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Chapter 01: Precious and Fragile Things
By: Bittersweet Alias Previous Chapter - Index - Next Chapter
Disclaimer: Hehe, like I own Harry Potter. He's not a cute fun-loving boy toy so he's definitely not mine or my own creation! I make nothing off this.
Title: Precious and Fragile
Rating: T-M
Pairing: Harry/Percy
Summary: He sat in the corner away from his family, silent unless the twins, Ron, or even Ginny decided to have a cruel go at him. Harry"d never given much thought to Percy until that day.
Warnings: Top!Harry, Drama, Language, Sexual Situations. Mild Violence - SLASH, Male/Male, TOP!Harry
Notes: This is new to me. I"ve never done a Top!Harry and yes the pairing probably makes people blink twice but since when have I ever followed the rules? : )
Beta: Kamerreon! She really truly rocks.
Chapter One: Precious and Fragile Things
Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to You?
Wars were rather nasty things. He hated it that those he cared about had to live through them and that was why he"d quit school. After the resurrection of Lord Voldemort, and the premature death of a classmate who didn't deserve to die, Harry Potter felt in his heart that he had to do something. He knew all along that he was the key to Voldemort's demise. It began with him and it would end with him.
He also knew that the training would change everything about him. From his personality, to his growth, which had been undermined due to years of malnourishment.
Though if you looked at him now, malnourishment no longer existed. It was exactly two years from the day he decided to give up his life for this war and now here he was. A different kind of Harry Potter stepped off the train at King's Cross.
He was an impossible six foot one in height, with toned muscles up and down his figure and light bronze skin. He was of a sleek build, perfect for that of a Seeker and a well skilled fighter. His shoulders were broad from one side to the other. His chin and jaw line was well defined, no more childish baby fat could be found there. The glasses had been gone for years, making his eyes shine even brighter. His hair was shaggy, wild, and raven falling ungracefully to his shoulders. It was almost always pulled back, with a black tie, and only certain strands could be seen acting rebelliously and flying into his face, covering the scar that started it all.
He was wearing jet-black loose fitting jeans that sat rather low, a white tank top with a black leather jacket over it. On his right wrist was a silver and gold Rolex and on his middle finger was a bland gold signet. It was nothing remarkable. His shoes were black steel toed and everything he owned was shrunken into one black Muggle suitcase, which had a Rooming Charm placed into it before leaving.
He was swift in his strides, his thoughts whirring from one to the other. Would they recognize him? Would they accept him? But the biggest question Harry had was could he keep everyone safe?
Two years worth of training across the world. He didn't know what good it would do. He"d dabbled in things he never should have touched. Things that Dumbledore would disapprove of. He"d done so much, seen so much.
He shook his head free of thoughts and slipped behind a brick building into a darkened alleyway, checking to make sure no Muggle was lurking he Apparated silently.
When he appeared, he was at the north end of Ottery St. Catchpole and hastily made his way through an old trail. Winding around the back and with a small nod, he could feel the wards part for him like water. He silently stepped through them without alerting anyone.
He stumbled and when he broke through the trees, he saw Fred and George bursting with laughter and someone running away from their side. Harry stood there for about twenty minutes watching everyone conversing. His eyes falling most importantly on his godfather, Remus Lupin, and of all people Severus Snape.
When did this happen? He sighed heavily, realizing he"d missed out on a lot. But it was necessary. He had a job to perform. He had a prophecy to fulfil and a Dark Lord to vanquish. Harry watched as a thin figure emerged from the house and realized that it was the third Weasley brother, Percy. But Percy didn't join the laughing Order Members; instead, he plopped himself down by the gardens, near the house, and then watched them with a grim expression.
Percy had never been Harry's favourite Weasley when he was younger. The guy had always been a rule follower and sometimes rather pompous but at that moment Percy Weasley didn't look very pompous. He looked sad" alone" detached.
Harry grimaced, his eyes darting over to the twins and then back to Percy and then it clicked. The Order Members had been laughing at him for something the twins had done.
A flashback of his childhood swept passed him and he recalled Dudley and his friend Piers Polkiss dumping red paint over him at school and everyone, even the teachers, was laughing as he ran away.
