I don't own bleach, but I wanna! Bleach is made by Tite Kubo!

The night came swiftly and fast. But the reason behind that wasn't normal – it was because of the evil dark spiritual power that was lurking in karakura town.

"Ichigo!" shouted Rukia, "Go, leave me! Save yourse…" sphlatt. There was a clear puddle of blood on the ground, followed by a sword exiting Rukia's bloody body. The Crimson liquid didn't seem to stop spilling out of her chest.

"Rukia!" Ichigo shouted, with anger and sadness mixed in his face. Before he could think, he charged at the Soul reaper, but this one he wasn't familiar with. He had the soul reaper suit, and a Zanpaktou, but who was it?

"BASTARD!" Ichigo screamed, charging at the soul reaper. SHING, a miss, CHANGSH, blocked, Sphlaht.

The soul reaper grinned as he fell to the ground, completely unaware and careless about what just happened. His mask appeared in a flash, then he dissapeard.

"Darn, it was a hollow." Ichigo grunted. His eyes widened and remembered Rukia. Quickly he rushed to her side, and put his head to her chest. Thump… Thump…..Thump…..Thump…Thump…Thump.

"Heart palpitations. I better hurry and get her to fixed up." He murmured quickly. He picked her up bridal style and dashed off into the east, torwards Orihimes house.

BANG BANG BANG He knocked at the door with intensity. ( XD The word is dedicated to my good friend Bradly.)

"Ichigo! What happened?" Orihime asked.

"We went against a soul reaper like hollow – which I think threw her off. Orihime, could you please quick heal her? She is losing a lot of blood."

With a nod of her head that signaled yes, he seated her down and Orihime started.

"So," Orihime questioned in her worried/questionable voice, "What happened?"

Ichigo started, "Long story short, we got a call from the Soul Society telling us to go against some hollow – but it looked exactly like a soul reaper. He attacked her head on and now…" He sighed, "Simple, too simple…"

_10 min. L8R_

"Lf!" Rukia shot up and yelled.

"Elf? What the heck Rukia? Are you ok?" Ichigo smirked. "Thank you for healing her to consciousness, Orihime." He said, smiling at Orihime.

"Yes, thank you Orihime. And Ichigo… YOU IDIOT! Next time leave! AND MOST OF ALL…." Rukia shouted while standing up. "I'M PERFECTLY FINE!" With Orihime's dumbfound expression, it was an amazing sight to see. Rukia lay back down so Orihime could finish healing her arm.

The orange light shining off of the healing bubble-shield made his hair glow, not a little, but one of those radiant, amazing glows. His hair was a tangerine orange, with a bright orange on the outer most part.

"Um, Rukia?" questioned Ichigo, "is everything O.K.? You are staring."

Noticing she was, she slowly looked away staring out the window. Noticing the beautiful sunset, a light red with a color-leaked blue next to a golden sun. It looked amazing. She looked at Ichigo and replied,

"Yes, I'm fine. But what about the captain, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Renji, and the others?"

"They are all fine," Ichigo answered "they left not too long ago. Renji and Captain Hitsugaya had a couple of scratches from their last battle, but they are fine."

Ichigo sat down next to her and slapped her.

"WHAT THE HELL ICHIGO!" Rukia yelled.

"Rukia, you need to worry about yourself. You were just dead, again. And you very well know they are fine. Settle down, we can worry about ourselves." Ichigo explained.

With her hand on her cheek she looked down in self disappointment.

"I know, I'm sorry. But still… YOU DON'TAVE TO SLAP ME!" Rukia continued. She slapped him back, but he just smirked. That stupid… but nice… smirk.

"Umm… Excuse me… Rukia?" Orihime interrupted "Your healing is finished."

After getting up and saying their thank-yous, they left to the Korosaki house.

"Hey, midget, what are you doing this time?" Ichigo asked the raven haired girl with violet eyes. When he looked over, she was scribbling on a blue tied died piece of paper. A few seconds later Rukia held up a regular-Rukia detailed picture of Kon, and a hollow-fied Ichigo teaming up with her to destroy an Arrankar. Except her details weren't all that bad. The lack of coloring was somehow an exception.

"Not bad, but why are you next to me and Kon is attacking the Arrankar?" he pointed out.

She looked away and said, "What does it matter. Only you would notice that… almost like you pay attention to that." She placed the picture down next to her, stood up, and exited.

"What did I say?" Not like I actually care, but… do I? Maybe she left for me to think about it. Or maybe SHE likes ME?


Oh, that gives why she left. But I didn't hear anything…

Rukia entered the lighted doorway and did a 'Come on, NOW' hand sign. So he got up from the carpeted floor and ran to the table, Rukia running after him. She stopped so he did. When he looked back, he noticed she was looking right to the floor under him.

"Ichigo… I sense a hollow nearby." BEEP VVEERRRMMM Her soul pager beeped and vibrated. A soul reaper was close by. In a flash,they transformed out of their Geigi in a flash, bright lightning circled them. After telling their mod souls to go eat, they left.

