Hetalia! Yes I like Hetalia. Here's a nice one shot I got inspired by episode 38 and 39... so cute (and funny)
What? I can't like cute things?

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia though I know an artist.

"Germany!" Italy called almost desperately, Germany's back turned to him. "Germany!" Germany began to simply walk away as if Italy didn't exist. Italy felt his heart shattering as he watched him... just leave him behind. "Germany!" This time his voice yearned to have it silenced by him in one of those sweet kisses.

Italy chased after him, never getting closer, the blonde getting farther and farther away. "Germany!" Italy called again, never actually hearing his own voice. He knew that he felt alone. His love was just leaving him behind! Germany stopped, standing with Japan.

"Germany, do you hear something?" Japan asked quietly, looking around for the faint noise he though he was hearing.

Italy died softly, his shoulders slumping, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "No, why do you ask?"

Italy shot out of the bed, looking around Germany's room, a slight sense of comfort in his surroundings. He felt a tear make its way down his cheek and wiped it away. "Are they… forgetting about me?" He whispered softly, not wanting to awaken Germany, sleeping bare beside him. "Does Germany not love me anymore?"

He heard the man beside him stir, almost as if hearing his name. Italy froze at the shift in the mattress. "Italy? What's wrong?" Italy felt a strong arm slide around his waist, pulling him into a firm, secure chest. The feeling comforting, making his tears evaporate away.

Italy felt Germany's breathing against him, soothing him. He curled up into him and felt the heat of their bare skin touching, merging together in the cuddle. "You won't forget about me right?" Italy whispered, not looking up at him. His heart pounding, as if afraid of what Germany was about to say. What if he doesn't love me anymore, just like my dream.

"I could never forget about you." He slid his hand against his jaw, lifting his chin. He pressed his lips to Italy's, kissing him with the most loving feeling ever to serge through his body. "How could I forget about the man I'm in love with?"

Italy breathed, a smiled blossoming on his lips as their eyes locked. "I love you, too, Germany."

Germany replaced his body against the sheets, pulling the other man into his arms. Italy responded by curling up into him, snuggling against him as close as possible. His legs entangling in Germany's. The body enveloping him allowed him to drift into a deep sleep, full of loving dreams.

Short, but sweet... please review!