AN: Hello everyone, this is my first Hermione/ Charlie story and my first "smut" so I'm sorry if it sucks. This was originally for the Granger Enchanted christmas challenge but I DIDN'T finished it on time. This is a two chapter fic so I hope you follow. Joan is a made up character and Harry Potter doesn't belong to me. Even though I wished he did. Please review and I hope you enjoy.
Charlie Weasley was an idiot and she was a bigger one for believing in him.
We're just not right for each other, he says.
'Yeah and I'm still a virgin'. And okay technically she was but that wasn't really the point.
What an asshole.
Her eyes traveled over the Three Broomsticks, which was decorated with Christmas lights and a Christmas tree near the back, looking for her curly haired friend. Her eyes landed on a far corner booth where a broken hearted Hermione Granger sat surrounded by Harry Potter and all the Weasley's except one, or as Joan liked to call him the asshole.
She walked toward the booth taking off her Gryffindor robes and nodding her head at the people she knew from school. She neared the table and smiled when Hermione looked up. The Weasley's nodded their head at her as she sat across from them.
She though it was sweet how all the Weasley's were supporting her friend instead of groveling to the Asshole.
It was the youngest Weasley and the only girl in the large family that broke the awkward silence.
"So what should we do about Charlie?" she asked as she lay a supporting hand.
The whole group stayed quiet some wondering what she meant, others like Joan…Okay so only Joan, were patiently waiting for an opportunity to rip out his guts.
Ginny looked around looking exasperated and said, "Bloody hell people! We have to do something about Charlie and his lapse in brain function. We can't let him waste this opportunity with the greatest woman on earth like Ron did!" she exclaimed as she got as red as a tomato.
Personally Joan though that someone with her hair coloring should not be able to turn that red but whatever.
While someone said, "Yea…. (cricket) hey I did not waste my chance, there was just no attraction between us."
The whole table rolled their eyes at his lame excuse… Yeeeeeeah, talk about de Nile.
"Well personally I believe that we should feed…" began Joan but she was promptly cut out by eight red headed glares. A resounding no was heard from Hermione who looked angrily at her.
"Okay we could castrate……"
"We could tie him to a drag…"
"Place him under a bus…"
"Cover him with bulbadox powder!"
"Well you guys are no fun. How are we going to get his attention then?"
William, the older hot one, rubbed his forehead and answered with an exasperated sigh. "Anything will do as long as it doesn't cause him bodily harm."
Joan pouted in a way that made Bill wander how those juicy lips would feel around his co…wow backtrack she was seventeen and he was a pervert.
He almost had a heart attack when Hermione said, "Yes!" and wondered if the Brightest Witch of her age could actually read minds, but was quickly able to determine she meant yes to his previous statement.
Fred and George kept quiet for a second pondering on how not to cause bodily harm to their brother when a grin broke out from them both and an imaginary light bulb could be seen doing summersaults around their heads. Joan looked curiously at them and then began to grin herself.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Gred?"
"I believe I am dearest Forge! How about you Joan of Arc are you in with it?"
Joan giggled as the twins made a motion of swinging ax and answered, " Oh I'm definitely in Stooges."
The nicknames had become a form of affection between the three from when Joan had worked in their joke shop to help pay for her studies. She remembered how exited she had been living in Chicago, Illinois with her foster mom when she had received the Hogwarts acceptance letter. Everything had made sense. She finally knew where she belonged. The dream had been almost shattered when the cost of school had come in. If it hadn't been for Hermione who had a charity that provided scholarships for the underprivileged muggleborn children she would probably still be living in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago. She owed Hermione her life and it was a debt she was going to repay.
"Okay so here's what we were thinking, we make Charles have a little "accident" and Hermione takes care of him," Fred.
" As time goes by Charlie sees the horrible mistake he made by breaking up with you," George.
" And fall totally completely in love, a quick engagement, short wedding, and an accidental pregnancy to keep him tied to you for life," Joan.
Percy looked up from his file's and shook his head wondering why on earth he was there when he could have gone home to his wife, Penelope.
Molly and Arthur looked at the three grinning people and wondered how Joan and the twins weren't related. They couldn't help but laugh at the hopeful faces on the three. But knew it wasn't going to happen. First because they weren't about to hurt Charlie and second because bringing a child into the world for selfish reasons wasn't a good way to start a marriage or raise a child.
Hermione looked at the sky as if saying, "Help me Merlin!"
