Disclaimer: I don't own any single character or group of characters of Ikkitousen and I don't own the Name right to Cain Nightroad either

Summary: Saji has Gone Missing, Kanu has taken a liking to Ryofu's return to her original personality, Hakafu has opened her eyes to herself and the rest of the world, Koukin has taken a liking to Kanu, and Ryoumu has stepped up and become a Dojo owner and master. They are all living peacefully but there world is shattered when they get unexpected news in a few categories like a guy coming back form the dead.

((Ok Lets get this show on the road I think your going to like this and oh by the way there isn't any in this first chapter but for later chapters if you don't like Graphic Sex, Violence, Wisdom, and of course Fan service then LEAVE NOW….ANY TAKERS???…….GOING ONCE…TWICE….OK HERE WE GO

Chapter 1: The Rain Never Stops

Two years ago (10 days before the very first episode):

He stepped back as the last of them fell against the electric fence hearing him scream turned and saw Saji standing there in his uniform he half stepped forward,

"Saji what are you doing here I asked you to look aft-"

The first Bullet took him in the Abs punching through the other he spat blood and staggered backward as the second and third bullets punches into his shoulder spinning him like a top and the other taking him in the chest hurling him backward onto his back. He lay there bleeding, and looked up into the sky as a rain started to fall he closed as the last bullet smashed into his heart.

Present day (A week after the end of the series):

Koukin walked down the street caring a bag of groceries he was cooking for Kanu, Hakafu, Saji, and Ryoumu tonight he had a lot of work to do and a short time to do it in it was already getting dark and Black clouds had set in so he needed to get home. He stepped into the house just as a heavy rain started to fall. He set his bag down on the table and stepped into the kitchen pulling off his vest.

"Well here we go," he said out loud and set to work he stepped into the kitchen and opened the pantry.

Meanwhile outside in the rain a strange event was taking place in the Forest outside the city. A section of earth started to move and a hand pushed up form the dirt, and then the arm, and finally the rest of the man came forth.

He lay on the ground as the rain fell and beat the remnants of the dirt from him and his clothes. He stood on trembling legs, and looked around. He turned about him gazing at the forest in the darkness. He stepped to the edge of the hole he had crawled form and lay on his chest reaching down and pulling the dirt stained backpack for it.

He unzipped it and looked inside finding some old books and a lot of cash in it. He rose and pulled the pack onto his shoulders and started forward leaving the forest. He walked for what seemed a life time before he realized he was walking through town and people were staring at him.

He looked at himself and noticed that his clothes were torn and tattered and had bullet holes in it and he could only imagine what he looked like without looking in a mirror and the thoughts he had weren't the best. He sighed and noticed a woman and her daughter were standing there staring at him. He smiled at them and moved out letting the icy rain pelt him looking for a store that was open at whatever hour it was. He struggled forward feeling suddenly overcome with tiredness.

He saw a sign from his left and turned unable to read the sign he stepped inside to find himself in a Clothing store. He saw a clerk coming toward him he stepped out of the door way and reached into his backpack producing a large amount of folded Bills, the clerk saw this and her face went form the look of extreme distaste to a bright toothy smile. He took a breath and spoke in a hoarse voice,

"I need to be different,"

The Clerk smiled even wider and replied

"Of course sir whatever we can do to help,"

He followed her into a few of the back Aisle and the changes began to take place.

Back at Koukin's place:

They had eaten well and they just relaxed letting all the worries of the week and the events that had recently taken place just roll away. The thunder raged along with lighting and the rain stormed and the wind howled but no one payed any attention to it they just laughed and had a good time. Little did the know that their lives were soon to change.

Meanwhile across town in an old apartment building a tall man wearing a tattered school uniform stepped into an apartment that didn't look like it had been abandoned for two years.

It was freshly cleaned and everything dust free. He stepped inside and closed the door with a push of his foot. he locked it and stepped into the living room his couches were lean and everything was as how he had left it when he had gone out that night. he went through the entire apartment looking at everything before he stopped in front of his old bedroom and slowly grasped the door knob. He turned it and as he started to push a shock wave slammed into his back. He smashed into the doorway and rolled immediately to his right rolling till he hit the wall. he rolled to his knee his eyes scanning for his attacker.

He didn't have to scan very long because a man with long yellow hair rushed into the room a red glow to his hands he was summoning a chi point attack.

"Ah Shit," he mumbled and side stepped barely missing the attack he stepped inside the mans guard and slammed his fist into the man's chest driving him backward. He spun slamming his right heel into the mans temple dropping him to the ground. he looked and grinned his blood lust rising. He didn't know why but his whole mannerisms changed he stood taller his muscles tensed up. The man Rose and pulled a wakashi from inside his coat. Cain felt his lips part in a mad grin. the man stepped inside to deliver a thrust and that's when Cain moved he reached out catching the man's wrist he felt bone, and cartilage crunch under his hand. He cocked his arm back and smashed a blow to the mans nose home letting go as the man snapped backward falling to the floor again. He picked up the mans Wakashi and turned to the man who looked up with sudden fear.

"Now Let's you and I talk about a few things first," Cain said as he stepped forward.