Hello! SkaleFlapper15, here! This is something random that popped into my head the other day, while watching that one commercial, ya know, the one with the lady eating a Yorkshire Patty, or something. And then I remembered that Jeff Dunham clip where Achmed tells Jeff, "I'd kill you for a Klondike Bar." So I thought, what would the J&D characters do for a Klondike Bar?

Anyway, I'm rambling. Enjoy! Read and Review!

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?


I'd ask nicely for a Klondike Bar. And if that didn't work, I'd tear the guy selling them apart, and steal them all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I'd kiss Krew for a Klondike Bar. And then I'd barf all over Tess accidently and suffer a whooping from her!


I would admit I'm gay for a Klondike Bar. Then chase Jak and Torn around because you Mary Sues and Fangirls would eat that right up!(A/N: I don't mean to offend anybody, with that. I just figured that he would do that)


I would go on a diet for a Klondike Bar. One with salads and vegetables and all that disgusting slop people dare to call healthy!


I'd go a week without touching my precious monkey wrench for a Klondike Bar. What? Of course I'm sure! What would make you think that I wasn't! What do you mean I'm rocking it like a ba--oh, I guess I am... hehe...


I'd put up with Daxter's flirting for an hour for a Klondike Bar. Then, after I recieved one, I would jam it up his nose and laugh at him. Why? I don't eat icecream. It goes straight to my thighs.


I would paint my fingernails hot pink, put on a minidress and go shopping with Tess for a Klondike Bar. No, really, I would. Anywhere in anything is fine with me as long as it keeps me away from that annoying rat...

Is it wrong to be in love with Torn's. Just imagine it!

I plan to continue this, but I'm asking, you, my reviewers, to tell me what character you would like to be in chapter 2 and what they would do for a Klondike Bar. So pretty please press that pretty button that says, "Review," and tell me! Please?