Important: I am not trying to copy anyone. I've actually had this idea for quite some time now and have finally decided to publish it. In a way this is kind of like a sequel almost to my story, "I Dream a Meanie". Though, this is not based off of the poll.

Which reminds me, please visit my profile and vote for an OC for a future PnF story. Also, Keep in mind that in the flashback, Phineas is about six, Candace is 11, and Ferb has been a member of the family for almost 2 years now.


On the night of Phineas and Ferb's huge dream adventure, Perry the Platypus was down at the agency after everyone had gone to bed. He was helping Eddie the Echidna, a monotreme trainee who had accompanied him on a mission that very same day, with his training.

Major Monogram said sternly to the echidna, "Concentrate, Agent E! Oh don't close your eyes!"

Perry tossed blocks of wood in Eddie's direction to try and get him to either slap them in another direction or break them in half. So far, it wasn't going so well. Every piece of wood that came towards him, he would immediately swing his arms randomly around, or cover his head and duck.

Perry was surprised at himself that he was actually enjoying this. The echidna's clumsy movements were quite amusing to him. He leaned coolly against a post throwing the blocks of wood with one hand. He was impressing Eddie with his accurate aim.

Finally, Eddie was getting the hang of it a little. Major Monogram ordered Perry, "Kick it up a notch, Agent P." Perry began throwing the blocks faster. One right after the other.

Eddie covered his head and ducked.

"Okay, hold your fire, Agent P. You can stop now!" Monogram said. Perry stopped. Eddie let out a sigh of relief. He looked disappointed though. Just then, another piece of wood flew over and bonked him on the head.

Monogram glared at Perry and said, "Hey, knock it off."

Perry had his hands behind his back. He looked up at the ceiling and smiled innocently.

Major Monogram approached Eddie and said, "Let's take a break. I know it may seem impossible now, but you'll get the hang of it. If you can learn to dodge things being thrown at you from a professional agent, you'll be able to dodge anything. Besides, even the greatest agents have started off just like you."

Eddie looked at him with disbelief.

"It's true. Why even Agent P started off with no more skill than you have right now. In fact, if it makes you feel any better, I believe we had recorded Agent P's training for future generations. Want to watch it?"

Eddie smiled and nodded his head. Perry's pride all of a sudden drained. His eyes shot open and his smile faded. Monogram was going through files. He pulled out the videotape. Perry remembered how bad he used to be. This was going to be so humiliating. The platypus looked embarrassed already. He had the same mortified expression as when you're on a date and your mother wants to show your date baby pictures of yourself.

Perry sat next to Eddie though he didn't actually watch the video for that's when it hit him. Perry as Major Monogram played the clip, began to reminisce on the time he became an agent.


Perry was just an ordinary platypus. He had a cozy home and owners that loved him dearly, but life for him always seemed boring. Perry understood that as a platypus, his job was to do nothing. Absolutely nothing all day. He however, discovered a better job to do. He had noticed that his owners, Phineas and Ferb's, mother had been having gardening problems lately.

It was the first day of summer vacation and Ms. Flynn came into the house wearing her dirty gardening gloves and sun hat. She sighed. Phineas and Ferb came bouncing into the room on their super bouncy pogo sticks that they had built. (They had them set on 'normal' though)

"What's wrong, Mom?" Phineas asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, dear. It's just that something has been eating my vegetable garden and I have no idea what it is or how to stop it."

"You know, we could build you something if we knew what it was. Just like we built these pogo sticks!" Phineas said.

"Oh you and your imagination." Ms. Flynn had always had it in her head that their father had really built the pogo sticks and that Phineas and Ferb just helped.

Perry listened in on the conversation curiously. Oh, but what did it matter? He was just a platypus after all. It wasn't like he could do much about it.

The next day, Perry went outside early in the morning and laid down by the tree next to Ms. Flynn's garden. He closed his eyes when he heard a scratching sound. He looked up and followed the sound. It led him to the garden where he saw some rabbits nibbling on Ms. Flynn's vegetables.

Perry chirped sternly at the rabbit. The furry critter looked up. Perry pointed his index finger downwards towards the ground telling the rabbit to drop the veggies. The rabbit just seemed to laugh at him. He was just a platypus. Why should he listen to him?

Perry tried to think of some sort of threat that could scare him off. Perry growled, "G-g-g-g-g-g!" which meant something like, "If you don't drop the vegetables and get out of here right now, I'm going to make you." It was kind of a weak threat, and Perry had no idea how he was supposed to make him leave, but he just had to think fast. The rabbit simply shook his head.

Perry, no knowing what to do next, ran off to get Ms. Flynn.

He ran into the house and chattered for Ms. Flynn.

"Oh, hello, Perry. Are you hungry?" Perry started running back outside.

Phineas said, "I think he wants you to follow him."

"Oh, Phineas, that's ridiculous. Why would he want me to follow him?"

"Just trust me, Mom. I think he's trying to tell us something." Phineas hopped outside followed by Ferb and his mother.

The rabbit, feeling the vibrations of Phineas and Ferb's pogo sticks, quickly jumped into his rabbit hole.

Perry motioned towards the garden. There was nothing there.

"Oh dear," Ms. Flynn said. "More vegetables gone and eaten. Don't tell me you were eating all of those, Perry." Perry looked at the garden in shock. Where was the rabbit? It was just there.

"Well, I'm going back inside. Perry is beginning to look like Candace," Ms. Flynn said shaking her head.

