So...this is a PatF fan fic. I probably will not write anymore PatF fics, nor will I finish many of my fics. xD Yes, like, my description says, Kitten is indeed a MAJOR Mary-Sue. However, because I have many reviewers who love my story (thank you so much btw) I'm going to keep it up. And because I do like it in a sense. I can't explain how, but there is something about it I still like. But, yeah, so I will leave it up for anyone to read if they like. Thank you again to anyone who did like this, and if you happen to find this story on that one website where they make fun of Mary-Sue stories...please...PLEASE don't defend me... Opinions are opinions. :)

Also, I've been getting some reviews from Lamb11. I just want to say I'm glad you like my story, but please send me a real message so I can reply. -_- But, for now, I find this the only way to let you know that I won't be continuing on with this. Especially not if it involves Kitten and Doc kissing pffft. Perhaps I'll write another PatF fan fic some time, but it won't involve Kitten. Sorry.

So, with that said, here is my story:

Kitten sat at her desk in Comm. Arts class at her school, not paying any attention. Her class was currently learning about grammar in stories & she already wrote at least half a story a day. She hoped to one day become famous with a TV show & a lot of her art. She sat, sketching a picture of a frog, giving a charming smirk to a girl frog. She wrote the words "Tiana + Naveen 4ever!" above them. Tiana & Naveen were her favorite characters from her favorite movie. Well, next to Dr. Facilier.

"Kitten!" the teacher said. Kitten's head shot up. "What did I just say?" Kitten didn't have to pay too much attention. Using her knowledge to mix with any words she had heard, she stated, "You were just telling us about indenting our paragraphs in stories when another character begins to speak or just if the paragraph gets too long. Then, you yelled at Kevin for throwing a spit ball at the word 'rabbit.'" Everyone laughed at her remark about Kevin, one of the trouble makers of the class.

"Well, Kitten, that was impressive, but, you still must stop drawing & pay attention. We might do something you don't know about." Kitten rolled her cucumber eyes. Her had shoulder-length golden-brown hair, with shorter bangs. She had a few freckles on her face & was wearing a green barrette in her hair. She was wearing an orange tank top, with a yellow & pink designed slim thing over it, that you could easily see through. It went down to her elbows. She had on simple skinny jeans & black, leather shoes. She was 19 & was currently going to collage. Kitten sighed.

"Yes, Mrs. Bracken." she said.

"Now, put that away." She sighed again & slipped her almost perfect sketch under her desk, a little embarrassed to be corrected in class, or even at all. That was one thing she hated, being corrected in the middle of class. The bell rang outside the door.

"Ok, kids. Time for recess." Mrs. Bracken announced. Everyone cheered as they jumped from there seats & scurried out to door. "Kitten…" Kitten stopped to look at her teacher. "You stay." Kitten sighed & allowed everyone behind her to run out the door as she trotted over to the teacher's desk. She was wearing a pink outfit, with a skirt & long-sleeved shirt, all fancy looking. Her hair was slicked back with too much hairspray & was very short at that. She had blue dark, but, friendly eyes.

"What are you going to do when you're older, Kitten? If you spend every minute of every school day drawing?"

"I'm going to be a famous writer & artist." Kitten replied, as-oh-matter-of-fact-like. "And don't I get good grades?"

"Well, yes. However, you don't pay attention."

"But, I still do good in school. Which is why I'm confused of why you're so against me drawing in class."

"Just please try not to do it."


"PLEASE…" Kitten sighed.

"Fine…I'll try not to draw in class."

"Thank you. You are excused." Kitten ran out the door to catch her friends at recess. When she got outside, she walked out in the middle of all the riled-up kids.

"Shannon…Jade…?" she called. She felt something wet & cold slam into the back of her head & she fell over, getting her jeans wet from a puddle. She heard laughing behind her & turned around. Three rude boys were pointing & laughing at her & a girl was smirking at her. But, not just any girl. The girl was holding a pile of mud in her hair & had the other on her hip. She had long, blond hair, blue eyes, & a long-sleeved green shirt on. She had on a jean-skirt & fancy black & white shoes. She had her hair up a in a green ponytail. Jeannette.