He gripped the branch closest to him and slowly stepped out from behind the tree. He started toward Percy, who had curly ginger hair. A little more on the top while the sides and back were shorter. He had a dash of freckles along his nose. He wasn't wearing his old glasses and Harry would figure that he probably had his eyesight corrected. You could see his light blue eyes shining dimly.
"Hello Percy," Harry addressed in a low casual tone.
This startled the redhead who gasped up at him, eyes widened marginally. Quickly, he got to his feet without any grace whatsoever and gawked up at him. "Who are you?"
Now this surprised Harry, who came a little closer. It was odd, Percy was older, but he seemed smaller, younger. But that was impossible. Harry was seventeen, Percy was twenty-one. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Percy didn't seem so - arrogant anymore. He didn't seem to hold himself with the perfect air that Harry remembered him having.
He shook his head inwardly at the thoughts. He was also thinner than Harry and at one time, this wouldn't have been possible. "You don't remember me?" Harry asked huskily. He felt sad at the thought.
Percy's cheeks pinked some more and he toed the ground. "I- I"ve never seen you before."
It took a lot for Harry's mouth not to drop. What!? Harry knew he"d improved in looks, being a bit taller and without the glasses, but Merlin! "Have I really changed that much?" Feeling rather dragged down at this, he brushed his hand across the fringe of his hair, pushing it enough out of the way, so that Percy could glimpse his scar.
Percy's eyes went wide. "Harry!?" He yelped in shock and this drew everyone's attention.
Everyone was on the edge of his or her seat. They were outside in the yard at the Weasleys" a long rectangular table erected for the meeting that would follow. Every single Order Member along with the Weasleys was present.
Harry Potter had disappeared two years ago for training. Why he left was a mystery to most and why Dumbledore allowed it was an even bigger mystery considering he didn't show up for his OWLs. This had several people exceptionally worried.
Sirius Black was hopping up and down in his seat. His bright grey eyes staring all around him as if expecting his godson to appear out of nowhere. It"d been so long, one letter a month from Harry was simply not enough. Remus was sitting next to his mate and smiling fondly at his antics.
"Calm down, Padfoot, he"ll be here," Remus said laying a hand on his shoulder.
"I hope so! I miss the little guy so much," Sirius whined hanging his head.
"Pathetic," Severus said from Sirius" left. Though his voice was devoid of all hate and malice.
"I need my pup!" Sirius sulked and looped a hand through Severus" arm clenching it. "You know I need him! It's been so long."
Severus didn't say anything and merely stared at Sirius knowingly.
Harry's friends, Ron and Hermione were simply staring at the trio in an owlish way. The first shuddered, while the second decided to add her two Knuts to the mix.
"I still can't believe he left school, what was Dumbledore thinking?" She tutted and crossed her arms.
"He was thinking about Harry for once," Remus said softly.
"What do you mean by that?" Ron asked.
"It means that the Headmaster has a habit of following his plans without consulting the ones that they are about. I believe after what Harry saw in the graveyard that night, saw the death of someone who never deserved it, he didn't want to be unprepared again," the former Defence teacher explained adjusting the gold band on his wrist. Sirius and Severus had similar ones.
"Why would Harry be in his plans?" Ron asked dumbly.
Every adult rolled his or her eyes and no one answered him, leaving Hermione to frown in thought.
There was a loud explosion in the corner causing everyone to jerk and look to the right at identical mischievous twins attempting to look innocent. Between them was a tied up and pink painted Percy.
"We didn't mean too!" They chorused.
"It backfired! It wasn't supposed to turn him pink," Fred declared, but his eyes told on him. George was snickering against his brother and trying to add support with a pathetic nod.
"Fred and George!" Mrs. Weasley was up and her shrieking tones made Remus flinch and rub his sensitive ears.
Everyone laughed at Percy who was struggling to get up. He had a look of irritation and distress on his face.
Ron snorted. 'serves the perfect prat right."
Mr. Weasley shook his head. "Boys, leave your brother alone!" He groused but it was no use. They never listened; if they wouldn't listen to his wife, there was no one that would listen to him.
Ginny snicker-snorted into her drink. 'that colour is fitting older brother!" She taunted as he was released from the binds but the pink wouldn't leave no matter what spell Mrs. Weasley tried leaving him to scowl and stand up only to stumble from the bindings on his legs. Gangly and thin, he rushed away back to the house leaving all the Order Members to laugh.
