AN-I swear to god this will be the last oneshot till I get my other stories up. I just had to do this made so much sense to me. I freaking wonder how you girls manage to say two characters love each other when they obviously don't. Hence this came to be. I will eventually do a MarVex one, since they really hate eachother...but I love Braig/ I must pick on him first.

Enjoy this less than 1000 word story...

Braig grabbed his face, screaming in unbelievable pain as he had just been hit with a beam of darkness. Blood oozed down his third degree burns as he tried desperately to make his escape. He took a step back as he glared at Terra with his only good eye.

"The fuck," Braig screamed, his hand covering his massacred eye. "I shoot you and nothing happens except you lose some HP-you shoot me and I end up HORRIBLY DISFIGURED?!"

Terra stared back at him, frowning at his pain.

"It was an accident," he said pathetically.

"AN ACCIDENT," Braig yelled. He removed his hand and pointed at the censored mess of his face. "You call this an accident?!"


"No, this is not an accident," Braig hissed. "Forgetting to turn of the stove is an accident, not feeding the dog is an accident, a broken condom is an accident-This is not a fucking accident!"

"I'm sorry," Terra said, "but you were trying to kill me…"

"NO…NO...NO," Braig said, "YOU know what…FUCK YOU!"

Braig then did what had to be the most humiliating thing in Kingdom Hearts history by hopping off like a combined super flea and ninja from Naruto. He then left Terra alone to emo and talk about darkness and Xehanort and the plot….which none of you actually care about.

Terra was just stunned. The author will let you guess at what he was stunned by; go ahead and take your pick.

Meanwhile in the real world…

"OMGWTFSTFUBBS358/2-they talked to each other," a fangirl screamed as she played with her PSP. Apparently, everything that she had just witnessed made no sense to her as she was sure love was hidden between both men, and for each other no less. "They must be in love! I can't wait to write a fanfiction about them!!!!"

And she did.

And you know what; it fucking sucked.

And they all lived Happily ever after....

I need to finish Twisted....