hours… so why not make the most of them. The silverette grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom. Kaname was sitting in the bath soaking so that just his head was above the warm water. "Good morning Zero." He smiled at his boyfriend.
"Good morning cutie." Zero walked over and kissed Kaname's forehead.
"Can please have a real good morning kiss?" Kaname requested and sat up in the large tub. Zero obliged and they locked lips for a few minutes.
"Is there room for one more?" Zero asked as he stripped. Kaname just smiled and moved so that Zero could enter the bath as well. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Good. A little hungry…but we can get to that…" Kaname pulled Zero so that the silver haired boy was straddling him. Leaning up Kaname kissed Zero softly at first then the kiss started to grow heated. Kaname's hand started to wander up Zero's torso. While Zero was forced to support himself with both hands and could do nothing but kiss Kaname and grind their hips together.
Tilting his head back Kaname broke the kiss to moan. Zero immediately attacked Kaname's neck with kisses and nips. "S-S-stop." Kaname gasped out. Zero pulled back and looked down at the aroused Pureblood.
"Yagari and Kaito…"
"They're gone for the morning…" Zero smiled and leaned in to nip Kaname's ear. "I called to make sure we'd have the morning together."
"How nice of yo-mhmm…" Kaname couldn't finish his sentence as Zero purposely rubbed their erections together. Zero captured Kaname's lips again as he propped himself up with one hand so he could use the other to prep himself. Kaname took Zero's hard cock into his hand and started stroking. Breaking this kiss Zero moaned and let his head rest on Kaname's shoulder as his boyfriend continued to pleasure him.
When Zero felt that he was ready he moved and lined Kaname's length up. Looking to Kaname for approval Zero sat down. Kaname bucked his hips up to meet Zero half way and his cock slammed into Zero's prostate making him shudder and moan as Kaname sheathed himself completely inside. Zero reached out and grabbed hold of Kaname's shoulders to keep himself steady. Kaname started moving first; grinding his hips up and making Zero moan again. "Kanameee." Then Zero started moving as he rode Kaname's cock. The heat from the bath water already had the two warmed up but now they felt like they were on fire as they made love.
Zero continued to ride Kaname and he looked into his lovers eyes to see them tinged red. He knew that Kaname was probably thirsty so Zero leaned down and moaned hotly in Kaname's ear "Bite meeee…" Kaname wasted no time in obliging. He sank his elongated fangs into Zero's neck. The ex-human let out a moan as he felt the thrill of being fed from. Kaname pinned Zero to him so as they moved Zero's hardened length would feel friction as well. Moaning as he drank Kaname was having a hard time keeping himself together because the taste of Zero mixed with the feel of moving inside him was amazing.
"Z-Zero. I'm sooo close…" Kaname said as he pulled away and started licking Zero's throat clean.
"Me too…Can I bite you?" Zero asked. He wanted to know what it would feel like to have Kaname come inside him as he fed from him.
"Yes…" Kaname started to move wildly in and out of Zero's tight heat. A second later Zero bit into Kaname and the Pureblood moaned and came at the over load of sensations. Zero felt Kaname's hot cum inside him and he sat still as he drank a little bit from Kaname then he leaned back.
"You were amazing." Zero ground his hips down a little.
"I'm not even done…" Kaname grinned and leaned forward till he had tipped Zero off his lap and leaned him against the other end of the tub. "You still seem to have a problem." Kaname ran a finger down Zero's hardened length. The silverette tossed his head and moaned. After taking a deep breath Kaname ducked under the water and attached his mouth to Zero. Pale hands gripped the side of the tub as Zero let out a loud moan. He wasn't going to last much longer. Kaname easily deep throated Zero entire length and moaned around it to tip Zero over the edge.
"Kaname!" Zero's back arced as he came hard in Kaname's mouth. The Pureblood slowly released Zero and surfaced. Kaname straddled Zero's thin hips and looked at his panting boyfriend. "Kami Kaname you're amazing." Zero reached up ad ran a hand through Kaname's wet tresses. "And you look really hot wet."
"You always look hot." Kaname leaned down and kissed Zero lightly. "Well I suppose we should actually wash up and get dressed. I'd hate to have Yagari or Kaito find us like this."
"Same." Zero said as he reached for the soap.
The two were cuddling on the couch when Kaito and Yagari arrived back. Kaito made a note that Kaname once again was wearing Zero's clothes. "Are you ever going to wear your own clothes?"
