Hey guys! I don't have much time right now, cuz I have to take a shower and go to bed soon, but I got this cool idea, and I want to write it! Enjoy.

Tony stood in his lab, working on his armor when he heard the door to his lab open. He turned around to see Pepper approaching him.

"Another sleepless night?" Tony asked, putting his tools down, and focusing on Pepper.

"Yeah, not tired. Can't sleep." Pepper said, sitting down on the ledge by Tony's computer. Tony sat next to her.

"Oh. Well, want me to do anything this time?" Tony asked, noting past experiences with this happening.

"Just talk to me until I get tired. I feel like I need to hear your voice right now." Pepper said, gloomily.

"Ok then, I can do that." Tony said as he dived into a topic for the two to discuss. Soon the two were laughing hysterically at a joke Tony made.

"Haha, wow Tony, that….was…so….stupid! Hahahah!" Pepper said, speaking in between laughs.

"Then why are you laughing?" Tony asked, playfully smiling at her.

"Because it's so dumb that it's funny. You tend to do that a lot!" Pepper explained, smiling.

"Alright then. Hey, Pepper, tell me your favorite thing about me." Tony asked of her, creating silence between the two.

"Umm, my favorite? Allright, then my favorite would have to be the way the light hits you just right when you smile, creating a cute sparkle in your eyes." Pepper said, with a soft and romantic tone. Realizing what she said, she blushed.

"So, umm, you think I'm cute when I smile?" Tony asked, blushing.

"Tell me one more." Tony said, keeping his blush.

"One more….okay, well, that would be your heart of gold. You put so many people's safety before your own, and you can love and care, even with a heart made of metally ore stuff. Tony, I can't just list things I like about you, I could go on for a long time…." Pepper said, realizing again what she said. She rested her head on Tony's shoulder and fell silent.

"Ok, I'm ready to go home now." Pepper said, growing tired.

"Ok, want me to fly you or walk you?" Tony asked.

"Just walk me this time." Pepper answered.

"Ok, let's go then." Tony said, getting up. He turned and offered Pepper a hand standing up. Pepper took it and never wanted to let go. Tony lead her out the lab door, and the two preceded towards Pepper's house.

Since it was Friday night, around 1 A.M., It was fairly dark outside. Tony and Pepper were smiling and talking about things. Pepper decided to slip her hand into Tony's when they were close to Pepper's house. Tony allowed this, and the two came to Pepper's front door. Her dad was out on a mission again, so they didn't need to worry about being seen.

"Well, here we are." Tony stated, standing face to face with Pepper.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping, Tony." Pepper said.

"No problem, I'll always be here for you, Pepper. Always." Tony said, smilng. This made Pepper smile. The space between the two closed, and the sparks flew that night. It was one of those sleepless nights that Pepper just didn't mind having.

Whoo! Awesomeee [: opinions?