Weasels, Dragons and Dreams Chap 4

By Ice Queen ([email protected])

Category: Romance

Keywords: Draco, Ginny, Weasley, Charlie

Rating: G

Spoilers: All four Books, but not really.

Summary: Ginny has a stuffed toy that she's slept with since she was two, but what does this have to do with Draco? And why are there so many Weasels? They're Everywhere! Slight G/D Fluffiness. Much Weasley humor.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Nor do any lyrics of songs belong to me, they belong to the late Jimi Hendrix, and his many people that he worked with.

A/N: This is the end, my only friends, the end... Oh sorry, that's not Hendrix. You guys are the greatest^_^ I know, I'm sorry to be ending this right now, but I started out intending on leaving it at the first chapter. Look where that got us^_^;; And now, four chapters long, the story comes to the end, I've made some really great friends, *Slaps herself* Must... stop... rhyming! I'll just get on with the story, all right? Enjoy!

Draco couldn't sleep that night; of course the fact that Crabbe and Goyle's snores could factor a 4.0 on the Richter scale didn't help. But after going on six years of sleeping in the same dorm room he knew that wasn't what was bothering him.

This whole infestation of Weasleys was starting to drive him insane. It seemed like every time he turned around one of them was smirking/glaring/shouting death threats/ and or telling him the right way to flirt with their sister!

He rolled over onto his back, staring at the cold gray ceiling with a sense of impending doom. The worst part of it all was the feeling that the littlest Weasel had no idea what they were up to. Draco groaned, covering his eyes with one silk clad arm and seriously contemplated transferring to Durmstrang.


Ginny was curled up in an oversized leather chair, Charlie's favorite jacket wrapped around her shoulders. She had taken up the habit of visiting him before going to bed, or at least she planned to, since he would only be around for a month. The only problem was that more often then not she wound up falling asleep in the middle of their talks.

Charlie grinned down at her, gently moving a strand of red out of her face and picking her and his jacket up. Ginny was his favorite, though he tried not to let the others know. She had been his little girl, learning how to walk when he was almost full grown, and her big brown eyes and fire red hair up in pig tails was still something he thought of once a day. He even had a picture of her toddling around sucking on Little Draco's tail in his office. She was also the one he worried most about, especially now she was older.

He wasn't sure that Malfoy was the right one for her, but whether or not she knew it, she had already made her decision.

It was strange that he knew her better then she knew herself, yet... oddly right. He waved his wand to open the Hogwarts door, his hands full. Slowly he made his way to the Gryffindor Tower staircase, trying not to wake his little sister. He could have floated her, but this was more... reminiscent of old times. Plus it improved his 'Manly image' for anyone up late enough to see him. Such as the blonde in black silk pajamas glaring at them from the stairs.

"Good evening Mr. Malfoy. I had thought this was past curfew for the students. Perhaps you can tell me how I'm wrong." He sat down beside Draco, Ginny still held gently in his arms. "Or perhaps you would prefer telling Headmaster Dumbledore."

"I couldn't sleep." Draco mumbled, glaring at the little redheaded girl as though she were betraying him, by sleeping herself. "And the last thing I want to do is wake up Snape for a sleeping potion. Last time someone did that, they didn't wake for a week."

"I heard about that. Completely understandable."

"For the kid?"

"No, for Snape. Last time I was woken in the middle of the night the dragons had a new clean up boy for a month." Draco stared at him, trying to figure out if he were joking or not. Charlie's sincere smile did nothing for his reassurance.

"Are we going to study dragons this semester?" Draco asked, curious despite himself.

"I think it could be arranged."

"Has she.." Draco asked, motioning towards Ginny.

"Ginny's probably forgotten more about dragons then you'll learn in a lifetime. She's strangely fascinated with them. I guess there's no accounting for taste, huh?" Charlie grinned, standing up easily as though he weren't carrying a full grown female, and started up the stairs.

"I thought you worked with Dragons!" Draco stated, confused by that last statement.

"But we weren't talking about them, now were we?" Charlie grinned, disappearing up the stairway and leaving an even more confused Draco behind.

"Oh. Right..."


He was riding a white stallion, wearing armor like in the hallways. She couldn't see his face though, but she had a good idea who it was. This was one of the many repeating dreams she had had since first year.

