So my other fanfiction 'Live Like We're Dying' is still in the process of being written, do not worry I haven't neglected that. However, this idea has been lingering my mind for a while now, and seeing as I'm coming to te end of my second playthrough on DA (this time following the Cousland storyline), I decided to put this up.

Hoping to keep this short, roughly a few chapters long. A look on the what if so to speak. After writing all this, I'm kind of happy I choose the happier option for my characters. Anyway, on with the show.

Major spoilers for end game, after landsmeet, Morrigan's 'deal', the archdemon - blah blah blah. Don't read if you don't like spoilers.


"In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice."
- Grey Wardens' motto

"No Morrigan, the answer is no."

She stood there for what felt like a lifetime, both her and the witch exchanging a glance to one another. They both knew that this conversation would properly be the last one they would exchange, regardless of what happened in the future.

Morrigan sighed, a look of anger flashing across her face. But in that anger was a small ounce of sadness. Part of her, deep down, did not want to lose the only person she had ever been able to class as a friend.

"Foolish woman, I am giving you the perfect chance of a happy ending. Neither of you have to die, yet here you are rejecting my offer. I do not understand why that is?"

Elissa continued to stand her ground, and replied with one simple statement.

"It goes against all honour I have, Morrigan. The answer again, is no."

Morrigan stood up from where she was sitting on the bed, anger stinging her even more so then ever now.

"You would honestly sacrifice everything, everything just for your high and mighty 'code of honour'? I've given you the perfect opportunity to live your fairy tale ending, to have every Grey Warden live without sacrifice, for you to keep that boon you care for so much – and he to keep the woman he loves. And yet you still deny my offer?"

She looked into Elissa's eyes again, and noticed the determination that stared straight back at her. It was at that point that she realised, nothing she could say would change the warriors mind. Her resolve had been set, the deal was denied.

"Foolish woman," Morrigan spat once again, turning on her heel to walk towards the door. "Remember this is the path you have chosen for yourself. You will not see me again."

Morrigan looked at the warriors back as she stared into the fireplace and sighed. This was not how she had thought the scenario would play out. She sighed, and stormed out of the woman's room.

Elissa's eyes didn't leave the fireplace. In her mind the thoughts of what had happened throughout the year passed through her mind. They'd got so far, all of them, and just when she was beginning to think there was a shed of light at the end of the tunnel – darkness blinded it once again.

A small tear escaped her eyes, going unnoticed to her, and not removing her from her train of thought. Curse her and her ideals of honour. They had become a part of her that she could not discard nor throw away, and because of that very reason – her perfect ending was snatched away from her own hands. Her one chance at happiness had been stolen from her. She cursed herself over and over again, cursing her decision and the fate of the Maker for leading things to this dead end. But at the same time – she thanked the Maker too. For if it wasn't for the same fate that doomed her now, she never would have met him, and she properly wouldn't even be alive now.

"You made the right decision, my lady."

Elissa didn't jump from the voice that came from her doorway. Instead, she felt another tear fall down her cheek. And here she thought her masquerade of strength could last the night. All it took was the voice of one of her closest friends to shake her once again.

"Zevran, you know very well there is no need to call me that, especially not now." She replied, wiping away the tears that fled down her cheeks as she turned to face him. The elf's face shocked her, as for the first time she could ever recall, it was filled with sadness. He stepped towards her slightly, but stopped halfway, as if not wanting to overstep an invisible boundary.

"Your duty would ... not ask you to proceed with such a dark deal. It would have been unfair to ask Alistair to partake in such actions."

Elissa nodded, sniffing slightly and continuing to wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her nightgown.

"You are right Zevran, but – was I really unfair? Should I have at least given him the option? I do not know any longer but – part of me knows that, no matter how much he would have disliked the idea, he would have still gone through with it."

Zevran walked over to her, and felt his heartbreaking for the woman whose life was crashing down before her. He put one arm around her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, but her tears only returned.

