Hey, I haven't written fanfiction for quite a while, but I suddenly felt like writing it tonight. I'll probably write another chapter or two of this, but won't write any more unless I get some reviews. Good or bad, whatever. I'd appreciate it if you took the time to just write a bit of response, thank you.

All was quiet on the streets at night, except for the lone footsteps of a man in a dark jacket. He wore a tight black hat that hugged most of his head, with a blue insignia on the front. His face was rough, and it looked like he had been trying to grow a beard, but had chickened out and shaved it, and missed a few hairs. He looked like a mess to any other stranger.

A howling pierced the silence and took the stranger by surprise. He stopped short and turned around, eyes narrowed. A silhouette of a Pokémon had its head raised to the moon on the sidewalk. It howled again, and the man stepped closer to it. It was a Poochyena, young and sprightly. In mid-howl, the man kicked it shamelessly.

The grey furball squeaked in pain, then growled at the darkened man. Uncaring, he reached down and grabbed it by the scruff of its neck, and kept walking. The poor thing kept biting the air in a desperate attempt to crunch through the man's fingers, but to no avail.

The man shook it a few times, and it stopped trying to bite. It was small, and easy to control. The man smiled grimly.

He kept walking, Pokémon in hand, and reached a shady, run down building. He pushed the pull door before realizing his mistake, rectified it, and continued through the grey pathway into the abandoned warehouse. The man personally believed that all evil hideouts should be made in abandoned warehouses.

"Ey, you there?" The man called out in the darkness. His voice echoed for a moment, and there was no response for a heart stopping ten seconds. It was still creepy at night, even for him. But then a yelp came back from the ceiling.

"Yeah, where the hell were you?" A woman's voice shouted back.

"Taking my walk, as usual." The man replied smoothly.

"Dammit, Earl, do you really have to take a walk every fucking night?" The woman hissed.

"Yes, yes I do." Earl said simply, and then cleared his throat. "I did bring back a catch though. You can have it this time, I have to catch some sleep, not Pokémon."

"Great, just leave it in the cage on the desk, I'm busy at the moment." She ordered, and shut up. Earl threw the Poochyena in said cage and sat down on the rickety chair nearby. He let out an exaggerated sigh before calling upwards again.

"What exactly are you doing, Margot?" Earl asked nonchalantly.

"Documenting the amount of time you've spent away from the hideout every night, how much it has affected our time together, and our profits this month." Margot replied in a sardonic matter.

"What profits?"

"You know as well as I do that it's a big fat zero."

"Eh… you never know." Earl sighed, and spun around in his chair. Footsteps came down from the warehouse staircase. He spun the chair towards them to see Margot.

Margot had thick, red hair that contrasted against Earl's dark, black hair. It was short, only down to her shoulders. She wore lipstick almost every hour of the day, except in the shower. She also liked to wear dresses, even when it was unnecessary. At the moment she was wearing a dress that matched her hair. Her eyes were a bright blue. Earl's were grey.

"So? What do you think?" Margot twirled around on the steps, and then rushed down them.

"Fine." Earl sniffed.

"What? You don't like it?" Margot asked, a bit hurt. She twirled again for extra effect, but that only made Earl sigh. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing… just, we'll never get to be better than Team Rocket at this rate, Margot. We need more on our workforce. Ten kids ain't gonna cut it." Earl explained in exasperation. The Poochyena in the cage was whining. "Shut up!" It quieted.

"Want me to take care of that for you, Earl?" Margot asked, more of a statement than a question, already making her way towards the cage.

"Yeah, shut that thing up for good." He grunted, spinning the chair away from her. Margot did her jobs quick and clean, but he preferred not to watch for some reason. He heard Margot skillfully flip her hidden knife out of her dress, and heard the gurgle of the beast's last breath before it fell into the darkness. "Now get rid of it before it stinks up the place."

"Yeah, yeah. Keep your hat on, Earl." Margot said dryly, stuffing the Pokémon in a garbage bag before heading out the back entrance of the warehouse. Earl contemplated whether he should start Plan A tomorrow, or then and now. Plan A was Earl's first agenda of Team Em, Earl+Margot. Margot wanted her initial to be first, but Earl pointed out that then it would be Team Me, which would sound a bit awkward, so she complied.

The rest of the team didn't care that the name was made from their initials, and frankly, Earl didn't even make it up, Margot did. He wasn't in the mood to argue with his girlfriend over something stupid like that, so he let it be. Team Em sounded fine anyway.

Plan A would be the start of Team Em, officially. Maybe it would even get a lot of publicity. When Margot walked back in, Earl spun his chair around to her, grinning.

"What? Did you think of something?" Margot asked with surprise, seeing the devilish look on Earl's face. She smiled in delight without even knowing what it was.

"Yes, I did. You'll have to fetch the bodies, Margot. It's time for Plan A." Earl finished, leaning back in the spinning chair until it fell against the floor, leaving Earl cursing and walking back to his room upstairs to think a bit more.