Fred watched Luna dancing, golden, in the sunlight. Her arms were raised above her head as she twirled to a rhythm only she could hear. Hidden behind her long, gold hair, her face was lowered, serene and still. She twirled, twisting and flowing. Her body rose and fell like molten metal being twisted into intricate shapes. Luna was grace personified when she danced.

Fred watched, breathing. He didn't know if she knew he was there. He didn't know if he wanted her too.

She was so young, so innocent, and she would always be that way. Fred felt ancient watching her, wanting her. Perhaps if he could be with her, dance with her, he would feel young again. Life would lose some of its troubles if he was with her dancing their sorrows away.

More than anything, Fred wanted to touch her, to hold her, to see if she would just flow through his fingers and melt away. He found himself biting his lip, as he imagined her in his arms. If she did not flow away from him, he would find her skin to be soft and gentle, warm to the touch. As her eyes met his, her bronze lips would gasp against his. Her breath would be fiery, fervent and passionate. Like her dance, Luna's body would rise and fall against his own. He would become red fire to her golden sun.

Just when he thought he could bear watching her no longer, Luna looked up. Her eyes met his, and he forgot to breathe. Slowly, he felt his body moving toward hers. Luna danced to the rhythm of his footsteps. His eyes begged her to let him dance with her. Luna's eyes sparkled. She took one of his hands in her own and pulled him towards her. He found her other hand and together they danced. Like silk, her skin was softer than he had imagined. She was more beautiful than he hoped.

He found her dance easy to follow; she danced to the beat of his heart. He wondered how she knew it, or if their hearts just happened to be in tune. As they danced, he felt himself growing younger once more. Boldly, he placed her arms around his neck and moved his to her waist. They danced closer together, bodies entwining. Fred silently groaned as she pressed up against him.

In a moment, Fred felt her lips move against his next. Luna looked up and smiled. Together, they swayed in the sunlight. Red and gold, molten fire.