Just a random idea I got. Man, writing sickness is crazy! And somehow awesome!
From the first time I laid eyes on you, the first time I pulled you into my sights, my heart has jumped every time you returned. I spend my time thinking of you, wondering if we will ever be together. I pray to myself, and try to believe that someday you'll notice me, but then I remember the one reason you haven't. I don't know if you hate me, or if you feel the same way I do about you, and I don't know if I'll ever know. When we're together, your eyes are locked on my sister, and you don't even glance at me. However my eyes are always on you, even though I had my own foe.
You've always been so rough, and tough, and that always made me wonder why I loved you. But the next time I see you, it becomes very clear to me. There's something that separates you from your brothers. Something you have, that they never will. You managed to steal my heart, and now you won't give it back. But I wouldn't accept it anyway, for it is only safe with you.
I cry every night, after I wake up from a dream about you. In my dreams, you hold me in your arms, and tell me you love me. I always respond with a small kiss on the cheek, and then I say what I so desperately want to tell you.
"I love you…" Those words are so strong, that I sometimes mutter them, in my sleep. Then I wake up, and realize that it was all just my fantasy. I wish you would be there, to dry my tears. I wish you would hold me, when I'm scared. I wish you would say what I need to hear from you, and I wish you would be mine, for all eternity
Every morning, when I'm flying to school, I constantly look over my shoulder, hoping I'll spot you. You're never there, but I can't stop myself. I just want to see you, so bad. Then, when I finally find you, you give all of your attention to my sister, leaving me standing there, trying to keep my heart from breaking. I say to myself that maybe someday you'll notice me. Maybe I'll be able to tell you how I feel. It's been so long, yet I still won't give up. I still look for you, every morning, and I still watch you, as you battle my sister. Sometimes I think I'm going to be alone my whole life, watching, and waiting for something that'll never come.
Then it happened. I saw you, all alone, drifting through the air. My heart was beating faster, and I knew I was blushing. But it was the perfect time. After getting myself together, I carefully let myself hover over to you. But I stopped, just before I was close enough. I felt something that I had never felt before. A pain in my chest, so strong that I almost gasped. But somehow, it didn't feel real. I felt like the pain wasn't really there.
Then I realized what I was feeling. Fear, so intense that it was turning into physical pain. I was afraid to expose my feelings, because I knew you would reject me. You were nothing like me. Why would you want to be with someone as weak as me? You wouldn't, and it's all my fault. I should have been stronger; I should have been more like you, Butch. But I wasn't, and for that I'm sorry.
You're the person I admire every day, and dream about every night, and I love you so much. But I can't have you, and that fact haunts me. Maybe we're just incompatible…