"Jeanette!" Kitten yelled in rage. The boys were laughing. Kitten heard comments like,

"Good throw, Jeanette!"

"Now, her hair is a mud pie!"

"Jeanette is hot…" Jeannette was the most popular girl in school & to that, Kitten always added that she was also the queen of mean.

"What's wrong, Kitty-Cat? Did I mess up your hair?" she asked, toying with her.

"Ya' think?" Kitten replied. Jeannette walked up to her.

"Aw, sorry…" she said, "I was aiming for the guy behind you. Here, let me help." Kitten believed her for just the split second Jeannette needed to push her over & sent her butt right into the puddle of water. Kitten gasped, feeling the sudden flow of cold & wetness all over her pants.

"DUDE!" she yelled, "NOT COOL!" Jeannette & the boys laughed at her, attracting the attention of her friends, Kitten's friends, & few other bystanders. Kitten's friends walked up.

"Not cool, Jeannette." One with dark brown hair said. This is Shannon. She was wearing a plain yellow T-Shirt, & jeans. She left her long hair down for now, but had a yellow ponytail around her wrist incase she changed her mind. She had on yellow & black sneakers & her eyes were bright aqua. Another walked up next to her & agreed,

"Yeah!" she has shorter black hair & was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt. Her skin was darker than most of the kids'. She also had on black, baggy pants & blue wrist bands. She had a head band on her head & hazel eyes. This is Jade. Kitten stood up from her puddle & raised her hand. At first, Jeannette figured she put them to her eyes & cry. But, instead, Kitten turned it into a fist & punched her right in the eye. Everyone around them shut up. If a fly flew by, you'd hear it buzzing. Jeannette quickly held her eye in pain as it began to blacken quickly. She stared at Kitten in shock. Everyone around them went, "Oooooh…." Jeannette began to pant.

"Derrick…" she said, as one of the three boys perked up. He had long, black hair (Long for a boy, you know?) & was wearing a black tank top. He had on blue shorts that went to his knees & was wearing brown sneakers. He had yellow eyes. "Teach this girl a lesson." Jeannette's voice became hateful. She quickly slapped Kitten in the face to distract her. Derrick looked like a thin kid, but, he was very strong & good at sports. He followed Jeannette everywhere, as did his two friends. He walked over to Kitten & shoved her over. Kitten's two friends gasped. Derrick tackled her & made sure to use her for a boat so he wouldn't get his clothes dirty.

"Get off me, Derrick!" Kitten yelled. Derrick held Kitten's arms down in the water & kept her from getting up. "Help me, guys!" Shannon panicked.

"I-I'll go get the teacher!" she said, running off like a scared girl. Jade stood there. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to help Kitten, but, she certainly didn't want to get in a wrestling match with Derrick.

"JADE!" Kitten shouted. Derrick somehow managed to turn her around so her face was just above the water. He grabbed her backpack, but, nothing else, sure she would slip out of it to get away. He stood up as Kitten jumped off the ground & let her arms fall out of her backpack straps. She ran away from them. Derrick handed the backpack to Jeannette, who examined it. It was simply blue, not too dark & not too light. She reached inside & found an unharmed sketch book.

"Aw…her little drawings aren't wet." she said. "I'll fix that." Jeannette tossed her book into the mud, just before she & the other boys walked off, laughing & making comments about Kitten. By now, Kitten was on top of the monkey bars, because she knew Derrick was afraid of heights. She saw her book in the mud & almost fell of because her heat pounded so hard. She flipped over & dropped from the bars, landing on her feet & ran as fast as she could back to Jade, who could only stand there & stare in shock.

"Jade!" Kitten called, breaking her trance.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Kitten! You know I hate fighting!" Jade said, stuttering & freaked out. Kitten leaned down & pulled her sketch book out of the puddle. She flipped through it. All of her colored pictures were colored with marker, so, they all smeared & the colors dripped down in streams & off the paper. He pencil sketches looked ok, but, some had mud on them & others were ripped, slightly from the paper being naturally weak when it was wet. She looked at all her hard work, especially her colored pictures. Then, she stared after Jeannette, who still had her back turned from them.