"Harry, I know this is gonna sound rude and all... but I honestly think we should go our separate ways. I mean, you're a wonderful guy, but all these dreams are making it hard to look you in the eye when I wake up! Plus, I've been thinking... I don't want to be the victim, I want to be the hero-"

"Do you ever shut up, Weasel?" The voice came from behind the steel helmet, making her heart skip a beat.

"Harry? Wha-"

"Oh, so I'm automatically Potter, am I? Just because a guy comes up to you on a white horse means they have to be perfect little Potter! But get over yourself, little girl, I'm not here to save you! I'm here to save the dragon!" He pointed his sword to the area behind him where an over sized stuffed Draco stood whistling at hoards of Weasley brothers singing and dancing around him.

She gasped, running towards her brothers that were in the middle of a Hendrix song as they cursed the not-so-small Draco into blowing smoke rings.

"Stop it!! SMOKING IS BAD FOR HIM!" She cried, grabbing Fred by his arm. George smiled, finishing the hex for his twin. She kept running around, grabbing each brother by turn, trying to keep her dragon safe. Draco, still on his horse, but now holding his helmet to keep from messing his hair up, stayed behind her.

Finally she gave up, merely standing in front of the silver dragon with her arms out to cover as much as she could. "LEAVE DRACO ALONE!!" She shouted. The brothers nodded, turning their attention to the other Draco in the area. They raised their wands as one, each with a different hex on their lips. She paled, running forward, screaming. "LEAVE THAT DRACO ALONE, TOO!"

Ron turned, a slight smile on his lips, and the next thing she knew she was a frog...


Charlie walked into the common room, a slight frown on his face. For the last few minutes Ginny had been jerking slightly in his grasp, making muffled comments like "No.. Smoking... bad..."

He wasn't even surprised to find Fred and George lazing in the dark, a small fire the only thing keeping them company. "By the way you two work at being slackers it's a wonder your business is so popular." He stated, gently putting Ginny down on the largest couch.

"We need to talk, big brother. We think there's something going on with that Malfoy kid." George stated, going directly to the heart of the problem.

"We caught him staring at little sister this morning, and he spent the entire train ride up here watching her sleep. We don't like it." Said Fred.

Charlie looked thoughtful, dropping down beside Ginny so she could use his leg as a pillow. "Well, that's because there is something." He stated, stroking Ginny's red hair out of her face gently. "Other then him being an arrogant little prat, that is. Boys, I think that Ginny here is in love."

"Of course she is! She's been in love with Harry since first year! And rightly so, not a better non-Weasley in the world!"

"No, I'm not talking about Harry." Charlie replied, giving the twins a few moments to process his comment. Both Fred and George shook their heads, silently denying such a ludicrous idea. Charlie muttered a silent spell for Ginny, anticipating a loud reaction. He wasn't disappointed.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT HARRY?" George and Fred bellowed at the same time. Sounds of people tromping down the stairs told them they needed to wrap this conversation up quickly.

"We'll talk later, right now I need to get Ginny to bed. She has enough trouble staying awake in Trelawney's class as it is." The twins moved to argue, but Charlie glared at them, scooping up his sister and motioning towards the first girl who came down to see what the yelling was about. "Where's Ginny's bunk?" He asked.

Shana gulped, speechless at the sight of a leather-clad redhead carrying his sister as though she weighed nothing. She motioned for him to follow, turning to hide her blush. Ginny's oldest brother is HOT! Too bad he's a Prof. I knew I should never have dropped that class... Charlie followed her silently, never knowing how many young girls would dream about him that night. Of course, that was probably a good thing. *A/N: Gotta insert the Charlie obsession somewhere, no?*

He left, finding the twins already gone when he got back to the common room. No doubt ready to bombard him in the morning over breakfast. They might have cash now, but that wasn't going to stop his brothers from catching all the free meals they could get. He grinned. The twins would never change, and that was what would make them famous. Of course, he almost felt sorry for Malfoy... Almost.


Ginny woke up to a frightening sight. Both Fred and George were looming over her, grinning evilly. Fred was holding Draco by the tail, hanging him right out of her reach. "Don't you guys have anything better to do?" She asked, grabbing at her dragon.