Even Hermione's lips were twitching. 'that's not nice." But her voice betrayed her words.
Bill and Charlie grinned but didn't join in on the laughter. Tonks had fallen out of her chair and was rolling. "I'm not the only one who looks good in pink!"
Sirius was practically choking on laughter at the scene. "Perfect! One hundred percent wonderful boys!"
"Don't you dare encourage them Sirius Black!" Mrs. Weasley growled angrily and huffed as the twin boys gave him two thumbs up.
Remus gave Sirius an admonishing look while Severus shook his head once. "Children."
It wasn't until another twenty minutes that the twins settled down and that was because Moody, Dumbledore, and McGonagall appeared.
When Percy came back he remained as far away from the Order Members as possible, but he was still within hearing range to know what was going on. He slid down and sat on the ground, inwardly he was hoping not to be noticed.
He watched with a solemn detachment as everyone laughed and joked with one another. Dumbledore shared some candy with the twins and applauded them for their recent prank creations.
It was always the same; he couldn't seem to win for losing. At times, he wondered why he even tried.
"Hello Percy," an unfamiliar voice said softly to his right.
Blinking, the redhead stared up at an approaching figure he knew he"d never seen before. Percy couldn't find words to speak, the colour rushed to his cheeks. Whoever this man was obviously knew him - a deep green-eyed gaze flittered over to the Order Members and back at Percy. "Wh- who are you?"
He got closer, stepping across the garden. His shadow easily overpowered Percy who stumbled up, not wanting to be dwarfed by the approaching figure, but that didn't work. He was really tall. He looked like a famous Quidditch Player with the tone and deep setting tan. "You don't remember me?" He asked with a flash of hurt in his eyes.
Remember? The colour in his cheeks burned, he could feel it. "I - I"ve never seen you."
"Have I really changed that much?" He asked and then before Percy had time to answer or even comment on that question, the man's hand brushed across the flyaway strands, revealing his scar.
"Harry?!" His voice rose higher than he wanted and it cracked, getting everyone's attention.
Harry smiled and bowed his head. "Yes, Percy, I am. How are you?" He said at the same time everyone ran forward.
"Fine," Percy said, taking a step back so that he wasn't bombarded.
"Merlin! Is that you?"
"You're tall!"
'taller than Ron even. How"d this happen?"
"He's not taller than me!"
"Wotcher Harry! It's nice to meet you."
Harry cast a glance quickly at Percy who had backed well away from them all until he was standing under a small shaded tree. One by one they hugged him, Hermione shrieking and moaning about him missing OWLs, Sirius was harping about how he couldn't even lift Harry any longer.
Remus smiled next to a stony faced Severus.
The twins clapped him on the back and goggled at him. They were exactly one inch shorter than Harry Potter. Ginny was staring with a honey-glazed look.
Even Bill and Charlie greeted him cheerfully. He smiled and backed away from everyone and held up his hands. 'slow down on the questions!" He insisted.
"What happened to you?" Ron demanded. "You look different!"
"I trained for two years that's what happened."
Dumbledore smiled. "Hello Harry."
Everyone gasped at the first name usage. Dumbledore's smile became wider. McGonagall was taking deep breaths and staring at him. "You're looking " well, Mr. Potter."
'thanks Professor! I damn well better after all I"ve been through," he said rolling his eyes.
Sirius was bobbing around him, his eyes taking in Harry's figure. "Wow you really have changed, Harry! Last I remember you were barely five foot two!"
'six-one now Siri," Harry taunted as Mrs. Weasley came around to give him her motherly hug. It was really funny to know that she barely met the top of his chest, but that didn't stop the bear hug feeling she gave out.
"Mrs. Weasley!" He said patting her on the back and smiling at Mr. Weasley who winked.
"It's good to see you again, Harry! We"ve really missed you. I think we should sit down, eat, and then we can introduce you to all the people you don't know."
"I know Kingsley!" Harry said nodding to the black Auror, who smirked.
"Yes, you would, Harry," he said richly. "How was the flight?"
Harry scowled. "First class my arse!"
Kingsley burst out laughing and smacked him playfully on the back. "I'm sorry, we got the tickets all messed up."
"Do you know what I sat by?"
Kingsley grinned. "Pray tell, what?"
