Summary: She was the 5-year-old half demon girl, from a small village, until the tribe of the west destroyed the village, her family, and took her away. She despises them all, even the prince, who wants her more than anything.
Chapter 1: Captured
"A half demon prince…" Says an old fortune teller, by the name of Kaede; as she scatters beads across the floor she sits upon. "I see…so handsome…even in youth…He shall grow up to be handsome and strong…A fine prince he will become…"
The Lord of the land…Inutashio…looked please along with his wife Izayoi. The half demon she was referring to was the royals' five year old son.
They knew he was destined to rule, but for clarification they asked Kaede to tell them his future as they did with the oldest prince, Sesshomaru (who is 17).
"What's this?" The Kaede gasped, worrying the royals. "Something stands in his way." She closed her eyes. "Nay…someone…There's power…oh so great power, with rebellion in the heart. With such power I'm afraid ye prince …" Her eyes widened. "Ye prince will surely fall."
"Who?" Inutashio asked, demanding he know at once. "Who dares stand in my son's way?" The old fortune teller moved the beads around a little.
"I see…a woman…a miko…she is with child…almost ready to deliver. The child she carries has the blood of a demon."
"You mean…" Queen Izayoi started.
"Aye, mi' lady; the child is a half demon. And by the time it turns 16, it's powers will be full. That is when the prince will fall."
"Where is this pregnant woman, seeker? I will stab the child while still in the womb."
"Dearest." Izayoi gasped. Surely there was another way to do this.
"I see a village…a small village…wait…" She shut her eyes tighter before slowly opening them. "I don't have a clear visual of where the village is my lord…apparently the fate is sealed on your son…you must follow it." Inutashio looked at the ground. He couldn't bare his son to lose everything, and bye a weakling peasant. His eyes grew dark.
"Sir?" Kaede asked.
"I will find this village and slaughter the child."
"Nay sir, there must be a better way."
"No! I'm king…and a father…I will protect my son at all cost…" Before Kaede could utter another word, Inutashio was already out the door.
Miles away…
A woman, named Midoriko, was in a small hut, struggling to give birth. Her screams could be heard across the land from the pain she was experiencing.
"Push mi' lady." An old woman said, helping with the delivery. Another woman was at Midoriko side, holding her hand.
"Almost there, mi' lady." As last, they heard the screams of the baby. The old woman wrapped the baby in a blanket and took it to a small tub to clean it. It wasn't long before the baby was clean and in the arms of its mother.
"It's a girl." Midoriko said with tears of joy. She couldn't help but smile at her beautiful baby girl. She couldn't help but notice the small little dog ears on top of the baby's head. This brought a smile to her face. There's a little bit of your father in you after all… She thought.
"What shall we call her?" The old woman asked.
"Her name will be…Kagome."
~5 Years Later~
The sun was setting, on a late spring day. Kagome, who was now 5, was playing outside of the hut she lived at with her mother. Her hair was short, her eyes were big and brown, and the two dog ears were now a black color. Even though she is a half demon, her village didn't mind, because she was so sweet, and her mother was well respected.
"Kagome, dear." Her mother called out. "Time to come in."
"Okay, mommy." Kagome said, picking up a flower along the way. She walked inside the hut, and went to her mother.
"Why did I have to come inside so early mommy?" She asked, putting the flower in her hair. Her mom was still looking out the window.
"I just think you should come inside, that's all dear. My little angel should eat something anyway." Kagome giggled as her mom lifted her up, and sat her down on a table. Actually, something was worrying Midoriko.
Deep in the forest, across the village, was the group of the west. It was full of demons, and some humans that were really strong. The leader of this pack was king of the west, Inutashio. He rode on his horse, with 50 other men riding behind him with swords.
Midoriko looked outside the window again, and saw them approach. She knew someone was coming, but she didn't know what it was about, and/or how serious it was.
"Mommy." Kagome said. "What's wrong?"