"Nope! Not since Percy got that job in Africa. You're the next best thing!" George stated, looking as if that were a good thing to be. "We already tried with Charlie, he's just no fun."

"Yeah, he never eats anything!" Fred complained.

"Anything you give him, you mean." Ginny stated crossly. "This IS a girls only area you know, and unless you want to hear screaming in the next few minutes I suggest you GET OUT!!" She started beating them with her pillow, laughing as they covered their heads and ran away screaming "Sibling abuse! Sibling abuse!"

"Gin? Yo' brothers are WEIRD!" Shana stated sleepily, rolling over to grab a few more winks.

"Yeah, aren't they great?" Ginny stated, falling over abruptly and going back to sleep.

The twins grinned, then raced down the stairs to the common room. They had spent half their lives making sure Ginny was mean in the morning, they weren't gonna let something like graduating get in the way of her training. Especially if Charlie's theory was right. "Did you get it?" George asked.

Fred held out the small silver dragon with a triumphant grin. "Of course." He bowed towards the way out. "After you, brother dearest."

"Oh no, after you! I insist!"

"We shall go together then!" and the two Weasley brothers strolled out the door, smirking.

And the author's theory that a sense of humor is the most dangerous thing in the world was about to be tested. *Allows the readers a short moment to worry about Draco, then goes on.* Gotta love the Weasleys.


Malfoy wasn't awake, he was in the dining room, making what he felt were reasonable commentaries, but he really wasn't awake. He was just pretending to be awake, kinda like every time he went to Trelawney's class. This was why he didn't notice that Crabbe and Goyle weren't the ones sitting next to him. At least until they started speaking in full sentences.

"Lovely day, isn't it Malfoy?" One asked, swiping a piece of toast off his plate.

"Oh yes, I suppose it will be much better once our little sister gets here to stare at." The other stated, swiping his bacon. He held out a pastry to the blonde, an innocent smile on his face. "Here, have a pastry."

"Where are Crabbe and Goyle?" Draco demanded, looking at the pastry with trepidation. The twins grinned, putting the pastry down on his plate. One of them dropped something on his head, and they walked away without answering. "What did you do with them? Weasleys!" He stood up, only to look down in amazement at the thing that had fallen off his head. There stood Little Draco, happily wagging his tail through the blonde's breakfast. "Great, just great."

Draco dropped down on the bench once again, glaring at the small dragon as though it were his fault. Unconsciously he grabbed the nearest pastry and started munching. His eyes grew large as he tried to spit it out, but he was already too late. "Hic!" Fire spouted from his mouth, charring the table in front of him. The only thing not affected was the food covered Draco. No doubt he was fire proofed long ago. "Hic!" WHOOSH! "Darn you HIC! Weasleys! Hic!"

"Draco!" That horrified scream is just enough to make this morning complete, Draco thought sarcastically. Those that hadn't already been staring at him, turned, astonished that Ginny Weasley actually seemed to care about his problem. "You poor baby! You're covered with food!" She ran over to his table then scooped up the small dragon from his plate. The small dragon grinned, wagging his tail back and forth. The rest of the tables snickered, seeing the astonished look on Draco's face.

"Hic!" A stream of fire shot past her face, making her look up at the blushing blonde.

"Fred and George?" Ginny asked calmly, watching as he nodded in reply. "Next time stay away from the pastries." She grinned at him, walking away as though his breathing fire was a daily occurrence. He snarled, or at least tried to. It didn't pull off quite the intensity when interrupted by a flaming hiccup. Crabbe and Goyle were pointing and laughing, and all of the Gryffindors were rolling in the aisles. He supposed this was what one got for even talking nicely to a Weasel. With a glare at his goon squad he walked out of the room.

"Ah, now Draco! Don't go away mad!" Fred stated, jogging up to the blonde and placing a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah! Just go away!" George stated, now on his other side. He really loathed those Weasleys. Really. He turned, glaring as they walked away singing that "Foxy" song that they all seemed to know by heart. When they got back to the table Ginny glared at them, which would have made Draco feel a little better, had he not suspected she was more upset about her stuffed toy then about how they treated him.

He was almost out the door when he saw Charlie leaning against the wall. "Now, now Mr. Malfoy. No need to be put out, it was all in good fun!" The redhead would have gotten a face full of flame if he hadn't had so much practice dodging. He continued, as though Draco hadn't tried to barbeque him. "But look at it this way, at least you weren't the one being an arse this time. I'm sure Ginny appreciated that."

