JJ walked into her room and sat down on the edge of the bed. Its been only a few weeks since she told the team that she was pregnant, and even less since Will tried to get her to move down to New Orleans with him, she told him she would never give up her job, her family. She leaned over to grab the remote to her stereo and knocked something over.
"Shit." She sat up and looked over to see what had fallen, lying on the ground was a CD case with Just Listen in Emily's handwriting on it. JJ picked the CD up and walked over to her stereo and put it in. She pushed play and pulled out the booklet from the case.
JJ I know this is probably the last thing you want to read or even think about, I mean with you having Will's kid and all. Can you just hear me out for now though? I know you were put in an unfair situation, I get it, but I didn't have a chance against him. Look at your up bringing, small town, soccer star, you were the picture perfect child, everyone could see you with kids, a dog, a white picket fence in a beautiful home, with a man by your side. I remember you walking into Hotch's office my first day and being in awe for days until finally we clicked and started going out. I miss you, I really do, and every time I think of anything it always gets connected to you somehow. It feels like its been months…years since I've had you in my arms. I know how pathetic it sounds but, think it over again, I'm here and I'm not leaving till that ring of his is on your finger, even then it'll still be hard to be with anyone else. So just listen to the disk, and…well pick again.
JJ flipped the paper over and read the back with a list of songs that went to the CD.
6 months-Hey Monday
Damn- Matchbox Twenty
Blurry- Puddle of Mudd
Thank You- Led Zeppelin
It's The Only One You've Got- 3 Doors Down
Broken- Lifehouse
Someone that Your with-Nickelback
Show Me How to Live- Audioslave
JJ stares at the list and realizes why Emily picked those songs, why she spent the time to write the letter find the songs and put them on to a disk. She lies back in bed and it sets in that she needs to think her choice over…again.