Ichigo: Damnit… I gotta do it again?
Ulquiorra: Wow. Heh…
Rukia: *can't hold it in much longer* *snort*
Ichigo: *wtf*
Ichigo: Shut up, damnit! I might be clueless in the story, but I know what's going on outside of it!
Rukia: Yeah… I know… but still… LOL. *don't hit me*
Drew: I don't own Bleach… or these friggin' idiots…
Rukia&Ichigo&Ulquiorra: HEY!!!!
Drew: Lol…
Epilogue: I Totally Knew It!
Orihime's P.O.V.
10 minutes earlier:
"Hey, Rukia. What do you think they're talking about?" I asked. It was funny, Ulquiorra looked all nervous and silly. I wonder what was wrong.
"I think I have an idea," she said, and she giggled a little bit.
We sat down and finished and cleaned up the tea we had made. After about 10 minutes, I began to wonder what Ulquiorra and Ichigo were talking about that was consuming so much of their time.
Rukia seemed to notice it, too. "What do you think their doing down there?"
"I dunno. It's obviously important, since they've been out there for so long."
We looked out the window to look if we could see them. It didn't take us long, Ichigo's hair can be seen for miles.
But what we saw when we spotted them was the last thing we expected.
We observed Ichigo pressed up against the wall of an alleyway, Ulquiorra so close to him they probably could have held a piece of paper between them without letting it fall. What's more is that they were exchanging heated kisses, arms wrapped around each other so tightly, it looked like they would never let go.
I gasped and looked over at Rukia.
"That's Ichigo? Is that really him?"
Rukia, much to my surprise, was laughing.
"What's so funny, Rukia?" I asked.
"I…" She breathed in hard, still out of breath from laughing so hard. "I totally knew it!"
"What do you mean, 'you knew it'?"
"They've been looking at each other with googley eyes for the past 24 hours. How could I not know."
"Ohhhhhh," I said.
After about 5 more minutes of intense making out, they finally came back.
When they walked in the door, their hair was messy and their cheeks were flushed. Rukia and I couldn't help but to laugh at the breathless lovers.
"What is it?" Ichigo said.
"Nothing, nothing," I replied "Just a really funny joke Rukia just told me."
"Oh, okay." Ichigo said, completely clueless. Ulquiorra turned towards Rukia and I and sent us evil eyebrow messages. I think he knew we saw them. I smiled at him. Rukia winked and made kissy faces at him. We both giggled like crazy.
After Ichigo and Rukia left, Ulquiorra relaxed. "You saw us didn't you. I know you did," he said accusingly.
"Yes," I said. "Yes, I did." I smiled.
He blushed. "Well just… just don't tell anyone, alright? We didn't want anyone to know just yet…" Then he scowled. "Kuchiki saw, too, didn't she? She's a gossip girl if I ever knew one."
"Ulquiorra, I think she knew before we saw you in the alleyway. Apparently you two aren't very quiet about your facial expressions…" I wiggled my eyebrows at him suggestively.
He sent me a surprised look, then blushed even harder. "I… I guess so…"
Ichigo: IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!!!!
Drew: YES!!!!
Ichigo: What are you so excited about. You wrote it.
Ichigo: Lol… whatever. Anyway, please review! Or making out with Ulquiorra will be wasted and I will hunt down everyone who read this and kill them in their sleep…
Drew: :O