"Elissa, that is exactly why you had to stop him from going through such a thing. Maker knows he'd risk all of Ferelden for you, but at what expense would it cost? Morrigan being Morrigan – that thing would only return in the near future as a dark shadow of the past".

Elissa thought for a moment. Zevran was right; this was exactly what she needed to do. Alistair and the others may hate her for it later, but for the greater good of Ferelden –a sacrifice needed to be made. Not some spawn of an old god, whether it is good or bad.

Zevran squeezed her shoulder slightly, and turned her to face him. Through her eyes he could see the determination back there, hidden behind all the sadness. The fiery expression of the warrior he remembered seeing whenever they were fighting darkspawn on the battlefield.

"You should go to him, now. It may be your last opportunity, and I'm sure he's pacing a hole into the floor waiting for you to see him."

Elissa laughed weakly at that last comment, and saw Zevran smile that cheeky smile of his again. She wiped her eyes one last time, removing the tears that lingered on her cheek.

"Your right. Thank you Zevran, for everything." She said, genuinely thankful that he was there to support her. She went to leave her room, when she suddenly turned, and looked at Zevran once again. "Don't tell the others, what you heard here tonight. Promise me that. I'll think of a reason for Morrigans disappearance. Just – tell them to meet in the hall tomorrow before we leave. I'll – talk to them there."

Zevran nodded his silent promise, and watched as Elissa left the room. He sighed, the sadness returning to him fully once again. Ferelden will lose one hell of a woman tomorrow, he thought to himself. Watching her walk off was heartbreaking for him. It was then that it dawned on him again, for what felt like the millionth time. That she would never be his. Not as long as duty and love ruled her heart.

She fumbled outside his door for a while, not knowing what to do. It was silly perhaps, the amount of times they'd been together, and how they'd finally got over their shyness for one another. But then again, these were not normal circumstances. She needed to be strong, especially for him.

Images pushed into her mind once again, of everything she would be losing after tomorrow. She shook her head, trying to forget those thoughts. Just forget it all Elissa she told her mind. Live for today, for it's all you can grasp.

Not wanting to think about the thoughts that were taking over her mind, she grabbed the door handle – and walked into Alistair's room. All of her nervousness died when she saw him there, sitting on the bed and frowning about something, staring into an unknown space on the floor. She turned to close the door behind her, and when the door clicked shut he woke from his daze, noticing for the first time the girl that snuck into his room. He got up from the bed and walked over to her, whisking her into an embrace. Elissa could sense the worry that was going through his body as well as her own – and for one dark moment she was convinced he had overheard the conversation too. But what he said next reassured her that he was just concerned for tomorrow.

"I take it you couldn't sleep either then? I saw Morrigan go into your room and – well I wondered what she had to talk to you about."

They broke from their embrace, and looked into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. Elissa put her hands on either side of his face.

"You couldn't sleep? What's wrong?" She asked him, wanting any distraction to change the topic away from Morrigan.

Alistair moved one his hands up to clasp her own, kissing the palm. He sighed, and pulled both hands away from his face.

"I- It hardly matters. I think it would be pretty mad for anyone to sleep tonight of all nights, giving the circumstances. But – that's not the point, your avoiding my question. What did Morrigan want to talk to you about?"

Her breath caught at the question. There was no way he could have known about the conversation. She sighed, placing a forced smile on her face – one that she knew Alistair could properly work out was fake.

"It was nothing, my love. Don't worry about it." She replied, removing her hands from his and putting her arms around his neck. She learned on his chest and stayed there, closing her eyes. All she needed was this moment, just this moment where everything was perfect in the world.

Alistair sighed once again, but gave up in pursuing the question. Instead, he pulled her in for another embrace. He kissed the crown of her head, and pulled her closer to him.

"We'll find some way to pull through tomorrow, you and I. I promise. We've made it this far together."

Elissa didn't say anything in response. She just clung closer to him, and prayed that the silent tears she was fighting back wouldn't fall.

For some reason ... writing Alistair and Elissa's scene just reminded me of Anakin and Padme's relationship in the third starwars movie ...

Feel free to review if you like.