Okay, I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while its just that I have 3 projects due Wednesday and I'm really sick.

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or harry potter characters.


I put both of my index fingers to my temples and apparated to the ministry.

I really didn't care if the Cullen's saw me. I had to save my family.


I landed on my back. Ow. I heard no noise, no nothing. I opened my eyes and stood up. It was oddly quiet. I looked around. And then I spotted it. I little snow globe looking thing, which had my name on it along with Voldemort's. There were gray things floating around in it. I heard a voice coming from it, so I grabbed it and pressed it against my ear.

She who must conquer the Dark Lord….Is born as the ninth month begins…..Whose parents have thrice defied him…. Neither can live will the other survives….

I was eager to listen more, but I was interrupted by someone yanking on my wrist.

"Bella! We have to get you out of here! Someone is coming." A voice whispered in my ear. I spun around and gave Mr. Weasley a big hug. He noticed the snow globe in my hand, and grabbed it.

", what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm protecting this place from Death Eaters," He held the snow globe up to my face, " Do you know what this is?"

I shook my head no.

"This is what put your life in danger. The prophecy." My face paled, and I stared at him with wide eyes. I grabbed it from him.

"But… I heard what it said and-" I was interrupted by six loud cracks. We both turned around. Seven Death Eaters had their wands pointed at me. Oh joy. I whipped my wand out and pointed it at Malfoy.

"My, my, Swan, I didn't think it was that easy to get you to find that prophecy. Now give it to me before I kill all of your friends."

"All of my friends aren't here, Malfoy." I retorted. He snapped his fingers and six death eaters stepped up to wrap their arms around Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna.

"Now, what do you say?" he said, smiling. I extended my hand with the prophecy and reluctantly moved toward him. A series of 'No, Bella!' was yelled, but I ignored them. The prophecy was about to touch Malfoy's hand, when Neville broke free of Bellatrix Lestrange's grasp. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. He pushed Malfoy aside and grabbed the prophecy. At the same time, the rest of my friends broke free of the death Eaters grasps and stunned them all. I guess they forgot to take their wands. How stupid.

I was shook out of my daze when Hermione, and Harry both grabbed one of my wrists and ran towards a gray door. I stopped when I realized that I had a dream about that door and that Voldemort was behind it.

"Bella, come on!" Hermione yelled. She yanked on my wrist and I stumbled forward.

"No! Voldemort is behind that door." My voice shook with dread.

Then my worst nightmare happened. Harry and Hermione were thrown back and Voldemort stepped out of some fog. He shot a green spell at me, but one of the water fountain statues got in front of me.

"Dumbledore!" Someone yelled before I saw a flash of red and darkness consumed me.

I know it needs to be longer, I just have to update my other stories too.

Recommendation: Sunless Day by NoelleLeeKim77

Midnight Plane to Anywhere by kinole009x

I thought these stories were good so check them out.


thanks for the reviews so far guys, but we would like more reviews, so all of the readers you know what to do!!! ~Ella-Ava