"I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH GINNY WEASLEY!" The entire room stopped, staring at the now red Slytherin prefect. He gulped, looking over at the Gryffindor table to see Ginny trying to hide under her chair. The twins dragged her up though, making her mad enough to say what was on her mind.

"You have NO IDEA how reassuring that is, Malfoy." She called, making the rest of the room focus on him again. She took the opportunity to run out of the room as he stuttered. As she went past him she whispered so that only he and Charlie could hear. "And here I thought you might be a decent guy, given half a chance. Stupid me, guess I shoulda stuck to chasing after Harry, at least he worries about my feelings."

"I-I..." He stood there, watching the little redhead storm up the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower. Charlie rolled his eyes, shoving the blonde between his shoulder blades.

"You're an even bigger idiot then I thought, Malfoy." He walked away, not noticing how many female eyes followed him. Draco stared after him then did something he knew he would regret later. He went after Ginny.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?" Ron demanded when Charlie reached the table. The twins groaned, Charlie snickered, and Hermione, who had had a feeling this would happen, whispered in his ear. "MALFOY?! I'LL KILL HIM!" He jumped up, intent on avenging his sister, only to be dragged down by Hermione again.

"After breakfast." She stated, easily shoving a muffin in Ron's mouth.

By this time Draco had caught up with Ginny, who was curled up by the portrait entrance to the Gryffindor common room. He dropped down beside her, waiting for her to look up. "I didn't mean what I said in there."

"What, are you saying you DO love me?" The voice was muffled, since her face was buried in her arms, but he could have sworn she was laughing between her tears.

"NO! I mean... I... Sod it, I don't know why I even bothered with a Weasley in the first place." He started to stand up, only to feel her tugging on his robes. "What? It isn't as if YOU like ME, so who cares what I say?"

"Siddown Malfoy. I'm not done with you yet."

"You know what? I think I liked you better when you were younger. You've gotten positively vicious with age." He stated, dropping down with a scowl. She wiped away her tears, giving him a sunny smile.

"I'm still the same, it's just you're a lot easier to handle when not being followed around by walking walls." She pointed at him, smirking. "You're kinda scrawny, easier to manage."

He scowled, offended at the 'Scrawny' comment. "Have you stopped leaking yet? I have better things to do." He flushed as she laughed at him out right.


"You know, with the waterworks... Would you quit making me sound like an idiot? I'm a Malfoy! Malfoy's never sound like idiots!"

"I guess you don't listen to yourself very often, do you?" She started laughing, as he glared at her. They were still like this when the Weasley brothers came around the corner to check on them. Draco stood up abruptly and started to walk away, he had a reputation to retain after all, and it had had enough damage already that day.

"Hey Malfoy! You do know you like me, don't you?" Ginny called out. He raised one hand in acknowledgement.

"Yeah, I know Weasel."

"Hey, Malfoy! You do know you'll have to be nice to Weasleys from now on! Well, other then Ron."

"Yeah, I know Weasel."

"Hey Malfoy!" She started out again, he turned before she could finish.

"Yeah, I know you're lucky, Weasel, it isn't every day a girl gets Draco Malfoy as a boyfriend." He walked away, laughing at the irritated look on her face.

"He really is an arrogant prat. Can I beat him, Gin?"

"Oh hush up Ronnikens, you're just jealous she got a boyfriend before you did."

"I think you meant to say before he got a girlfriend, George."

"No... No, I didn't."

"Oh sod off!"

"Yeah guys, everybody knows he's in love with Hermione."

"Thank yo-CHARLIE!!"

The Weasley's argument could be heard by Draco, who was halfway down the hall by then. He smirked, pulling out a very familiar looking stuffed dragon from his robes. "I want to take you home! I won't do you no harm!! Oh! Foxy lady!" He smirked, singing the lyrics he had grown quite fond of lately. He had to remind Ginny to let him hear the whole thing sometime.

The End.

Gomen, not very romantic, I know. But it just... wrote itself^_^ It's been a fun ride everybody! Leave a note if you go, and if you know any non-sappy Draco/Ginny fics please share!