"Maybe…" Kaname laughed. "I like wearing Zero's though. They're comfy."
"Well I feel sorry for Zero then. He'll be running out of clothes quicker… and I know how he hates doing laundry."
"I don't hate it." Zero scowled.
"Whatever." Kaito laughed and made for the kitchen. "By the way we brought food."
"Thanks!" Zero hugged Kaname closer then he looked at Yagari. "We'll probably be heading out soon after lunch. We just wanted to say good bye to you and Kaito."
"And thank you for all your help." Kaname added.
Lunch was pleasant as they all chatted then Kaname and Zero called Yuki to have her pick them up drive them to Kaname's. Yuki was still gushing to Kaname about how relieved she was. It was exactly what Zero wanted to do but he knew that he'd already said everything he needed to to Kaname so he just stayed close to his boyfriend.
When they were alone in Kaname's apartment they lay down next to each other on the couch. "Kaname…"
"I love you." Zero smiled up at his very cute Pureblood.
"I love you too."
"Are you going to go to Night tonight?"
"I think so."
"You sure you're up for it?"
"Of course. Will you come with me?"
"Don't ask stupid questions." Zero kissed Kaname. "We should probably take a little nap then since we'll be up tonight." The two curled up for a short nap before they went into Night.
When Kaname walked into the office he was practically mobbed by everyone. They had all known that Kaname wasn't feeling well and was otherwise engaged so they were happy to finally see him again. When Kaname and Zero finally made it to his office Yuki, Aidou, and Kain were waiting. "Welcome back Kuran-Sama." Kain said with a bow.
"Thank god I can stop being you Kaname." Aidou said. "I don't get how you can do it all and still have spare time!"
"Thank you Aidou for running Night for me."
"And he did a fantastic job!" Yuki leaned up to give Aidou a quick kiss. The blond blushed a deep crimson.
"Well I thank you all for you help. I've really appreciated it."
"We're just happy we have you back." Kain said. "And Zero, thank you for saving Kaname." Kain bowed to the silver haired hunter who was blushing.
"Uh… you're welcome." Kaname squeezed Zero's hand and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
"Well we'll leave you to get your work done Onii-Sama." Yuki bounced over and hugged her brother.
Kaname sat down in his chair and started up his MacBook. He'd missed being at work. Zero took a seat in a chair across the desk from Kaname. They worked together that night. Kaname was catching up on what he'd missed. Even though he had not been absent very long everything in the modeling industry moved so fast it felt like he'd been away for months. At least he had Zero to help him out. He was scrolling through jobs that needed models. And he saw one that he thought looked quite fun. "Hey Zero." he grinned.
"Would you be up for doing a shoot with me in two weeks?"
"Sure." Zero agreed. He'd missed modeling and it had been a while since he and Kaname had done a shoot together.
"You're so fantastic, Zero." Kaname looked at his boyfriend who was blushing furiously.
"Kaname… you know that you're so much more," Zero was cut short because Kaname had leapt over the desk and was kissing him.
"You know what I think you are the most fantastic person in the world and as I've said before I'm so lucky to have you." Kaname kissed Zero again. "Now please don't argue or I'll make you sleep in your own room tonight." Zero just smiled warmly at Kaname as he felt his heart expand with love. He still couldn't get over how lucky he was to have Kaname in his life.
"And you are the most amazing person in the world and I'm the luckiest person in the world because I have you as my boyfriend." Zero hugged Kaname close.
"You want to go on a date with me for dinner?"
"What if I said no?"
"I'd ma you come any ways."
Zero laughed. "Yes."
* * *
Ichiru disembarked from the plane and looked around. He wasn't so sure that leaving the country had been a good idea… but he didn't want to be tempted to go and see Zero. It wouldn't have been fair to his twin. Not after everything he had done to him. Ichiru wanted to be alone for awhile… without Zero… He sigh and walked out of the airport to catch a cab. He wasn't even sure he'd ever go back to see Zero. Who knew he wanted to do a few things on his own. He wanted to be his own person instead of just half.
There was a branch of the Hunters Association around here that he'd go work for. Except he'd go as Zero because everyone knew Zero Kiryu he was the shining pupil that everyone knew. Everything that he went through for Shizuka with changing his appearance was now going to be worth it. All he had to do now was make sure that he could pull off acting like Zero. He hoped it would be easy… As Ichiru, looking just like Zero, excited the cab a pair of crimson eyes watched him enter the Association building.
