A/N: So I was originally going to hold off on updating this, but I already finished the first chapter of the next story, and I'm working on the second. And why not post it? I'm done! I'm excited about the "sequel-ish" thing, as I've been calling it. Hopefully y'all will be too.
Before I get on to the chapter, though, I'd like to say a huge thanks to anyone who has been reading/reviewing these past couple months. This began as just one of those stories to keep me occupied…something I'd think about on long car rides. It'd take shape at night, when I tried to fall asleep…basically at times when I had no real obligation. I never became serious about it until Christmas vacation, when I needed something to do. I liked the character of Ettie. So I played the Sims, made the characters, and played around with the storyline…and here it is! So thanks to everyone who has stuck with it and read.
And I have to thank greenluva89, grumpypirate, annagray, Leona Dragonblood Aero, Whatever Makes You Break, and sweetypie200494 for the reviews. They really inspired me to keep writing and finish this up. And to Sam—I miss you so, so much and I can't tell you how happy I am that you read this and kept telling me how much you liked it.
Please review and all that jazz.
Ettie had not expected to find anything when she returned to her apartment the following weekend. She hadn't been back since the battle at Hogwarts, and she knew she'd have to answer to Lincoln and Grace. Yet she had not expected to have something waiting for her on her kitchen table.
The letter that lay there was addressed in elegant purple ink, and the only words written were "To Ettiella Song."
Before she allowed curiosity to get the best of her, Ettie set her small bag of clothes down on the couch, and turned the light on. She didn't plan to stay long—two days at the most. She was simply there to pack and tell her friends the news of her engagement.
"Who could this be from?" Ettie wondered aloud to no one but herself. Her finger slid under the seal, and the paper unfolded itself. "Ah…the Ministry."
Dear Ms. Song,
I'd like to request a meeting with you, at your convenience of course. We're in the middle of reforming the Ministry, as I'm sure you've assumed. Your presence is desired, as we are trying to decide who to keep and who is not loyal.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Ettie's face broke out into a grin. Of all the aurors she had met (with the exception of Moody), Kingsley had been her favorite. He was a good choice for Minister, and she had faith in his ability to lead the wizarding community.
She decided to leave almost immediately. First, she wanted to inspect her apartment to make sure everything was in order. Then, she'd apparate to the Ministry.
"Miss Song!" A tall and lean woman was calling to her from a door entrance. Her nametag read Julianne Hattersfield. "Mr. Shacklebolt is just through here. He's ready for you."
"Thank you." Ettie walked into the open doorway and found Kingsley sitting behind a desk.
"Long time no see, Ettiella."
"It has been, Royal." Ettie smirked.
"So you heard me on Potterwatch?"
"It really has been a while. You've been M.I.A. I think the last time I saw you was at the dinner at your apartment."
"Oh gosh. How embarrassing." Ettie blushed rosily, and looked down.
"Don't worry. I understand that the heart rules the emotions. At any rate, you were right."
This was why she loved Kinglsey—he was so understanding.
"Would you like some tea before we get started?" Kinglsey offered, gesturing to the ornate china to his right.
"No, thanks. I'm not big on tea, actually."
"Me either. Julianne puts it in here every morning. I don't have the heart to tell her not to." Ettie shared a conspiratorial smile with him. "Anyways, on to business. As you can obviously see, we're doing some internal and structural renovations here. Many of the members had to be purged, as it was just too dangerous. Many went to Azkaban, others were simply sent home. At the moment we're trying to figure out what to do about the Auror program." Kingsley paused. "Out of the Aurors we have left, you're the best. When you were on the team you accomplished so much, and very efficiently. McGonagall and Moody were correct about you—you were the perfect fit for the position." He extolled, and Ettie felt her insides warm. She never expected to hear Kingsley Shacklebolt speak so highly of her. Yes, she knew he was kind and that he liked her, but not that he really respected her. "You truly are amazing at what you do. We could have used you in the past couple months, but maybe you were smarter than all of us. You got out of here; you did your own investigating. You're one of the few still alive. We want you back, Ettiella, if you want to formally join us again."
"This is an honor, Kingsley, to be asked back by you. And I do desperately want to come back, believe me." Ettie sighed. "I'm at a point in my life where my desires are conflicted. I've just been asked by McGonagall to teach at Hogwarts as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and I accepted partly because I'd like to spread my knowledge and partly because my fiancé wants me to. My whole life was spent longing to be an Auror, the very thing you're offering me. I'm engaged now—that's the problem. I can't be as independent anymore; I have to satisfy more than just myself. George wants me to take the safe route, to teach. I don't know what I want…I know I want him to be happy, and I want to be an Auror while making him happy. But I just don't think an Auror's duty and living a happy, married life can be synonymous."
"You can't make them work? They can't coexist?"
"Not with George, I don't think." Ettie murmured. "I love him, Kingsley. It's a sacrifice I have to make."
"Very well. But would you consider taking an 'as needed' position? For when we really need you?"
"Of course." Ettie said eagerly.
"We have very few experienced Aurors left. You're a very venerable one, one I trust to get the job done. We'll be getting new applicants in soon to train, Potter being one of them, but we cannot rely on them."
"I understand. I'd be happy to accept the position."
"Good. Unfortunately, I have to ask you to begin immediately."
"Begin? Sir—" Ettie was cut off.
"I know, it is sudden. But we need you, Ettiella. With Voldemort's loss comes his deepest supporters seeking revenge. We know of two so far who are attempting to make his legacy live on: one is being pursued by another Auror, while the other is waiting for you. His name is Abraham Belfast, and he is reportedly trying to create an army of underground supporters. We have an idea of where he is, and where he may go…but he must be found before any damage can be inflicted."
"This is serious." Ettie observed. "I thought it wouldn't start immediately."
"So did we. But we were wrong. Will you help us?"
"I should ask George…"
"We don't have time for that." Kingsley countered.
Ettie looked him directly in the eyes and saw his desperation. She closed her own, and tried to think. The only thing that came from it was a jumble of opposing viewpoints. With a deep inhale, she gave her answer:
"What do I have to do?"