Just a quick little one-shot. Don't know what to think of it, really - but I guess it is okay...

Peter glanced at his watch and then shot an anxious look at the digital clock on his dashboard. Neal was supposed t o have been here by now.… Peter felt the sudden urge to call in and get Caffrey's position. But that would be a waste of time – it wasn't necessary. Neal was just a few minutes late.

Neal is never late…

Peter peered out the window intently, searching for any sign of the conman… a white toothed grin – an overpriced silly hat – anything.


Peter chewed on the edge of his thumbnail absentmindedly – slipping into the bad habit from his childhood in his agitation. Five more minutes… then he would call in. Neal… we had something good going here… Peter thought – his mind whirring frantically. Please don't screw it up now…

Peter closed his eyes and when he opened them – Neal was suddenly there, standing on the other side of the street, waiting at the crosswalk – holding two cups of coffee in his hands. Peter breathed a relieved sigh and gave a small nod of the head in response to Neal's enthusiastic, beaming smile.


"You're late." Peter said, his voice tinted with annoyance – but he really only felt a strong sense of relief.

"What?" Neal grinned as he slipped into the car – handing one of the coffees to Peter - his eyebrows raised almost mockingly. "Were you thinking I was going to run?"

Peter pointed a finger at Neal, his face stern. "If you even thought of running –"

Neal rolled his eyes and took a small swig from his cup before putting it in the cup holder. He then propped his feet up on the dashboard, leaning back against the seat and tilting his hat over his face as he did so. Peter's face softened as he started the car. Neal was a good kid – despite his faults.

"El has been wanting you to have dinner with us." Peter said – his eyes on the road. El – in truth – hadn't said anything on the subject but Peter knew she was fond of the con-man. And he felt guilty for jumping to the worst conclusion when Neal had really only been a few minutes late… Neal had been working hard – he deserved a break. A nice, home cooked dinner. She wouldn't mind….


Neal sat up and pushed his hat back. His eyes were wary.

"Is this just another way for you to keep track of me?"

Peter fought to keep from whipping around to look at Neal. First rule of driving – always keep your eyes on the road… "I don't have to have you over for dinner to keep an eye on you." Peter said firmly, hoping that that was enough for Neal. Neal had an uncanny ability to always understand what Peter meant.

Neal was silent. Peter shot a quick glance at him – quickly taking in the sharp glint in the blue eyes – the hard set of the jaw – the ever so slightly narrowed brows...

Neal knew exactly what Peter meant – but he wanted Peter to say it. Peter felt the cold guilt in his stomach grow. It seemed that Neal had finally gotten tired of not being trusted to stay. He was just getting us coffee… Peter thought uneasily.

He sighed heavily and shot another glance over at Neal. "I would like you to have dinner with us." He said firmly – his eyes back on the road.

He sensed more than saw Neal's shock.

He didn't really think I would say it…

And then Neal grinned – every gleaming tooth visible. Silly Cheshire cat…

"What's for dinner?"

Well - that's it. Reviews are always nice.