Bobby Goren beamed as he stroked his partner turned lover's hair across his chest where he head lay. She's beautiful, he thought lovingly. She looked very peaceful and he was very happy to see that she hadn't run off in the middle of the night after getting what she needed. He gently eased her off his chest onto a pillow and pulled the blankets firmly around her. Then he left the room to make something for breakfast. When Alex Eames woke up, she could smell eggs, bacon, and something that resembled French toast. She got up and looked around the room for her panties. She found them hooked on the ceiling fan, to her amusement. She got them down by standing on the bed and pulled them on then looked around for her shirt. She didn't find it but she found Bobby's light blue shirt. She pulled it on and buttoned the remaining buttons. Then she went to the kitchen. Bobby was sort of dancing as he cooked and it looked like he was having fun. A tango-like beat was playing on his little stereo. She smiled as she watched him then walked over to him. When she was close enough, she whispered, "Having fun?"
He jumped slightly and looked at her with wide eyes. "When did you get so sneaky?" he asked. She smiled and put her arms around his neck with a smile and he leaned down to kiss her. "You look perfect, Eames."
"Alex," she replied firmly. "Remember, Bobby? Off the clock when we're together like this, I'm just Alex. And you're just Bobby. And we're going to be a family soon." He beamed and leaned down to kiss her.
Bobby set down the large box he was carrying and looked at Alex as she hurried around their new living room in search of her sweater. He picked it up and she blushed, embarrassed she hadn't seen it. She quickly pulled it on and he kissed her forehead before going back out to get the rest of the boxes. Alex began to unpack the boxes with nothing but books in them, putting them on the bookshelves that were built into the wall separating the living room from the hall. She had to do something but Bobby wasn't letting her carry in boxes. She understood though. She was six months pregnant, after all. She was going to have a little girl.
They had bought a medium sized house a little farther from the precinct and they already had their furniture moved in. All that was left were the boxes. Bobby finished moving the boxes in, took the truck he'd burrowed from his mechanic friend back, then came home and began to help his wife of three months unpack with a smile. Life was sweet.
Finished! Okay, so, sorry it took so long, I've been a little distracted lately. Plus, I didn't have any actual passion for this stupid thing so, yeah, it sucks. And I apologize for that. And this tiny chapter. But thanks for reading anyway!