"Stay inside, okay dear." She patted Kagome on the head, and walked outside, where Inutashio was. With no fear at all, she approached him, as other villagers followed her, or came out of their huts.
"You." Inutashio said, pointing to Midoriko. "Do you lead this village?" She looked around briefly and said. "Yes I do, lord. What is it you want here?" Inutashio smirked at her.
"Since you lead this village you shall take the full blame." He said, pointing his sword at her. The villagers started talking in confusion. The commotion furthered Kagome's curiosity, so she made her way outside.
"My good lord." An old man said, coming behind her. "Lady Midoriko has done nothing wrong. If so, I shall take full blame."
"Courageous old man, but not needed. The fault is hers and the village shall pay, unless she surrenders." All of the swords men drew their swords, the villagers panicked.
"Lord, forgive me, but what is it I did wrong?"
"You broke two laws; that is what I have been told. If you surrender now, then I shall leave the village and you will have nothing to fear."
"Okay, what are the laws that were broken?"
"The first one would be no taxes, goods, or needs have been sent to me for allowing you to stay in my lands."
"Forgive me lord, for we did not know of this new law." Midoriko didn't want to pay some stupid king her taxes, but in sake of the village, she would.
"That's no excuse, but shall be forgiven. Another would be I heard you've been keeping a half demon here, is that correct?" Her eyes widened. She didn't know at this very moment, Kagome was listening in the crowd. "You, care for this half demon, do you not?"
"She's my daughter, therefore belongs to me. What is it you want with my daughter? Do you hate half demons?" He frowned.
"Don't be ridiculous. I have a half demon child myself. He is prince, and shall one day rule the lands of the east, as my eldest shall rule the lands of the west. There is another reason why your daughter is a threat. Five years ago, a fortune teller told me that a half demon miko child shall be born, and the child shall grow older, and powerful. Not to mention, very rebellious. I feared that it should over power my youngest, and take over. I have made a law that any half demon shall be brought to me for evaluation. As a result, I'm ceasing the child. If it's the wrong child, I'll send it back; however if it's the right child it will be killed immediately. Hand it over."
To hear something like this happen to her daughter, Midoriko lost it.
"How dare you!" She drew out her sword and pointed it at Inutashio. "Turn back now, and I won't cut you open."
"Insolent wench." He smacked the sword with his claws, making it fly and land three feet away from her. "You dare fight me, knowing your situation." Midoriko stood up proud, and tall. Kagome couldn't help but watch the fight over her. What did I do? Did I get mommy in trouble? She thought.
"She's just a baby, don't do this to me. To us, we all love her." Some of the villagers started to agree with her wishes. Inutashio didn't like it.
"Are you that selfish that you won't give up one little half demon to save your own worthless flesh?"
"I will never give my daughter up." She yelled, spitting in his face. He was angry, more than angry.
"Burn the city to the ground!" With that, the soldiers charged, killing all the humans that were in sight. Kagome had never seen anything like this in her entire life. Even sadder, it was all about her.
"Kagome!" She turned, and saw her mother, her hair being pulled by Inutashio.
"Leave, hur-" She did not finish, for her neck was snapped. She looked at Kagome one last time before falling to her death.
"Mommy!" Kagome called out, making Inutashio's head turn to her. The first thing that he saw was her ears, making him smirk.
"It's the half demon. Capture her and put her in the cage." Kagome's little legs could only go so far, before she got caught by one of the demons.
"Let me go, I want my mommy!" Kagome struggled as best she could, but it was all in vain.
"Take her to the castle!" Kagome watched from the cage, as her village went up in smoke and flames.
"MOMMY!" She called one last time, but got no answer. She fell to her knees and began to cry. After this day, Kagome would never be the same little girl again.
~~~~~My CoMmEnTs~~~~~
*sad ain't it? I changed it up a bit…like it? Review please…later on if you already did lol…
PS…I know I'm taking FOREVER for my other stories…forgive me
And thanks guys for sticking around…even though I don't deserve it…