"Hold this." Kitten said, handing the book to Jade.

"Uh-Kitten, wait!" Jade said as Kitten began to run at full speed towards Jeannette. Jeannette was laughing as they all gossiped about the unpopular kids when she was suddenly tackled & knocked on her face.

"YOU BIG JERK!" Kitten screamed.

"Get off me!" Jeannette yelled.

"Why, so you can run off & cry to the teacher because I punched you?"



"EHEM!" Kitten, Jeannette, & the boys looked to see Mrs. Bracken glaring at them & Shannon, looking awkward, like, "This is a bad timing isn't it?" "Kitten McCurdy, you get off Jeannette right now." She tapped her foot as Kitten awkwardly stepped off of Jeannette, whom she'd gotten wet with her soaked clothes.

"But…" Kitten said.

"NO buts! Get inside right now!"


"GO!" Kitten ran inside, while Jade walked up to them all.

"Here…" she said, handing Kitten's sketch book to Mrs. Bracken. The teacher gave a slightly surprised look, then, followed Kitten inside. When she got into the classroom, however, she found not Kitten, but, only drips & a bit of mud, leading a trail of the nearest girls' bathroom. She opened the door & heard Kitten, sobbing in one of the stalls.

"Kitten!" she shouted, rather loudly. Kitten screamed, startled. She stood on the toilet seat & looked over the stall. "What are you doing?"

"What's it look like? I'm crying, I'm wet, I'm dirty, I'm mad, my sketch book in ruined, & I hate Jeannette." She ducked back into the stall & showed no sign she was breathing.

"Explain to me slowly & clearly exactly what happened." Kitten finally gathered her voice enough not to sound like a fool & stepped out of the stall.

"Ok…" she panted. "I walked out in the middle of everyone, looking for Shannon & Jade, & Jeannette threw mud at my hair. Then, she pushed me over into the water. So, I punched her in the eye. But, then, she sent Derrick after me. He tackled me, stole my back pack & gave Jeannette my sketch book, which she just tossed into the mud on purpose. I tackled her after that."

"Well, I think you should all see the principal. I'm sorry, Kitten, but, even though Jeannette & Derrick were very wrong to do that to you, you shouldn't have acted physically against Jeannette." Kitten sighed.

"I get it… let me just get my backpack from the school yard & I'll meet you all in the principal's office." Kitten walked out of the bathroom & left her teacher to sigh. When Kitten got out into the yard, everyone was now minding their own busyness. She ran over to the puddle & grabbed her wet backpack that Derrick had thrown onto the ground. She sighed & tried not to think too many bad things about Jeannette, even though she wanted to. She began to walk back into the school & began to wish she could just disappear & go off somewhere where she could just sit & watch "The Princess and the Frog" all day long.

"Well… umm…I understand you all did wrongs, today." The principal's voice could be heard inside his office, as Mrs. Bracken was standing behind all of them.

"Yes…" the three sighed in unison, aggravated.

"You got me in trouble, McCurdy!" Jeannette hissed.

"Well, if you hadn't started it…!" Kitten started, raising her voice & preparing to punch her if she felt like it.

"Girls!" the principal said. "I think what you two should do is be assigned partners in the school's next Comm. Arts project."

"WHAT?" both the girls yelled.

"As for you, Derrick, you have an office referral."

"Oh sure, give HIM the easy part." Jeannette said.

"Quiet, Jeannette." the principal said, "You two got yourselves into this mess, so, you're going to fix it." Jeannette & Kitten sighed. "So, are we clear on all of this?"

"Yes, Mr. Johnson." the three sighed in unison again.

"Good. You three may go."

"Hurray…" Derrick said, walking out. As Kitten & Jeannette walked out, Jeannette said,

"I can't believe he made me do a project with YOU."

"I bet you won't even do any work! You'll probably just let me do everything & then take all the credit!" Kitten argued.

"No, I mean I can't believe I'm with YOU. All the other popular kids will never let me live this down. All because you just had to tell on me."