"I don't know!" He declared as everyone listened to him. "I couldn't tell you what it was, but I do know that they were mumbling the entire way about the sky and how the end of the world was coming. I really couldn't tell you if they were male or female and then when I'm nearly asleep, the person turns to me and -" he paused, reached over, and snagged Kingsley's robes bringing him down a good four inches to whisper: "Asked ifit could give me a blow job!"
Kingsley's laughter reached new heights as his eyes watered, and Harry shook his head. "Oh Merlin!"
The seventeen-year-old plopped down in a free chair as everyone gathered around.
"What, what did the hermaphrodite say?" George asked hopefully.
Harry shook his head. "Not for sensitive ears little ones."
They scoffed. 'sensitive? Little? Who are you calling little?" Fred crossed his arms. "We"re older."
"And more experienced!" George stuck out his tongue.
"Yeah just because you got pretty and big - and - sexy doesn't mean You're bigger than us."
Harry arched an eyebrow. "Would you like to bet on the experienced part?" He challenged with a smirk.
The twins gawked, Ron and Hermione practically passed out while Sirius barked with laughter.
"Enough foul talk! I don't want to hear it!" Mrs. Weasley wailed, effectively hushing everyone up. "Harry you should know better," she admonished.
Harry rolled his eyes playfully, but said nothing, as everyone jabbered all at once like school children. He sat back and listened, he was introduced to a pink haired witch named Tonks and then Fleur Delacour, who Harry remembered from the Triwizard Tournament. She was staring at him wide-eyed from next to Bill.
He simply inclined his head in respect.
Hermione and Ron were asking him questions but he deflected them for the moment. "Let me eat first, bloody hell! I had a long flight and then a train ride."
They blushed shamefully.
The talk was wild and alive, Harry answered in succinct fashion and frowned when he peered up over everyone's bobbing heads to see Percy settling underneath that same shaded tree with his legs crossed under him and a plate in front of him.
Harry ate some potatoes and salmon, expressing his thanks to Mrs. Weasley afterwards. He declined the dessert and leaned back in his chair slouching lazily with his legs spread out slightly on either side of the chair. His leather jacket had come off sometime during the meal and was draped over his chair.
He could feel several sets of eyes tracing him up and down but pretended they didn't exist. For one, Ginny Weasley was the main gawker and another was Fleur Delacour, who kept trying to get his attention. Even Hermione was staring at him and then blushing before ducking her head into her fruit.
It was the one thing that really turned him off about women. The way they seemed to compete with one another and were always gazing around at what could be better than what they already had.
"Don't you want any dessert, Harry? I"ve made treacle tart, your favourite!"
Harry smiled at the matriarch. "Why not? I was trying to forgo the sweets today else I"ll never sleep tonight," he said taking the offered plate.
She hugged him around the shoulders and sighed. "You"ve gotten so big, Harry! What have you done?" She asked touching his glossy black hair affectionately.
"Well, now that everyone's eaten and quiet, I can explain a bit. I won't tell you everything, I need to keep some of my secrets," he taunted getting a few curious raised eyebrows, and even sharper looks from Ron and Hermione. "I"ve been all over to put it mildly. I visited America, South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Asia, France, and Iceland. Each one was a different experience. Each one had a different kind of magic, talent, and fighting ability. I adopted some of each to form my own. Anyway, the first six months I was in America, I was placed on a strict diet, Nutrient Potions and Malnourishment Mixes. I"ve dabbled with the Auror forces from each country and the Unspeakables. I"ve also dealt with some types of magic that are a rather touchy subject with some people. I won't elaborate that's not what you need to know. What you do need to know is that, while I will be returning to Hogwarts I will not be there as a student."
There were gasps; Hermione stared at him. "How is this possible? You're only seventeen, Harry! You haven't even taken your OWLs or your NEWTs! You are missing your education."
"No, Hermione, Harry is not," Dumbledore said with a smile. "Harry already took both his OWLs and his NEWTs. He received all 12 OWLs and NEWTs. Each within a year of each other."
Harry smirked at the shocked expression on Hermione's face and the streak of jealousy from Ron.
"How"d you do this?" Hermione demanded. "You didn't take Arithmancy or Ancient Runes!"