Perry sighed and went back inside. That night, he began to think about the rabbit. He just couldn't let it go like that. He knew the rabbit would keep coming back. It felt like an unfinished job. So what if he was just a platypus. Perry felt that he had to do something. He plotted and planned. If that rabbit came back the next day, he was going to fight him off.

The next day, Perry waited by the window, looking out for the rabbit. After hours of relaxing to Phineas' new song he made up, watching Ferb build life-size jungle gyms out of tinker toys, and listening to Candace talk on the phone, he was finally noticing movement out in the garden. Perry dashed out.

The rabbit looked up to see the little platypus again. He smiled deviously. He dropped the eggplant he was nibbling on and stood across from Perry.

The rabbit lunged out first. Perry tried his best. He kicked the rabbit off. The rabbit flew back, but got back up and darted towards Perry. Since when were rabbits this fierce? Perry dodged him. He tackled the rabbit pushing him to the ground. The rabbit spun around and punched. The fight continued. Finally, the rabbit gave up and ran away. That adrenaline rush felt awesome to the platypus. He had never felt so alive.

Each day, the rabbit seemed to come back, but Perry took care of him. Ms. Flynn seemed very pleased now that her vegetables weren't always destroyed.

One day, Perry came out to the garden again to look for the rabbit and he did find a rabbit, but it wasn't the same one. It was brown instead of white. That didn't matter though. He had to get rid of him.

This rabbit seemed more skilled and more coordinated than the first rabbit. Perry struggled to fight him. Even though Perry had lost this battle, the rabbit left it didn't eat any vegetables at all. This made the platypus suspicious. But that rabbit never came back. Neither did the white one. Perry continued coming outside to check on the garden though.

A few days later, Perry went to inspect the garden again, when he found a peculiar device. It looked electronic. It was small and flat. It didn't look like anything Phineas and Ferb could have made. Perry picked it up. The screen flashed words that read, "Place hand, paw, wing, or hoof here." Perry did as he was told. The device scanned it and the device read, "Accepted." A new message popped up asking "Are you alone?"

Perry looked around and selected 'yes'. Next, a letter came up. It read:

Greetings Platypus,

We have been paying close attention to your actions lately and would like you to become a part of our agency the O.W.C.A. It is a top-secret organization for secret agent animals. Our goal is to protect the world from evil in a discreet and inconspicuous fashion. If you are to join us, you must make absolutely sure that your owners are never to find out. Taped to the back of this device is a map to the agency conveniently located beneath your home from previous agents. If you accept, follow the map's instructions then consume it. If you do not accept, you must still keep everything you know about the agency to yourself, otherwise disciplinary action will take place.

Please consider this opportunity, for we would very much like to have someone of your skills to join.


Perry looked up from the screen blinking a few times. This had to be a dream. Perry thought about this for a while. Well, it's not every day that you get invited to help save the world. He would accept. He looked at the map then back at the weird device. The message on it was gone and a new message had popped up. It said, "This device will now self-destruct in ten-nine-"

Perry's eyes widened. He panicked and ran around trying to figure out what to do. He ran around in circles having no idea what to do. He threw it in the air at the last second, and watched it explode into fireworks. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at the map again.

It turned out that one of the entrances was right in that tree. He pushed his hand against the trunk and a door opened up. Perry was astonished. How long had that been there? It was dark. He slowly stepped in and found himself sliding down a chute. He landed in a large, strange room. Perry was confused. He walked up to the chair in front of a giant, blank screen. Perry, taking the advantage of being alone, began spinning playfully on the spinning, red chair. Just then the monitor turned on. A man's face appeared on the screen.

"I see you've got our message. Good morning, and welcome. My name is Major Monogram and you are to come to me whenever you get a new mission. Our monitors have told us that your name is Perry. Is that correct?"

Perry nodded slowly.

"Terrific. Now that you're officially a member of the agency, you're going to have to go through our training courses. Once you pass all the levels, you will be assigned to your very own nemesis that you are to fight almost every day. Now understand that your secret identity is a mindless animal. Never let your owners find out. Otherwise, we'll have to relocate you to new owners. Now you're probably wondering how we knew about your skills. Well, some of the neighborhood pets that are also a part of the agency have noticed that your battles with the rabbit in your garden, so we decided to send out one of our own agent rabbits to fight you, and observe your skills up close," Major Monogram explained.

Perry now understood why that other rabbit was different.

"Also, I forgot to say, congratulations, Perry. You've passed the first test. That test was to safely rid of the self-destruct device. You've passed your second test as well- navigating the agency. Don't forget, you have to eat that map."

Perry looked at the piece of paper strangely. He slowly bit the corner of it. Then ate the whole thing. It tasted terrible, but it had to be done.

"Great. Now, you'll need a special name to identify you by at the agency. It's always been traditional to name the agent, Agent and then the initial of their first name. We'll just go with Agent P."

Perry liked the ring to that.

"Some things you should always have with you, this wrist communicator and so we can all recognize that you are in fact a secret agent, this cool fedora." As Monogram said this, some robot arms dropped down a watch-like device and a white fedora hat.

Perry put the wrist communicator on and then the hat.

"Understand that every time you move up a level, you will get a different color hat. Once you earn a brown fedora, that will be the one you will wear on every mission you go on. That will also be the level where you'll get your nemesis. Do you understand?"

Perry nodded.

"Excellent. Let's begin…"