And answered, " For the last time no. First because WE don't want to hurt Charlie in any way. Second, because I will not bring a child into this world for my own selfish reasons and third because he did not break up with me. We never truly dated. We slept together once. And I never truly told him that I was in love with him. I was a coward. The only thing he did was say that we should stop working together and at twenty five I should be old enough to handle rejection. It's just that… well I felt that if we couldn't be lovers then we could at least be co-workers and I would see him everyday but now I don't even have that option." and tears filled her eyes as she looked lost in her own thought remembering a time long past.
Joan took her hand in hers from across the table and said in a serious tone,
" Look, we never said we were going to kill him or anything. Just maim him a little."
A group of "Joan" was heard and she just lifted her shoulders as if saying, "what?"
" Look Hermione its just an injury and we all know that you're not the kind of person that cares about ones physical appearance. Plus even if you guys didn't date you worked for five years together and everyone can see you are in love with him. How big of an idiot does he have to be not to notice?"
She was about to open her mouth to continue but the faces around her stopped her. The Weasley all looked as if they were waiting for the Third Magical War to begin but it was Hermione's white face and watery eyes that gave her the real clue.
" He's right behind me isn't he?"
Hermione sat frozen in her seat as Charlie answered with a resounding, Yeah.
She felt blood rush to her face and wondered if she asked nice enough would the earth open up eat her whole. Like it wasn't bad enough that a seventeen year old was trying to give her relationship advice, the man she was in love with now knew of her pathetic love for him when he had just ended their partnership and shattered her heart.
She felt her eyes dropping and lifted her chin proudly.
She wasn't ashamed at her feelings. And so what if Charlie decided that she was some pathetic girl for mooning after him. She was a twenty five year old women. Bloody hell, she could accept the fact that Charlie couldn't love her.
And it was completely unfair for her to blame Charlie of falling in love with him when he had never shown any sign of reciprocating her feelings.
She looked at Charlie wondering how he was going to put her down gently.
The pain in his eyes summed up his feelings. This was going to hurt her as much as it was going to hurt him and the truth was she didn't want to be the cause of his pain. She gathered her robes, purse and wand getting up quickly as the Weasley's around her looked back and forth between their brother and their sister from another mother . And they all really needed to stop hang….talking so much with Joan, her American lingo was getting to them.
Hermione walked out of the booth moving past Ginny and Bill who had been seating at her right.
" I have to go. I'll………….I'll floo you later thank you for the tea and support but I have a lot of work to do."
The Weasley's nodded as Ginny gave her a hug and Joan made an obscene gesture when Charlie turned his back making the Weasley twins give a startled laugh which was quickly covered when their parents kicked them under the table while making a disproving gesture at Joan.
Hermione began walking past Charlie ignoring him as he called her name. She moved with the crowd filled with happy-go-lucky students who were enjoying the beginning of their holiday break. The crowd carried her to the outside of the Three Broomsticks where she put on her scarf and drew her cloak close. She smiled at the carolers and donating 2 galleons to a war orphan's charity. She began heading toward the apparation point passing by Honeydukes Sweetshop and hoping beyond hope that Charlie would just let it go, that he would forget it. Like he had forgotten when they had made love five years ago.
December 24, 1999
There was a snow storm that made travel by car extremely hard. It was a good thing that the Wizards of England and Scotland were safely tucked at home with their family and some hot coco. Hermione folded her legs under her body and smiled at Teddy Lupin as he sat on his godfather's lap waiting anxiously for his presents. She looked at Harry over Teddy's head and noticed the sad look on his face. Their eyes met and traveled down to the little boy who had never met his parents and would never fully understand how incredible they had been.
She noticed Ginny as she walked into the room and sat next to her Harry ruffling Teddy's hair. But it was the second Weasley that caught her attention as Charlie entered the room with and armful of present and smiled prettily at her. She felt a blush come up to her face and took a sip of her coco to keep from embarrassing herself.
It was so hard keeping her feelings to herself when the man she lusted after was so nice and handsome and charming and … well perfect each time he saw her. At one time she had wondered if all those niceties had meant that he liked her the same way she liked him but she had quickly learned from Ginny that this wasn't the case. Apparently Charlie was dating some blond Romanian girl who not only was beautiful but nice.
God she hated these circumstances. And the worst part was she couldn't even hate the girl.
She looked up again to see the grinning face of Joan, an American orphan who had been accepted to Hogwarts and who's education was being founded by her foundation, Run Away Love. It was wonderful to see the change that had occurred in the little girl and how perfectly she had fit into the Weasley family.