"Oh, & you thought I wouldn't?"

"Forget it…you'd better come up with something good." Jeannette walked ahead of Kitten. Kitten just rolled her eyes.

The next day, Ms. Bracken started writing on the board.

"Class, tomorrow, we'll begin a two-week-long Comm. Arts project. You'll each come up with your own story & original characters & plots to go with it, with a partner. I've chosen your partners for the project. Here they are…" Mrs. Bracken began listing everyone in pairs. But, Kitten could only hear "Kitten & Jeannette" echoing in her head a thousand times after it was said. After she was done announcing their partners, she concluded, "Why don't you all get with your partners & discuss your plans?" Everyone started moving around, leaving there chairs & their stuff, but, Kitten grabbed her new sketchbook & walked over to Jeannette.

"Ok, I had some really good illustrations for a show I was working on, but, thanks to you, they're ruined." Kitten began, "So, we have to start from scratch."

"Kitten…?" Mrs. Bracken called, "Could you pass out these papers?" She handed Kitten a stack of papers, explaining the details of the assignment.

"Sure, Mrs. Bracken." Kitten replied, taking them. She walked around the room gave a paper to each person she saw who didn't have one, until she kept the last two for her & Jeannette. She sat down & said, "Ok, what should we do? I'm sure you have tons of corrections for anything I do, despite that you have no experience in writing, whatsoever."

"What do you know?"

"I've see your reports. You could use some improvement."

"Well, since you require my genius…" Kitten rolled her eyes. "I think we should do something that's cool. Something everyone will love!"

"Well, yeah, of course. Now, what about?"

"Huh?" Kitten sighed.

"How about this: you come up with the setting, & three characters. I'll come up with three more & a plot. And we'll mix em' up & change em' some & see what we get."

"As long as I don't have to actually have to do anything." Kitten couldn't stop rolling her eyes today. She thought they'd probably hurt by the end of the two weeks.

When Kitten went home that day, she dropped her bags on the ground & ran into her room. She flopped onto her bed, eager to rest. She laid there for a few moments, scanning her room. She had multiple posters of famous singers, like Hannah Montana, Ashley Tisdale, & Avril Lavigne on her walls. She also had cute boy bands, like, the Jonas Brothers & Big Time Rush. She had a computer desk in one of the corners of her room with a pretty metallic purple laptop on it & some papers to the side for drawing, writing, & printing.

She had "Princess & the Frog" themed blankets & pillows, including a very comfy stuffed frog, stuffed with beads & modeled to look like Tiana. Her walls were decorated with striped wallpaper behind her posters, striped with two different shades of blue. A mix between blue & aqua & another blue that was simply lighter than that. She also had lots of cat posters. She was known for that, her name being Kitten & her coincidentally loving cats. Kitten had a closet with sliding doors & she often left it open so she could look at her pretty outfits.

She had two windows & often left them open on sunny days to give the room that "beautiful day" look. Last, but, not least, she had a few posters of some of her favorite "The Princess & the Frog" characters on the ceiling around her fan. Her picture of Naveen as a frog which she thought looked so cute hung up next to Tiana as a frog. Her picture of Dr. Facilier was falling off the ceiling again. She rolled over & stared at the pictures.

"Oh…" she said, sitting up & walking to her computer desk. Every time Kitten looked at one of her pictures, falling off the ceiling, she felt like the air in her room could get a paper cut. She opened a drawer & pulled out some tape. "Facile, you just can't keep your head in the clouds…" she said, giggling to herself. She climbed a ladder against her wall & moved in to the middle of the room, where she grabbed the two loose corners of the poster & taped them back onto the ceiling. She sighed.

"KITTEN!" her mom called. Kitten yelled out, startled & fell backwards off the ladder. Fortunately, she landed on her bed. She also had a poster of Louis & Ray, slightly overlapping each other for style. She thought her "Princess & the Frog" collection wouldn't be much without them two fun characters. "KITTEN!" She remembered her mom.

"YEAH, MOM?" Kitten hollered back.

