Title: Forever his


Characters/Pairing:Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Masami

Type: On going (In-progress)

Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance

Word Count: 1399


Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto-san.

So here is the end, i had so much fun writing this story. And before anyone asks sadly no there will not be a sequel soory. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

I will how ever be starting a new story in the next few days and yes it will be another one about Itachi but i am not sure iof i should use my own character again or one from Naruto? So any thoughts on that would be great.

Please read and review

Thanks again


Chapter 30

I sat at the kitchen table with Kisame, Suki was back in her play pen. Picking up my cup of tea i took a small sip and sighed. Leaning back on my chair i sannped "Why are you staring at me?"

"You look well Masami" replied Kisame

"Yeah well i feel like a balloon and its that idiots fault"

Kisame laughed and leaned back in his own chair "Last time i checked little Uchiha it took two to make a child"

"Shut up" i snapped, then with a smirk i said "And its children actually"

I watched as the information clicked in his head and he leaned forward with a smile "Twins?"

"Yup, it was a bit of a shock to me to, twins don't run in the Uchiha clan. At least not as far as i know"

"Maybe they did years back you never know what happened in the past" he replied

"Sometimes i don't want to know and wish the past would stay there" shaking my head i stood up and took my cup to the sink.

"You still don't 100% forgive him do you?"

"I don't know, someday i do, i know what it must have cost him. Other days i can't." I turned and faced Kisame "Sasuke said to me a while ago that i dwell in the past more than he does, i laughed it off then but maybe i do. Maybe because of that i will never be able to fully forgive Itachi. I just don't know"

"Maybe like Sasuke you need to let go of the past. You have your furture here with The kids and Itachi. Look at that not at what has already happened"

"It's hard to Kisame, and not just because of the massacre is because of him. I look in his eyes now and the man i knew is gone, the one i loved the most has been ripped apart by what he had to do. It kills me to see him like that but i don't think i can help him"

"Maybe little Uchiha its not just him that has changed" Kisame then stood up and said "I'm going for a look around the village, have fun" then he left.

"Looking for a bar more like" i muttered as i threw a tea towel on the side.

Turning back to the sink i started to wash the dishes that Kisame had left there. If i wasn't carefull that man was going to eat me out of house and home. As i washed the dishes i looked out of the window, i watched the villagers wander from shop to shop, or talking to one another and smiled. I really had found a nice village to stay in and raise the children. Over the three months i had been here i had understood more and more why Itchi didn't want the children in Konoha. It was peaceful here and no one expected anything of anyone. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Suki giggleing, turning i stopped when i saw Itachi lean in to the play pen and pick Suki up. He looked from her to me then back again "She's bigger"

"That happens in three months" i replied as i turned back to the sink.

I heard him move and knew he was coming towards me, so i ignored him. I was still angry or at least i thought it was anger. I froze when i felt his hand on my stomach and his breath on my neck.

"Twins?" he asked

"Apparently" i replied

He pulled his hand back and leaned against the counter next to me, I loked at him out of the corner of my eye then hissed "Sit down before you fall down, you shouldn't even be walking around"

He didn't move he just stood there looking at me. Sighing i prayed to Kami for paitence then grabbed his arm, i near dragged him to the table and made him sit on one of the chairs there. Turning away from him again i stopped when he ghrabbed my hand. Turning back i waited

"Your not angry"

"How the hell would you know if i am angry or not?"

"I can see it, your upset and confused but not anrgy" he shifted Suki in his arms then pulled me closer to him.

"Let go, i am really not in the mood right now"

"No we will talk now"

"Don't even try ordering me around" i snapped

Before he could answer there was a knock on the door. We both turned and looked at it like it was going to open itself. Pulling away from him i waked over to the door and opened it, before i could even look properly Hiromi walked in talking a mile a minute "You really need to stop leaving your medical bag laying around i found Sora trying to play medic on one of the dogs..." she stopped dead when she saw Itachi.

"Good morning to you too Hiromi, and thanks for dropping this off" i said as i shut the door.

"No probelm" she said as she looked back at me.

I just stood leaning against the door and watched Itachi and Hiromi look at eachother. It was rather amusing, but after a few minutes i knew i had to step in. For one it was starting to get a bit creepy.

"Hiromi could you do me a favour?" i asked

"Sure" she said as she turned back to me

"Could you take Suki for an hour or so?"

"Hai!" she said Happily, she scurried over to Itachi and Waited for him to hand Suki over, which eventually he did. Hiromi turned back to me and said "Don't forget Kiya wants to see you later about some vitamins" then she left.

I shuty the door behind her and sighed, that girl was far to hyperactive for me. Turning back to Itachi i said "You wanted to talk so talk"

He shook his head and stood up, he walked over to me then straight past me. I just watched him walk back down the hall and to the bedroom. Before he went in to the room he said "I won't talk to you while you are like this" then he shut the door.

I just huffed and walked in to the livingroom, ok so i wasnt in the best of moods but who could blame me. I understood Itachi on this though he had just come back, he had come back to me after three months and all i had done was shout at him and slap him, which i did kind of feel bad about. But he had to understand me, for three months i had thought he was dead. I had cried fro him, i had missed him and then he came back and i couldnt have been more happy or more confused. I lay down on the couch and curled up. I lay there thinking things through for Kami knew how long, then i began to cry, i cried for everything that had happend, for the moths i had missed with Itachi. Soon after the tears started i felt someone touch my back, without opening my eyes i pulled Itachi closer to me and held on to him while the tears shook my body. He wrapped his arms around me and said one thing that made all of my anger and confusion leave me.

"I'll never leave you again"

It was one thing i was going to hold him to for the rest of his life.

The End