**Alright before you guys tell me crap about the wedding. Its going to seem like a traditional Christian wedding. Well it might look like it but don't worry, they decided to have a traditional Japanese wedding after the "show" wedding as they put it. Okay then...ACTION!**

"Man, don't be nervous!" Ranma straightened Ryoga's bow-tie and patted his nervous friend in the back. Ryoga pulled at his collar and swallowed.

"You look good. Ucchan would have to be crazy to not marry you." Ranma smiled at him.

Ryoga looked down at his white tuxedo. He fingered the yellow handkerchief in his chest-pocket. If one thing put him at ease was that he had to admit that he did look good.

"I can't help it being nervous." He chuckled nervously. "Well, here I go." He stepped through the doors leading out into the quaint church. Yellow and white flowers adorned the rows of benches, the small church was full of their sobbing friends and family. Ryoga stiffly walked up to the altar and stood at the foot of the stairs and stared at the end of the rows at the double doors where his bride-to-be would walk through.

He stared down at his sobbing mother and she smiled up at him. His insides went warm and fuzzy. He couldn't believe that this day was going to come and that he would end up marrying Ukyo. Through all the craziness in his life, Ukyo was what made him feel human.

Suddenly the violins began to play sweetly, he jumped in the spot and twirled his two index fingers looking at the double-doors that swung open. An ever-smiling pig-tailed boy and sapphire short-haired girl walked together with arms clutched together. They walked towards Ryoga and patted him in the shoulder before standing at either side of him. Then the Amazons walked towards him smiling. Before standing on either side of Ryoga, Shampoo hugged him tightly that nearly knocked the air out of him. And finally Kuno and Nabiki found their way next to their friends. The whole room held their breath as Ryoga's little cousin Kimiko threw flowers in the narrow path leading into the altar. Then everyone stood to their feet and stared at the double doors. Ryoga felt like his knees were going to give up at the spot. He blushed beet red. Arm clutched to his father's arm, a vision in white seemed to have taken his breath away. The dress hugged her from her chest down to her perfectly toned derriere and the fabric hung loosely in ripples to her feet. It was a simple snowy white dress with lace trimming the strapless gown. It framed her half exposed back to reveal her smooth skin. It was tasteful but not too revealing. A thin veil seemed to be part of her long flowing chocolate hair and hung like a tail behind her. He couldn't keep his eyes off her and neither could she. His insides seemed to have gone to a boiling point and his ears were humming. The music was drowned out and his hands started to sweat profusely. He anticipated her arrival and as she walked closer to him it seemed like an eternity. Ryoga's father kissed Ukyo in the hand and handed it to Ryoga, he smiled and took his seat next to his wife. Ryoga's hands shook as he took her deliquite hand, she couldn't help but smile at her blushing groom.

Through the service they looked at each other without tearing their eyes off their focus. Everything that was running through their minds is how it all came this way. From one night in the dark woods to standing in a church saying their vows to each other. It almost seemed surreal. As they concluded their union with a kiss long expected their friends and family could not be more elated. So many years they all have seen the worst of news, they were glad that finally some end was tied. Even though it wasn't Akane and Ranma's wedding, team Ranma knew that there was still many more to see.

The Tendo dojo was filled with empty cups of sake and half eaten pieces of cake and okonomiyaki. It was also filled with the many party guests that were sitting around tables talking among each other. The hum of the many voices were a thick cloud of smoke over the on-going reception. Genma and Soun precided over a poker tournament and Nadoka surveyed the players. Cologne and Happosai were focused on a heated discussion over the well-being of Nerima's women's underwear. Some very drunk Hibiki's discussed over the names that were to be given to their pending grandchildren.

Ryoga rolled his eyes and sighed, "You know, its kind of weird when my family talks about kids like if we're going to have them tomorrow." Mousse smiled at him and patted him in the back.

"Well, my friend, one day Ukyo and you will have kids."Ryoga scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Uhhh..." He turned different shades of red and his friends laughed in unison. Kuno stared at the group of girls.

"Its insane how it all came out this way." He sipped at his cup of sake.

"Yeah man, who knew that Ryoga was going to get married before me." Ranma raised an amusing eyebrow at the groom. He returned it with a solid punch to the arm.

"Are you happy?" Mousse finally spoke through a long silence. Ryoga turned to look at his wife in her stunning ivory dress and smiled.

"That's what counts. I know we've all been through some crazy stuff. And the crazier thing is that all the girls were there through all of it. Only they were as tough as us to fight beside us. Admit it guys...there is never going to be better girls than them." As Mousse said this out loud he realized it himself. They all stood silent and looked at each of their girls.

"Oh, no look now but all boys looking at girls." Shampoo eyed at the group of guys staring their way.

Akane placed her hair behind her ear looking at the guys and she turned and laughed towards her friends. "Its kind of creepy."

"Why do you suppose they're doing that? Maybe one of us has her dress stuck inside her underwear?" They all quickly smoothed out the back of their dresses, they were confused.

"Who cares? As long as those faces are for us..." Nabiki sipped at her sake cup and crossed her arms.

Shampoo coughed as her sake went down her throat wrong, "Shampoo sure that they talk about us."

"Honey, of course they are. AND so are we." Ukyo smiled at the Amazon.