"COME IN HERE! I HAVE SANDWHICHES!" Kitten rubbed her hands together. Her mom made the best sandwiches. She quickly moved her ladder back over to her wall & ran out the door of her neat room. She arrived in the kitchen to see her baby brother in his high chair, his face smeared in ketchup & mustard. His name was Conner. He had really short light brown hair & was wearing blue footy pajamas. He had big, amber eyes.

"Hey, mom." Kitten greeted.

"Hey, honey. How was school?" her mom replied. She had curly, but, short, brown hair & dark green eyes. She was wearing jeans & a yellow sweater, with red flowers on it.

"Bad." Kitten replied, walking over to the table. She gabbed a napkin.

"Why was it bad, sweet pea?" Kitten wiped the condiments from Conner's face as she explained briefly.

"I forgot to tell you yesterday, but, I had to be partners with Jeannette, the worst girl in my class, for a Comm. Arts project because she ruined my sketch book & we got in a fight yesterday."

"Oh my gosh. Were you hurt?"

"No. Just wet."


"Don't worry. The principal took care of it." She walked into the laundry room & tossed the dirty rag into the basket, almost missing. She closed the door & walked back to the table. She sat down. Her mom served her a neatly prepared sandwich. She picked it up & bit into it. "Mm…this is good, mom." she complemented.

"Thanks, hon." her mom replied. Kitten bit a couple more bites out of her sandwich, before taking a few minutes to chew & swallow. "Hey, Kitten, I heard that movie you like came out on DVD yesterday." Kitten gasped.

"'The Princess & the Frog'?"


"Oh, yes! Can we buy it?"

"Of course. We'll go to the store later & buy it."

"YAY! My day just got better."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, finish your sandwich."

"Yes, ma'am!" Kitten started eating again.

Later on, Kitten was sitting by a tree in her yard, sketching a picture of what she thought she'd look like in "The Princess & the Frog." After she'd just finished darkening the lines, she heard her mom.

"Kitten! Time to go!" Kitten smiled & stood up, her picture falling to the ground as she ran to the car. She hadn't noticed it had landed facing up & leaning against the tree as she drove of for her DVD. The picture practically gleamed in the sunlight. A squirrel hopped over to it & sniffed it.

About an hour later, Kitten & her mom returned home. Kitten got out of the car & looked at the sun still pretty high in the sky. She & her mom walked in the house & of course, Kitten was first. When Kitten was inside, her mom saw Jeannette, walking down the road with her two friends.

"Hey, Jeannette…" she called.

"Huh?" Jeannette stopped, half-mindedly.

"Have you any supplies for you & Kitten's project?"

"Uh-uh…Kitten said she'd bring everything we need."

"Oh, good. Just checking."

"Ok…" Jeannette acted like she was confused as she continued walking down the road.

The next day, Kitten ran outside early before anyone in her family woke up, around 7:00, as the sun was rising. Luckily, it was Saturday, & she usually slept in since she didn't have to go to collage on Saturday. She looked over at the tree where she'd been drawing before she'd left. She saw her picture laying there in the soft grass. She ran over & picked it up.

"Woops…must have left it here." she said in her best southern accent. She had always had a hint of it in her voice anyway, but, lately, she'd felt like flaunting it. She sat down next to the tree & looked at one of the ladybugs crawling on it. She let it crawl on her finger. She didn't notice the atmosphere around her brightening.

"Hi, Kitten!" one of her guy friends said to her, passing by on his bike. She turned around, slowly.

"Huh?" she said. The tree in front of began to get lighter, & she turned around & glared at it, as if she were confused in she were in the sun or in the shade. She became confused as the atmosphere around her brightened & changed colors, ever so slightly, like a magnet does to a TV or computer screen.

That's what Kitten thought of when she was suddenly blinded with light. She covered her face & waited for it to end. It was too much for her pupils, which had now become slits, despite her eyes being closed. When she opened them, she saw nothing but blur for only a second. She felt dizzy, & something hit her in the back of the head. Being already tired & dizzy, her world faded…


Oh, also, none of the further chapters were edited. Just the bold lettering in this one.