It isn't fair! It just isn't fair! I've been the one that has been with him all this time, not her. So why? The blond boy ignored the wailing part of his mind as he attempted to stamp down the ugly jealousy flaring down deep within him.

Why couldn't he be the one drawing out that painfully shy smile, the one easily drawing out the slightest tint of red in the pale cheeks?

Silently he took comfort in the fact that the girl had no idea how much of an effect she had on the red scarf boy, because he knew if she did, and if she did return the feelings, he was screwed.

He knew very well how few people could stand his brash attitude and his charging head-long into situations. Very few people stuck around after the first day of meeting the boy, and by the time the second day had rolled around, they had suddenly found their schedules too full to be with him.

Only one boy had been different, and after the first action packed day, had not found an excuse to be gone on the second day. Well, other then sleeping in, but the boy had still gotten up and when he saw him, he hadn't gone running in the opposite direction, which was a vast improvement.

After that the two of them had been inseparable, staying at each other's house every night. The only time they would be seen separate from each other was when they had argued, and both of them were too stubborn to apologize.

Twinleaf town had learned to quickly dread those times, as he would get into trouble worthy of an award, and the normally slightly dopey boy's moping lead to a serious shortage of food.

"Pearl- are you alright?"

Pearl blinked as liquid brown eyes filled his line of vision, filled with an innocent curiosity. "I'm fine Dia," He lied, quickly back peddling from the worse memories of home. "I was just thinking of new manzais!"

He purposely ignored Dia's dismayed look. It was more out of habit then any actual dislike. Dia also enjoyed the double acts- the only thing he didn't like was having to practice it over and over again.

Dia stared at him for a moment longer, as Pearl prayed that Dia would take the lie without asking any more questions. Dia was smart after all, despite the dopey looking appearance, and his general laziness. But Dia had always been smarter about figuring things out- Pearl could count on his fingers how many times he had beat Dia in solving a puzzle- and still have most of his fingers left over. If he didn't count the times Dia had let him win, then he couldn't think of any.

That's… a little depressing actually. Pearl took a deep breath and prepared to bonk Dia on the head and get him to practice jokes with him once more, when Dia smiled and walked back towards where Missy was waiting on her Ponyta.

All words crumbled to dust as the almost forgotten bitter jealousy clogged his throat. But it wasn't as if the girl knew that Dia had a crush on her- and even if she did, Pearl had to doubt she'd do anything about it.

Pearls eyes flickered across the two. One day Missy would leave. In fact, he was certain that day was coming soon. Missy would leave, and then it would be just the two of them again, just like it ought to be.

And on that day when Dia was mourning over having his heart broken, Pearl would come in to pick up the pieces and make him forget completely and totally about the girl.

All he had to do was wait.

And he would. For once in his life he wouldn't rush headlong into things, he'd hold back, he'd wait, and when the time was right, he'd pounce.

a/n: I'm just having far too much fun with these drabbles! If anyone has any ideas on this pairing I'd be glad to take them. Other then that, please review!