I don't own Pokemon.
R&R :D
"Do you love her the way that I do?"
Drew turned around to be face to face with Ash Ketchum. A very angry, determined, upset, looking Ash Ketchum.
"Excuse me?"
"May. Do you love her like I do?
That made Drew laugh, which made Ash angry.
Drew ignored him.
"No, Ash, I don't."
That out a proud look on his face. He thought he won. He thought he loved her more. Like no one else could. Would. Or did. He thought he won May. And her heart.
"I Love her more."
His smile disappeared and he glared at him, "What?"
"I. Love. Her. More."
"No, you don't."
"Oh, but yes I do, Ash."
Ash opened his mouth to say something, but Drew cut him off, "Tell me this. Just one thing. And I'll let go. You can have her."
Ash smirked. This will be easy.
"Tell me why you love her? What makes her different? So special? Why do you want her? What does she mean to you? What does she do to you?"
He drew a blank, "I -I - uhh, I don't .. I don't know ... I just do?"
"Exactly. You don't love her. I do. I love her because she's clumsy, ditzy, a mess, dumb, rude, dense, mean, strange, emotional, confusing. So imperfect," Ash looked confused and looked at him as if he were crazy, "But I also love her because she's elegant, intelligent, beautiful, smart, polite, sweet, kinda, unique, easy to read, to know, to understand. Amazing. Inredible. May."
Ash looked dumbfounded.
"No one is as kind, sweet, down to earth, loving, cute, beautiful like her. No one loves their pokemon like she does. No one battles like that. Performs like that. Is that great of a coordinator and trainer. No one I've met. She's almost as good as me. She's so determined amd stubborn. She fights for what she wants. She's challenging. No one challenges or fights me like she does. No one likes me for me except her. She doesn't chase after me like every other girl does. She talks to me because she likes and wants to, not because of my money, looks, or fame. If I say or do something she thinks is wrong, it's wrong. Not right just because I said. And she says so. No one knows me like she does. She's different because no one else is like her."
Ash didn't say anything.
"Everything about her is special."
He stayed silent.
"I want her because she's a great person with a great heart. Beautiful. Iteresting. Fascinating. And has a great body, she's friggan hot. But I want all of her. Not just her body."
He still said nothing.
"She means everything to me. Without her, I can't breath. I want to die. I would die. When she's gone. Not with me. I don't know what to do. I miss her so much. Too much. I almost can't handle it. I would die for her, She's my everything. Everything to me."
He still stayed quiet.
"She makes me crazy. Everything she does. It's so, so, I don't even know!" he rubbed his forhead in frustration,"Frustrating? She makes me want her. Love her. Jealous. She plays mind games with me. I don't even know what to do. She drives me insane."
Ash just stared at him.
Drew smirked at his face, "Now, tell me, who loves her more?"
Ash didn't say anything at first. How could he? He knew Drew loved and deserved her more then he did. More then anyone. More then anything.
I - m - me!"
Drew rolled his eyes, "Really?"
"Yes," he glared.
"If you love her so much, why are you always with a new girl? If you truly did love her, you'd care about her and only her. You wouldn't be running around with so many other's. You wouldn't hurt her."
"I never hurt her!"
"You sure about that? Because when you were together, you cheated and cheated and cheated. Then left her. To me. I had to pick up all the pieces and slowly glue them all back together. She was depressed. Suicidal. Ash, you destroyed her. Killed her. Abused her, So you're right, you didn't just hurt her."
"I never cheated!"
Drew laughed, "I think you did. And so does May. But if you didn't, you still broke her. You don't deserve anyone, especially her."
"I - but .. I - I didn't ..mean.. to ..."
"But you did. And you know what? She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve anything that's happened to her in her life. Do you even know what I'm talking about? How horrible her life was. What she went through? What she's still going through? How hard her life is? How hard it is for her?"
"N - no."
"Exactly. And if you do love her, why did you leave her? Especially in that state. If you love her, why did you leave for the reasons you did?"
"What are you talking about?"
"She told me. Everything. She told you about her Dad. She asked you to never do what he did to her. To never leave or hurt her. She told you she loved you."
He didn't say anything.
"And if you did love her, why did you leave her to continue your pokemon journey? Away from her? And start living seperate lives? Why were you fine with it? You did it so easily - "
"We were 14! I didn't know what love was!"
" - and come back into her life years later, like everything was fine? After not talking to her for years?"
"I realized missed her. How much she ment to me. That I loved her."
"I realized I loved her when we were 10. She ment everything to me then, too. She ment what she means to me now, only now I love her more and more each day. I missed her everyday I wasn't with her. If I had the opportunity you did, I would've taken it."
He didn't know what to say.
"I wouldn't have left her like that... Did what you did .. " he trailed off.
"Drew .. I - "
"Don't ever do that to her again. Stop walking in and out of her life. Stop messing with her and her emotions. Her feelings. Stop hurting her. Leave her alone. Just back off."
He didn't say anything.
"Think twice before touching my girl. Think twice about hurting her. Think twice before messing with her. Think in general."
"So, tell me, who loves her more?"
"You," he mumbles, "but I'm still fighting for her!"
Ash marched away and Drew went to find May. They were traveling together and they needed to find a hotel. She went to the pokemon center to care for her pokemon. He smiled at the thought. Same old sweet, loving, caring, May.
I thought of this when I was listening to Think Twice by Eve 6. I don't know how I thought of it, but I did. Haha.
What do you think? Review? ;D