She got to her feet as the whole family began to enter the room in order to open presents. Fred and George came in arguing with Percy and a grinning Bill following. Ron entered with his parents and smiled when he noticed all the left over food. He was quickly stuffing his face with the left over turkey.
She had to turn when she heard a snort to her left and met Charlie's eyes as he grinned as they both rolled their eyes. Some things didn't change.
It was another three hours before all the presents were opened that ended with a sleeping Teddy and three very embarrassed people. The twins had decided to give Ginny a sinful red nightie to, as they put it "finally get the ring." It was a blushing Ginny, a stammering Harry, and a red Mr. Weasley that moved on to the next present. From what Joan said later Ginny and Harry were embarrassed while Mr. Weasley was about to rupture a blood vessel.
It was around one that the house became quiet and Hermione began to feel her head pound. It was at the same time that Charlie asked if she would like him to accompany her home. She had been inclined to say no in fear than in her tipsy state she might say something that she might regret but it was Christmas and she very much wanted to be alone with him that led her to say yes. They apparated to Grodric Hollow where they both owned an apartment .
They walked past the statue of Harry and his parents and walked up to her apartment which was the closest one. The wind blew and the streets continued to fill with snow. She felt her stubborn curls come loose as cover her face as they stuck to her mouth. She tried pushing them away but it was Charlie's strong masculine hand that came to the rescue as he place the curls behind her ear. Hermione felt herself begin to blush when Charlie didn't remove his hand and instead moved it to trace the side of her face. She felt herself shiver and wanted to kick him in the shins for doing this to her. She was already half in love with him and the way he was looking at her, as if he wanted to eat her whole wasn't helping.
She was about to ask him why he was looking at her like that when she saw his head tilt and lower and felt his lips on her. And felt the most excruciating pleasure and let her arms go around his neck and draw him closer until their bodies were touching and she felt his hardness. She rubbed herself against him and felt him moan as he tightened his arms around her drawing her even closer and deepening the kiss as he entered her mouth with his tongue. They back up into the door and with clumsy hands got it opened.
Charlie picked her up and she wrapped her long legs around his narrow waist as he kicked the door shut. In a matter of minutes they were in her room and Charlie set her down in the bed as he removed his cloak as well as her own. She panted as he removed his shirt and watched with half-lidded eyes filled with desire. She liked her lips with anticipation as she ran her hands all over his muscle torso. She kneeled on the bed and captured his lips with her mouth moving down to his neck to suck his adam's apple as she ran her finger over his nipples and felt him growl as he lay her down once again and captured her lips. He began to remove her silk shirt throwing it over his head and leaning down to attack her neck as he snaked his hand under her back to remove her lacy white bra, and once again throw the material over his head.
Hermione arched her back with pleasure as he closed his warm mouth over her nipple while he rolled the other one between his experienced fingers. His mouth moved down followed the shape of her body and began to unbutton her black skirt along with her matching white panties. Once again thrown over his head.
His hand dipped into the v of her legs and opened up her lips as Hermione shifted and opened up her legs giving him room. She cried out when he entered her with one of his thick fingers while another circled her clit. She purred with pleasure as a second and then a third finger entered and the pace intensified until she was a sweating mess reaching the edge. He moved up her body kissing her belly and closing his mouth over her nipple once more while he kept one hand inside her. His mouth claimed hers once more as he quickly removed his pants. He shifted and lay atop of her moaning when she took hold of his member and began to caress it with her delicate little hand while she pulled at his hair to draw him closer.
He took her to the edge with his fingers until she reached her climax and she cried out as her back arched and her toes curled. She looked at him while he shifted once more and began to take it slow. But Hermione was a women of the twentieth century and had other hides. With a force she had no idea she possessed , she flipped him over and straddled him. He looked up in surprise and excitement as she moved over his manhood and lower herself onto him. They both moaned and threw back their heads in pleasure once he was fully inside of her. They began to move together and Charlie let her enjoy being in control. It wasn't until the last moments when he felt her tighten that he flipped her over and pushed into her until they both reached a climax.
They both settled on the bed exhausted and in a few minutes were asleep in each other arms.
It was seven hours later that Hermione woke up with the rays of the sun to find herself completely alone.
Hermione moved faster as she felt tears run down her face. She could still hear Charlie following and in a state of panic apparated to her childhood home.
'I'm such an idiot,' she though as she leaned against the wall of her childhood room.
She began to sob in earnest as she remembered the feeling of abandonment she had felt that morning and the pain of a broken heart when later as she had looked out her window into Charlie's apartment she had seen him in the arms of his blond girlfriend.
AN: So what do you think. Please review. Much love.