"Zero! What are you doing here?" A blond boy bounded over to Ichiru. He recognized him as one of Yagari's friend's student.
"I came here hoping to get a few jobs."
"What did you kill all the E's back home?" the boy laughed.
"No. I just got bored of being there."
"So are you finished training with Yagari-Sensei? I thought you still had a few years to go."
"I'm basically done. He wants me to get some different experience so I came here hoping to get it."
"That's so cool. I can go talk to the director and see if you can come on a hunt I'm going out on tonight. I'd love to be able to tell people I hunted with the great Zero Kiryu." The boy dribbled on. Ichiru was a little annoyed but at lease he was pulling of the whole being Zero thing so far. This kid sure thought he was his twin. Would it be this easy to fool the director? "Come on Zero. Let's go see if we can get you the hook up."
"Alright then." Ichiru followed the blond up the stairs and down a few hallways to the director's office. He took a deep breath and went in telling himself that this was all going to be easy.
* * *
Over the next few days it seemed that everything went a little too smooth. Everyone got back on track and it was all turning out to be easy to get along with life. Kaname and Zero were on their way to a party at Yori's flat. It was just like everything had been before things started going wrong. Kaname was holding Zero's hand as they walked toward her door. "Now listen Zero." Kaname stopped and looked seriously at Zero. "Don't go wandering off like last time and leave me alone. Even though I appreciated your little surprise I hated having to endure everyone alone."
"Don't worry I'll be my clingy self tonight." Zero moved closer to Kaname as they started walking again.
"Perfect." Kaname kissed Zero right before they entered the flat.
Just like last time it was packed with people some dancing but most were talking. Kaname made toward Yori with Zero in tow. It was almost boring as Kaname talked to a bunch of important people and got hit on by a bunch of other people. But Zero behaved and didn't punch anyone. After a while they made for the balcony and some fresh air. "Kami can I ditch you now?" Zero asked sipping his drink.
"Why are you bored?"
"Yes." Zero smiled.
"We can always leave." Kaname suggested. He sort of wanted to leave, it was getting a little boring after an hour and a half of talking and not being able to do much with Zero. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to go home." Kaname moved in front of Zero and kissed him passionately.
"Oh my god get a rooooom!" Yuki giggled as she and Aidou walked out of the flat.
"Why hello to you too Yuki." Kaname pulled away from Zero and smiled at his sister.
"Hi!" She bounced on her feet. "I just wanted to say hello before I said good bye. Aidou and I are going to a fun after party at my place. Just him and I."
"Yuki…" Aidou blushed slightly.
"An after party… my hat sounds like a great idea. What do you say Zero you want to go to an after party at our place?"
"I think I'd like that very much." Zero smiled.
"Let us all be off then since apparently we all have fun after parties to go to." Kaname smiled at his sister.
When Kaname and Zero got home they changed into loose pajama pants and cuddled up in bed. This was going to be the perfect ending to their night. "Thank you for coming with me tonight Zero."
"Thank you taking me Kaname." Zero kissed him lightly on the lips. "It was sort of fun. And I liked that I got to be with you the whole time."
"I liked that part too." Kaname nuzzled into Zero's neck. "What do you about our after party consisting of us going to sleep?"
"I'll entertain that idea." Zero laughed. "You're adorable you know that." Zero moved closer to Kaname in the bed to that they were all tangled up in each other.
"And you know I love you."
"I love you too." They kissed for a few minutes before falling asleep.
Zero was now content with his life. He had a schedule that he followed and his life was normal. All the shit that he had to go through to get to this point was worth it. He was happy and he was with the one person he loved and who loved him. There wasn't anything else that he wanted right now.
Kaname was also content with his life. It seemed that all the years he had lived were meant for the sole purpose of bringing him to Zero. He had so many places he wanted to take Zero. So many things he wanted to do. All in good time. Kaname thought right before he dropped off into sleep. After all he and Zero had quite a lot of time ahead of them.
*tear* I'm going to miss you all sooooo much! And I honestly can't thank you enough for reading and sticking with me. I love you all very much and you're so kind to me! You guys are the only reason I kept this series alive for so long! Well I hope the ending made everyone happy.
Please keep checking my page for new stories… I'll be putting a poll up to see what you all want me to write next… and I would love you even more if you kept reading my stuff!! You guys rock!
p.s. I'm not too happy with the ending (but i couldn't come up with anything else!!!)… I might rewrite it or just be forced to write a sequel. lol