The way to the hollow was more of a rough-coursed terrain. They jumped over roof tops with ease, but it was at least 20 minutes away. Along with the absence of houses to jump over they had to go on ground. Some times their sandals slipped off because of the rocks or clumsily tripping, so they ran far ahead without knowing they slipped. So then they had to retrace their steps, which usually took them through a painful pile of rocks.

"Ichigo, by the time we get there, we will be of no use. Everything will be destroyed." Rukia explained

"Think about it. We are the closest. We might as well get there as soon as we can to stop it. It probably won't stop." Ichigo commented back.

And before they knew it, they were there, with a huge crimson Arrankar awaiting them.

The huge Arrankar that loomed over Rukia and Ichigo had a mask like Ichigo's, except its teeth were less abundant and sharper, and the mask itself had a blue pattern. Other than its mask, it had green flowing hair that glimmered endlessly. But the weird part was that it was really fat. Its gender was male, but he kind of looked as if he was a female. Then the huge creature turned on them and let out a loud screech, which, of course, made them jump. Then the Arrankar started pumping his fists in the air as if saying 'Come on! I can take all of ya!' But before Rukia and Ichigo knew it, the Arrankar swiftly attacked. Throwing a thunderous, rippling punch right into the ground before them. Leaving a devastating crater which people would be wondering about. The shockwave was so great that the two were paralyzed in shock.

"Ichigo!" Rukia commanded, "you attack right, I'll go left on the count of three! Three, GO!" The 2 took off at lightning speed towards the Arrankar, and took the best slash they could with their Zanpaktous at simple form. Just a scratch. So Rukia called out her Zanpaktou.

"Dance, Sode No Shirayuki!" she yelled. Soon the sword turned into a brilliant white, including the guard, hilt, blade, and the ribbon that connected to the end. "Ichigo, I'll freeze him, you smash the ice. Maybe he'll crumble."

"Or, maybe…" Said the mysterious voice from the horizon. "I'll freeze him after you, AND THEN Ichigo can smash him."

"Captain Hitsugaya!" Rukia and Ichigo yelled simultaneously, with a expression of shock, and yet… some disappointment in there too…

"That's not a bad idea, it might work." Ichigo commented, with his regular scowl. "But we should probably weaken him first." He added, seeming to brighten up . Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, then the monster struck down hard, barely missing it target as they jumped out of the way, and began to strike it.

_10 min. later…_

Everybody was heaving and wheezing from attacking the Arrankar to the point it was about to topple over. But so was Rukia. (about to topple over.)

"OK, now!" yelled the captain. Then a mumble of their attacks rang out. The creature was covered in a freezing blend of ice only seconds later. The ice only chipped of a little, and then Ichigo and Hitsugaya attacked the ice at the same time, shattering it into bits. Before they knew it, the Arrankar was beaten. But only seconds later, Rukia passed out. Trying to recover, the last thing she saw was Ichigo rushing to her side with what looked like a red face… Why is he worried? I'm fine… just tired… She could feel him in her warm embrace, and then passed out.

Rukia lie in his arms, passed out, and bloody all over, but her head was the worst. Ichigo thought she was dieing, but he knew, yet, very well, she was fine…

"Rukia" Rukia winced "Rukia?" she peaked out to see who was calling her "RUKIA!" That time it was waaayyy to loud,

"WHAT THE HELL?" quieted down, "What Ichigo?" looking at him made her wince he had tattered clothes, in his human body, as she was in hers, but a whole half of his face was bloody, along with some scratches.

"Good… you're up. I'm sorry." Then, saying no other words, he got up and left. Without saying anything, she got up and looked around. This WAS the Kurosaki house, but why did it feel so odd… Rwairingg…

"Huh?" she wondered aloud, "Were am I? Ichigo's? I just saw him but its not his house… is it? Wait… what does his house look like? Who am I? Rukia… Kuchiki? Right?" Wondering about everything, she decided to ask.

"Ichigo! Help!" Before she knew it Ichigo came rushing into her/his room. With a terrified face, he ran up to her.

"Ichigo, whats wrong with me…" she said in a calming voice that made him settle down, then start worring.

"What do you mean?" he questioned

"I can't remember anything, only you, and me… Where am I?" she continued

"What? Nothing? Rukia this isn't funny… oh crap" Ichigo went on. "Do you remember… Kon?" he asked, holding onto Kon with his right hand. She thought for a while then her eyes lit up like she had an idea. "Yes! Now I do!"

"Soo…" Ichigo cought on, "To get you to remember we need to go over the past? So its just easy amnesia. You recalled me and Kon pretty quickly." He babbled.

They both got up and left the room. While walking down the hall, they started up a conversation of Rukias past, Which Ichigo didn't know much about. Just a couple tid-bits. But gradulay, but not to fast, she started to remember. But the lost thing she needed to clear up was… who was she?

Quickly, Ichigo jumped out of his Geigi ( IDK about spelling.)

"See, we are 2 things, soul reapers, and living humans." Ichigo taught/reminded her. "You, are dead." Rukia's face whent from smiling to a paled out shocked expression. All Ichigo could do is smirk. It was kinda funny.

"Don't worry, you came… in a way… back to life." He contined, "do you remember anything?"