"I did when I went to Egypt and Greece," Harry rebuked calmly. "History of Magic is so much better when you go abroad to learn. Age-old scholars have their own tales that even the most un-bookish person could enjoy and I am that un-bookish person. I hate to read," he admitted, getting a laugh from some and a silent scowl from others. "I prefer hands on learning, trial and error. Nearly getting killed and coming out alive!"
Moody barked out laughing and nodded. "I remember that in Cairo! You really do have some daring guts."
"Ignorance, I'm sure," Severus sneered.
"Yes, very ignorant!" Harry confessed with a cheeky smile. "But it was so much fucking fun!" He gasped and slapped a hand over his mouth as several people flinched and Mrs. Weasley, McGonagall, and Hermione glared at him. 'sorry-" He said wrinkling his nose. 'small habit I picked up."
"A habit You're going to break Mister!" Mrs. Weasley chastised but she was smiling endearingly.
"I can try!" Harry said good-naturedly.
More questions were flung at him but the evasion tactics stopped them every time causing Ron and Hermione to huff and Severus to eye him with a cool sort of respect.
Harry glimpsed Percy staring over at them and his heart sank at how far away he remained from everyone. So similar to how he used to be when he was smaller, how he"d sit in a corner while everyone talked, laughed, and joined in on conversations.
He remembered when Percy's self-esteem was high and he"d stomp around speaking as though he knew everything but now he seemed quiet and subdued. What happened? He wondered.
"Harry? Where are you staying?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"I'm not sure, Mrs. Weasley."
She scowled lightly at him. "You know better than that Harry! Your home is here, you are here."
"Is there enough room?" Harry asked sceptically.
"You can always stay with us, Harry," Remus said having been quiet most of the time.
Mrs. Weasley glared. "Nonsense! He's with us, with his family where he belongs!" She looked desperate to have him.
"But if you have no room, where will Harry sleep?" Sirius queried.
"I could always take a couch," Harry suggested. He wasn't picky. He"d even sleep on the floor if he had too. He did it for twelve full weeks.
"No!" She groused in horror. "You're not sleeping on the couch like some guest," she said in a huff. "We"ll find something."
It was then that Percy approached the table. "He could stay in my room," he suggested formally.
"Yeah kick the pinhead out!" Fred called.
"Yeah he can sleep on the couch or the floor, no one would mind," George said with a lofty grin.
Percy flushed, but didn't back down as Mrs. Weasley gazed at him. "We can fit an extra bed in like we did with Ron's. Your room is a little bigger," she said and shot her groaning twins a cold look.
"I"ll set the bed up then!" Mr. Weasley said.
"I can help." Charlie winked. "Good to have you back, Harry."
'thanks Charlie." He then turned to Percy. 'thanks Percy."
Percy nodded and stiffly went to sit in a chair when it was kicked out from under him by one of the twins and everyone erupted into laughter.
Harry frowned as Percy jumped up, eyes wide.
"Fred and George! I"ve had it up to here with your meanness!" Mrs. Weasley bellowed as she stood and towered over them.
Harry grimaced as he watched Percy, ignoring the laughing twins, Ron, and Ginny. He could tell that Percy was fighting back the embarrassment. He could see the swallowing movement in his slender neck. Their eyes locked for a brief second, before he turned and walked swiftly away.
"Oh that was good, boys!" Ron snickered.
Mrs. Weasley smacked her youngest son over the head and glowered down at him before rounding on the twins again.
Ignoring the continued excuses, Harry turned his gazed to Dumbledore. "I'm going to need that sword."
"Of course, Harry." He bowed his head, eyes twinkling. "I"ll need to retrieve the item."
"Don't touch it," Harry warned him.
"I'm aware Harry."
"Are you? Only a person with the ability to speak Parseltongue can actually put it on. We both know what it is, Albus."
It was perhaps the first time that anyone had ever seen a flare of pain in his eyes. "Perhaps you should retrieve it then? I may not be able to avoid the temptation."
"I"ll do it when everyone goes back to school on the first then, I"ll take care of it. It's time to get the ball rolling and kill that son of a bitch before he can do any more damage," he said powerfully and it was then that a wave of flickering magic ascended across the entire table and through the yard. Each and every person shivered and Harry ducked his head. "Whoops, sorry! Too much magic."
Everyone but Dumbledore, Moody, and Kingsley goggled at him. Even Severus was staring like a gaping fish in need of water.
We always try to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put You through...
Precious - Depeche Mode
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