At first, I thought I was in hell. It was dark, and gloomy, and no sight of light anywhere. My mind raced, wondering what I was doing here. But something bigger came into my mind, where was I?

My eyes felt really heavy as if they were closed. But I knew I wasn't playing with my self; I knew my eyes were open.

No matter how hard I tried to find light, nothing would appear.

I felt myself lying down, so I sat up, feeling what was under me. It was soft, and the touch was very familiar. I thought hard, trying to figure out what it was. Then it hit me.

I was on my couch.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling that I was just coming from a deep sleep. As I rubbed my eyes, they felt really wet, like someone sprayed water on them.

As I rubbed the moisture off my eyes, my memory started it click in. I remembered every second of it. And no matter how hard I didn't want to remember, the memory just kept flooding in.

When I stood up, my body suddenly felt weak, and my heart throbbed, as if someone jabbed it with a knife.

But that's basically what had happened to me;

Feeling your heart break, and rip apart from inside you, and all you wanted to do was lock your self away from the world.

The term was used as emo, but I felt much more pain than that.

I managed to find my way to the light switch, and flicked it on. All of a sudden, my eyes automatically closed, not adjusted to the light.

I tried hard to open them, but from all the crying, and just waking up, and now the light, it was just giving me a big headache.

Once my eyes adjusted, I sat back on the couch. I laid my head in my hands, staring at the floor.

The moisture started to fill up in my eyes again, but this time, I just let them hit the floor. Once again, my mind wouldn't stop flooding memories in. You don't know how hard and hurtful it was.

I remembered every second of it, like I was in the scene again.

The rain pouring down, tears running down my face, watching her walk out of my life. I should have spoken up, and told her how much I needed her, and how much I was deeply sorry. But instead, she turned her head, looking into my eyes. I saw so much sorrow and pain in her eyes; it looked like I was looking into my own eyes.

She fully turned to me, her hands gripping tight on her jacket. I knew she was doing the right thing, but it was killing the both of us on the inside. 4 years of love, happiness, and no sign of regret; I just knew we weren't this weak.

Her eyes broke the lock, as he looked down at her hands. She reached out her hand, and opened it palm up. There was a object in her hand, and I knew it was something I never thought she would give back. The gold heart locket I gave to her the day I told her I loved her, 4 years ago, was unlocked and sitting in her hand.

My eyes drowned in tears. I let them fall down my check, the rain was helping.

Right now, I wish she would run into my arms, holding me, like she never wanted to let go, and forget all this shit.

Seconds passed by, and she let the locket hit the pavement. My eyes followed the locket, feeling my heart drop with it.

I looked up to her, seeing her tears fall, ruining her makeup. She dropped her arm back down, and looked up to me.

I felt myself walk towards her, like this little wire was attached to us. But she backed away, pulling her hand up in a sign to stop myself. Her lips quivered, attempting to say something.

"I know this isn't what I wanted." she started, and I could tell she was starting to cry. "…But I never thought it would be like this.." She looked at me. I found my self about to say something. But instead, a struggling smile pulled on her lips. I knew that was a fake smile, and the only thing that kills me, is that I hurt her this way.

"Fate brought us together, and I know it was worth it. But right now, I just think.. Things have changed.." She stated.. That one completely ripped my heart out.

"You always said I was the one. You always said that nothing would break us apart. But when I found out about you, and how you abused our love, deep inside I knew you would have done that to me. And now…" She said. "…now I can't stand to look at her the right way. But now, you think you actually have the nerve to save our love, and taking everything back?"

I was searching for words to say, knowing that I couldn't fight back and win her back.


"No, do not call me Danny anymore. I don't need anymore bullshit in my life.."

"Danielle, you know I never wanted to hurt, I never wanted to! I love you, and you know it. Don't take everything the wrong way. I know I've let you down, but just understand, I'll keep us together. Seeing you hurt like this, just makes me want to change everything and start over. Believe me, I'll do whatever it takes.."

Her eyes gleamed with a shine of tears welding up. The fake smile came back, but this time, with less affection.

"I know I'll be able to live without you, but my heart wont let me do that.. I knew you loved me, because I knew our love was one thing I could actually wake up to and be proud of it. But listen to me.." I didn't want to, because I knew where this was going. She took a deep, long breath. " I.. I think it's time we move on, forget about each other. Because tomorrow… I'm leaving."

I knew she was leaving me, and not just leaving my heart…

She was leaving my life..

"Wh-what are you talking about? I'm hoping things will change, and you just think you can forget everything by leaving me behind?" I was furious, but I didn't want to show it, and get her worked up even more.

We didn't say anything for a few seconds, but to me, it felt like a lifetime before she spoke. Her soft lips opened to say something.

"Don't take it hard. It wasn't a choice I made, it was an order to myself. Letting you go of my heart, is something that will take a lifetime to do. I just want to start over and…" I cut her off.

"And what? Leave me and bring my heart with you?"

I watched her eyes search for an answer. I knew the exact answer on why she was leaving. I just didn't want to believe it.

She walked towards me, grabbing my hands, and holding them in hers. Her eyes raised to look at mine. I wanted to cup her delicate face in my hands, and kiss her soft lips never wanting breath as we kissed.

"I love you.. And I hope later in life.. We will see each other.."

She dropped my hands, and I let them fall to my sides. More tears slid down my face.

Before I knew it, she was already walking away. Her dark brown hair with the orange ends stuck to her back as she walked.

I was going to stand my ground, and tell her everything I never did tell her in our relationship. But she turned around slowly, as I stood there watching her. The smile never came back. Her look was very serious, never showing a glimpse or regret.


The rain poured down more, and now, I could see her blue eyes anymore. I knew she was gone now, and never coming back.

I stood there wondering how we could just let this fall apart. I knew I what I did was wrong, but never wanted this to happen..just like Danielle said earlier..

My legs started working, and I walked over to the locket. It was in a puddle, just waiting to come out. As I looked down in the puddle, I saw my reflection.

But the only thing I was looking at, was I mess I just made.

So yeeaaah.. this is kinda something I just put together when I was listening to The Mess I Made by: Parachute. I actually liked how it turned out, and is the first time I've written something like this :D it's a Justin Bieber one-shot story. With Danielle Knox from my other story Loves Reply. & btw, this does NOT happen in the following chapters to Loves Reply. Here are some songs that helped me through this!!:

Whatever it Takes by: Lifehouse (this one shows A LOT in it!)

Miserable at Best by: Mayday Parade

Not Meant to Be by: Theory of a Deadman

Found Out About you by: Emily Osment

Before the Storm by: Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus

Moving Mountains by: Usher

Hope you liked it guyss!!! J