It starts off with Chiro being late to school.
Chiro: great, I'm late again
Glenny: hello loser, late to school again I suppose?
Chiro: if you excuse me then I can be on time for 2nd hour lesson
B.T: please, you are never going to get past us, in fact, Glenny, let's beat this coward up
Chiro: why me?
Chiro ended up going to hospital with a broken arm, a battered stomach, 2 broken ribs and a nose bleed
Chiro: w-where am I?
Doctor: you are at the hospital, you took quite the beating
Chiro: 'I cannot stay here, it's horrible' he thought to himself
Chiro left the hospital secretly at night and ran into the savage lands, where he found a big robot
Chiro: cool robot, I wonder what's inside?
Chiro touched the robot, when it opened, he went inside
Chiro: wow! This is great, I wonder where the light switch is (puts hand on lever) maybe this is it (pulls lever down) ahhh!
A green light went into Chiro's body
Chiro: what happened?
???: who awoke us?
???: who is there?
???: Gibson?
Gibson: Antauri?
Antauri: are the others up?
Gibson: no, hey who are you?
Chiro: i-i-im so sorry I didn't mean to anger you
???: hello?
Gibson: ah nova!
Nova: hi guys
???: is anyone there?
Antauri: Sprx, Otto good now we are all up
Sprx: oy kid, who are you
Chiro: I'm so sorry, I wanted to find the light switch, and I better go
Gibson: wait?
Chiro: y-y-your not mad
All 5: no
Sprx: sorry, we got shocked
Wait for chapter 2 to see Chiro meeting the monkeys