They all stared at Akane as she returned Ranma's gaze for a long time.

"Shampoo guess that Akane work things out with Ranma?" She eyed her suspiciously. Akane blushed as she turned to face her friends.

"Well yeah." She said, breathlessly.

Ukyo narrowed her eyes, realizing something she clapped her hands to her mouth and gasped, "Sugar! Don't tell me you guys---?"

Realizing what she was implying, she shook her head in horror at the idea. "Ukyo! How could you think that? Of course not!"

Akane told them of the whole situation that happened in her bedroom and they all sighed sweetly.

"How sweet!" Shampoo purred.

"Sugar, I hate to say it but I TOLD YOU SO." Ukyo said.

Akane crossed her arms and sighed, looking down at her feet. She smiled to herself as she remembered the sound of Ranma saying those 3 lovely words.

"Why Akane cry?" Shampoo's sweet voice rang in Akane's ears.

She looked up at them and wiped her face and indeed there were tears rolling down her cheek.

Nabiki wrapped her arms around her sister in comfort, "Please don't cry."

"I'm happy. I really am. I still break down to imagine when---" She looked down at her hands, it was still weird to say it. After so many years of waiting it was so surreal.

"He told you he loved you." Ukyo stared hard into Akane's eyes. Shampoo jumped up and hugged her tightly.

"Then Akane no need to cry. Ranma love Akane since Shampoo could remember. Shampoo so happy!" She squeeled and hugged her again.

Kuno slapped Ranma in the back, knocking the wind out of him.

"Wake up man!" He yelled at him. Ranma shook his head as he tore his eyes off Akane.

"Why are you so pensive?" Mousse eyed the pig-tailed boy. Ranma looked around at his friends' faces.

"I---uh---" He played with a small box in his pocket nervously. Ryoga noticed and yanked at his arm to reveal a small velvet box. Ranma gulped. Mousse snatched it away from him and opened it, they all crowded around the box to look at the contents. A delicate ring with a medium sized diamond lay at the center of the velvet pillow. They all gasped and looked up at a very twitchy Ranma.

"This is for her?" Ryoga gulped.

"Well...yeah." He stuttered and looked down at his feet.

Kuno handed it to Ranma and crossed his arms. "Something happened in between you two that we don't know about."

Ryoga held out his arms to his friends separating them from Ranma, "Please please gentlemen if Ranma wishes to tell us then by all means but all we must do is be happy for him. After all, we made his life a living hell. Congratulations man." He offered his hand to his friend and Ranma took it.

"Thanks." Ranma said shyly.

Mousse sighed feeling defeated that he couldn't know the details, "Well...when are you going to do it?" They all stared at the pig-tailed boy putting him in the spot. He gulped trying to think of what to say. He scratched his head.

"Maybe after all of this." His voice shook.

Kuno smiled, "I'm glad."

"Me too." Mousse placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder.

Ryoga smiled at Ranma and Ranma stared back.

"For once in my life I'm sure of something. And that's her."

"Beautiful wedding." Shampoo stated as she yawned. They walked down the street towards the Cat Cafe.

Mousse laced his fingers with hers and pulled her closer to him. His lips brushed her ear and it made her shiver.

"Ours will be just as nice."

She closed her eyes and smiled to herself.

Ryoga shifted under the covers and looked at his wife. Her sapphire eyes stared back at him and she sighed. He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her.

"I love you, doll." She giggled and wrapped her arms around him, digging her nose in his chest.

"I love you too, Hun." Her voice was muffled. She dug her face in his neck, "Don't ever go away."

He returned her embrace, "I wont, I promise."

The night's sky was luminous as fireworks littered the darkness from the summer carnivals. Akane curled herself beside Ranma as they watched the fantastic show above. Like many nights long ago, they lay on the dojo roof but this night it was different. Ranma crossed one arm under his head and the other inside his pocket fidgeting with a small velvet box. He was nervous. Akane sighed and wrapped her arm around the pig-tailed boy. He rested his chin on top of her head and smelled her sweet scent. He smiled.

"I love you, Mama."

She brushed her lips against his into a kiss. It almost felt natural to him even though he was still having problems having her so close but he could never deny her.

"I love you too." She said breathlessly though their lips.

She lay her head on his chest looking at him, he played with her blue-hair and she smiled at him. She was beautiful, she always had been. All those times he said he hated her were the desperate cries that clearly screamed that he loved her. He pulled the small velvet box from his pocket and put it in between their laced hands.

**Well that was the end of the story. With the last paragraphs for every couple I wanted something to be said of each. With Shampoo and Mousse I wanted their final scene to be about them speaking of their wedding because as you all know Mousse's greatest goal was to be Shampoo's husband so that shows hopes for their future. With Ryoga and Ukyo I wanted their final scene to be about the whole separation anxiety that they both share since the beginning. More to Ryoga because he is the one character that always gets lost. AAAAAND with Ranma and Akane its hard to say. I wanted him to finally gets the guts to say it. He did, since the chapter before but...instead of being fiances over their parent's decision I wanted Ranma to take it up on himself to want to officially be fiances. This is how I wanted things to end from Ranma 1/2 and I hope ya'll enjoyed it. Peace.**