I've been waiting to post this story on here for a long time! So yeah, hope you like it! This is gonna be crazy.
Oh yeah, I'm using two of my OC's, Karina Sanchez and Shara Sanders.
"Today's gonna be GREAT!" Karina Sanchez repeated to herself for the fiftieth time, The petite blonde stepped carefully down the crowded hallways of South Park High School, expertly dodging other rowdy students. Some stared at the newcomer, wondering who the smiling girl was.
Karina simply smiled at all of them and continued down the hallway. Sweeping some of her silky hair behind her ear, Karina glanced down at the class schedule that she had been sent in the mail earlier that week. She was happy to see her first class was English II, her favorite subject.
"Ow!" Karina had been so distracted by her schedule she had walked right into another girl. They both fell on the floor, their books falling everywhere.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!" Karina blubbered, quickly gathering the other girls items and handing them to her. First five minutes here and she'd already made a fool of herself...
"No sweat, new girl! I'm Shara Sanders, what about yourself?" the girl asked, while helping Karina gather her belongings. Now that Karina wasn't so startled, she noticed the details of Shara better. Shara had a purple bob that swept outwards and kept one side of her bangs so long that it covered one of her striking red eyes. She was wearing a purple jacket that she had zipped down to reveal a tight black camisole and black leather pants.
"I'm Karina Sanchez, nice to meet ya!" Karina said as they climbed to their feet. Shara grinned.
"Karina, huh? Nice name. So, which class ya got first?" Shara asked, as the girls unconsciously began walking together down the hallway.
"English, wherever that is," Karina said, while switching her bag over to her other shoulder. Shara pointed to a yellow rusted door ahead of them and whistled.
"Right there. Wow, ya got pinned with Mrs. Shrub? Sucks...Hey, talk to you later, ok?" Shara said, distracted by a boy with a blue and yellow hat. She waved and ran after the boy, giving him a noogie when she caught up with him. Karina waved back and kept waving until Shara and the boy turned a corner. She then dropped her hand with a sigh, feeling that sinking feeling wash over her again. Once again, she was alone in the big school. Karina straightened her posture and pumped her fist into the air. Karina Skky Sanchez isn't afraid of anything! she thought postively, while grabbing hold of the rusty door handle. 3....2...1. She pushed the door open with more force than she had intended, causing it to slam against the wall. About twenty sets of eyes fell onto the blushing blonde, She giggled nervously and closed the door gently behind her.
"Was there a REASON for your loud entrance?" The snooty teacher at the front of the dirty classroom glared at her and Karina blushed even harder.
"Um...no, no, no! Sorry...I'm new," Karina said, clutching her folders closer to her chest as she felt the students eyes practically burning holes into her. Mrs. Shrub rolled her eyes and pointed at a desk in the front row between a girl with black hair and a boy with a brown hat and a matching jacket. Karina gulped and sat in between the two. The girl looked a little annoyed. Karina kept herself busy by organizing her binder while Mrs. Shrub blabbed on about William Shakespeare. Suddenly, the dark-haired girl reached over and tapped Karina's shoulder gently. Karina glanced over warily. Instead of flicking her off, as Karina had expected, the girl had a huge smile plastered on her face.
"Hi, I'm Wendy Testaburger! You're sooo pretty!" she whispered, still smiling. Karina smiled back. She sure was friendly.
"I'm Karina Sanchez. And thanks," she said. Wendy smiled even wider, though Karina didn't think it was possible that she could.
"Oh, pretty name! I hope we become best friends!" Wendy said. Karina nodded, unsure of what to say.
"Me too. Are you a junior?" Karina asked, making small talk. Wendy nodded and was about to say something else when a ruler slammed down on Karina's desk, scaring her so bad, she almost fell on the floor. She looked up sheepishly into the piercing brown eyes of Mrs. Shrub.
"YOU seem to be making fast friends in this classroom. Would you like to stand up and explain Shakespeare's "Macbeth" so as to give you something more to do then chat with Mrs. Testaburger?" Mrs. Shrub hissed. Karina frowned, more then a little tired of Mrs. Shrub's wickedness.
"No, I'm good," she said, surprised that she hadn't just shook her head and began to bawl. Some of the students snickered as Mrs. Shrub's thin lips formed a line.
"Then may I suggest you being quiet?"
Karina simply nodded and looked down at her desk. The boy who sat next to her rolled his eyes at Mrs. Shrub and made the "up yours" hand motion secretly so that only Karina could see it. Karina covered her mouth and tried not to laugh but her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. The boy just laughed out loud, causing Mrs. Shrub's cruel eyes to focus on the two.
"THAT IS IT! Stan Marsh and Karina Sanchez, to the office...NOW!" she bellowed. Karina groaned. What a way to start the day...
Sorry, it's short but it felt like the perfect time to end the chapter! Mrs. Shrub is based off of my evil math teacher, btw. So send in your OCs and I'll try to fit them in the next chapter. Make sure to put their age, personality, appearance, crush, and enemies. Before you do, Karina is gong to be crushing on a certain brown hat wearing boy...keep in mind, people! xD