Ring! "Dunder Mifflin, this is Erin."

"Dunder Mifflin, this is Andy."

Erin looked up and smiled at her boyfriend's amused face.

"Andy? Andy who? I don't know any Andys? You'll have to give me some more information." Erin teased.

"Andy Bernard, Cornell, class of '95. Sang in the acapella group 'Here Comes Treble'. But, he's more recently known as the super hot regional director of sales in Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, and is currently dating the adorable receptionist Erin Hannon." Andy bragged.

"Well, Erin sounds like a lucky girl." Erin giggled.

"I'm a lucky guy." Andy said, and he caught Erin's eye as he smiled at her.

(Talking Head) Andy: So, after the I gave Erin the best Christmas present ever and got her twelve drummers drumming, Erin came up to me and said it was the greatest Christmas present she had ever received. She asked why I went to so much trouble to do that for her and I told her I liked her, and she admitted she liked me. We went out after that and now we're dating. It's going really well.

Pam: Let's just say I think Andy's finally found someone. Andy and Erin are a lot alike, which is a good thing for them, but a bad thing for everyone else. They're so peppy and happy and have no trouble having their relationship publicized. It gets a bit annoying.

Angela: Andy and Erin are the most nauseating people I have ever seen! If you're going to be in a relationship, don't announce it to the world, don't make out on the receptionist desk, and don't yell inside jokes in the conference room! Am I jealous of Erin with Andy? *laughs* No, I broke off the engagement, didn't I? But, I'll say this; It's been about a year since Andy and I broke up, now he's dating Erin and I've heard him tell her he's 'never felt this way in his whole life' and 'she's the best thing that's happened to him'. Andy's happier than I've EVER seen him, and clearly he's moved on. And where does that leave me, a year later, still lonely and single?

"I think you look good in anything." Andy told Erin over the phone, even though they were twenty feet away from each other and Andy had a ton of work to do. "But I gotta say, purple is defiantly your color. Like, seeing you in purple, it blows my mind!"

Erin said something into the phone, and Andy replied, "Nah, I never wear purple. I don't look good in it."

Erin said something again.

"No, you look cuter in it!" Andy objected playfully.

"No, you do!" Erin giggled.

"No, you- And all of a sudden, Andy was cut off as Angela disconnected his phone.

"Get back to work!" She snarled to Andy's astonished face.

*Queue the theme song!*

Another boring meeting in the Conference room, supplied by Michael. Angela stared out the window, thinking about the sunshine that lay outside.

"Making sales is like making magic." Michel began, starting another nonsensical speech. "I'm like the headmaster of the school Harry Potter goes too," He bragged. What the heck was he talking about? "What's that school called again?"

"Hogwarts." Dwight reminded him.

"No, no." Michael shrugged. "It's like, Pigfarts or something."

Everyone started mumbling things, stuff like, 'No, its Hogwarts,' but finally someone spoke up.

"It is Hogwarts, Michael." Toby said.

"Toby, you look like that evil guy Harry's always fighting, so shut it."

"Voldemort?" Dwight supplied.

"Yeah, whatever. Andy, Erin, are you even listening to me, God!"

Andy had been whispering something in Erin's ear as she smiled while Michael had been comparing himself to Albus Dumbledore. Frankly, they didn't miss much.

"Of course we're listening to you." Andy lied, and Erin nodded.

"Then what school does Harry Potter go to?"

The meeting was as usual filled with utter nonsense, not contributing at all to the topic they studied, and concluded in a reenactment from Harry Potter with Michael as Dumbledore, Dwight as Harry, Andy as Ron Weasley, and Kevin as Hermione Granger, all fighting the dark and evil Lord Voldemort played most unwillingly by Toby. Angela was still trying to find the connection to sales in this four minute Harry Potter reenactment.

"I'd like to file a complaint." Angela said, walking into Toby's office. "About Andy and Erin."

Toby: I'd like to file a complaint of my own. A compliant against Angela's constant complaints. Whenever she comes to complain to me, she gets all hysterical and screams and yells and says everything wrong with somebody. Of course, if I'd like to talk about it with someone I'd have to talk to HR, which is...me.

"Is this about their constant showing of affection towards one another because I am going to have to tell them to stop? I just thought it might have died down by now." Toby said miserably.

"Well, maybe, instead of being lazy, you should have told them the rules the first day!" Angela screamed.

"I'm going to, I'm going to." Toby said.

"Well, you better soon, because I can't stand it. Andy and Erin are disgusting." Angela said, revolted.

"They seem happy." Toby said fairly.

"That's the problem!" Angela screamed. "Can't they hide their happiness till the end of the day? And yes, they can, because they're going out after work ends! How do I know this? Maybe because I can hear their conversation as Andy flirts with Erin at the Receptionist desk instead of doing his job!"

"Angela, do you think there could be something...else, going on?" Toby said nervously.

What do you mean, Toby?" She sighed angrily.

"I mean, Andy was at one point, your fiancé. Is there any part of you that could maybe be, jealous? I think your anger towards Andy and Erin is much worse than everyone else's', even for you."

"Jealous? Jealous? I was the one cheating on Andy! I ruined the relationship! Why should I be jealous?" Angela laughed hysterically.

"Maybe you're not jealous that Erin's dating Andy, but maybe you're jealous that Andy has found someone that makes him extremely happy and you are, dare I say, alone and miserable." Toby suggested.

Angela would never was one to tell her deepest feelings, and she wouldn't think about telling her feelings to her co-workers, especially Toby. But yet, he had predicted how she was feeling spot on.

"I think...I think you're right." Angela said. "It's just, I mean, it's been a year. A year ago, I had Andy and Dwight licking out of the palm of my hands. But now they want nothing to do with me. And now Andy has a new girlfriend, who also happens to work in the office, and he has no problem showing how great she is or how much more he loves her than he ever did me. Okay, maybe me and Andy aren't meant to be, but I'm thirty-six, isn't it time for me to finally find my happily ever after?"

"I think Andy deserved a happily ever after of his own." Toby said, and Angela held back a rude remark. "You cheated on him. Did you ever think once how Andy would feel when he found out? And yet, you still had plans to marry him. What would happen if Andy never found out, and you did marry him? When would your sneaking around with Dwight finally stop? All I'm saying is when Andy broke up with you, he seemed mad at you, but otherwise relatively happy, and happier than I had seen him since you two had started dating. And when he started dating Erin, well, you know, he's happier than I've ever seen him in his whole life, which is hard to beat for Andy. Maybe the best thing to get rid of these jealous feelings is to find an Erin of your own, otherwise known as someone who makes you extremely happy. Oh, and word from the wise, if you want to keep this guy, maybe you shouldn't treat him the way you treated Andy, and I'm not just talking about the cheating. The ways you treated him causally were enough to have anyone want to call off the wedding."

"Okay." Angela said, and walked out.

Angela: Toby actually gave me some good advice...for once.