Howdy You Do that!?
I know, I know… I should be working on my other story but this idea been stuck in my head for quite a long time now. ACCEPTING OCS! Seriously, I need some. Anyhow enjoy review and submit, ill fluff your pillow, just sit back relax and enjoy!
1888, Happy Tree Town
Population: 34
The rest of the population: Snakes and birds
It was extremely hot. The only reason why settlers settled here was because of its vast forested area and natural supply of water. But, this story doesn't take place there. It takes place in the Wild West. Hence, the description.
Several towns were in the west, the most famous was Greenville. Which apparenly the creator of the name was a jackass because nothing there was even close to the color green. Dessert, that's all. Empty valleys of dunes full of them spittin' lizards. Why was Greenville famous? Well, im gonna tell you a tale of those strangers came into town that afternoon, it goes like this…
Chapter 1: Dessert-ed
It all started with a punch. The punch then jabbed its way to a victims face. Victim #1 wiped blood off his nose, he took another swig of Brandy.
"So that's how you wanna play, huh? He returned the punch to the attacker in the stomach.
The attacker doubled over in pain while somebody smashed a beer bottle of victim #1s head in a drunken rage. The attacker stood up and resisted the pain. The drunk tripped over Victim #1 and fell on the Attacker. Which caused somebody to spill his drink. Pissed off, he created a long line of victims making an all-out brawl in the bar. Kicks, punches and insults were exchanged in the large fight. One took a step back from the ordeal to take a sip of whisky, only to be pulled back in again. The person who started the fight slammed his original enemy onto the counter and threw him out the window. Smiling in satisfaction he clapped his hands against each other. Sheriff busted through the door and pulled the Attacker aside.
"Damnit, Rowdy now look at watcha done." Sheriff spoke.
Rowdy smiled sweetly, "How'd a you know it was me?"
"You caused 26 bar fights this month!" Sheriff yelled.
Rowdy laughed, he was a deviant; trouble making, yet likeable Muskrat. Born and raised in Greenville. Everybody in town knew him for trouble, so he reflected on that. Braggin' on about how he started another fight or how he stole another chicken. Deep down inside him he wanted more. Rowdy (of course) was oblivious that he was going to have an adventure of a lifetime.
"Ah, my head." Toothy said groggily.
The gang woke up mysteriously in a dessert.
Handy lifted his head up lightning fast," Why does ALL the weird crap happens to us?" He asked.
Petunia jumps up, "DIRT! DIRT IS… DIRTY!
"No crap Sherlock." Cuddles remarked. Everyone took in there surroundings. Mole started staring at the sun until his eyes melted out of his head. Nobody cared, cause' he didn't need them anyways. After spinning in a circle Mole fell backwards. Mime started pretending he was drinking a soda sitting in a lawn chair. They jumped back as they heard a giant crack. Cro-Marmots ice melted in the heat. Cro-Marmot looked at everybody.
"Uga." He whispered
Lifty and Shifty sprang towards the water laughing their trademark laugh. As they got there the water dissolved and so did their hopes. Everybody gawked at Cro-Marmot, who gave a questioning look back.
"Uga- buga ahooga?"
Cuddles elbowed Toothy," What did he say?" Toothy shoved him.
"How the hell should I know!?"
"Listen guys we really need to move forward. Unless you want to die waiting I suggest following me." Flippy announced. Everyone listened and followed him except Mole who was probably dead and Cro-Marmot that wondered around aimlessly. Flaky stepped next to Flippy.
"You-You sure you know where you're going? She asked nervously.
"I'm sure ill find my way." Flippy answered with a warm reassuring smile. Honestly Flippy had no idea where he was or where he was going. But he needed to say SOMETHING. Flaky was fine with the answer.
Alrighty then! Thanks for reading! Submit Ocs and review, please. Other characters will appear shortly. Good day or good night,