Author's Note: At long last, I've expanded Swan Dive. I did promise a Jacob POV, however, I needed another Bella first person for the lemon. Currently, I have no story outline. Please let me know if the wolf girls out there are interested in an expanded story. Also, my beta is jkane180 and she also guest authored the "hymen breaking" section of this chapter. Jess is an accomplished editor AND smut writer. If you like what she does, please check out her stories. I heart them.

The wide grin he wore transformed into something entirely different. His eyes, already obsidian, seemed to darken several shades, making it impossible to discern pupil from Iris. He pulled back slightly so that he could look at my naked form. I tried to cross my arms over my breasts, but he held my hands and sighed.

"Let me look at you, honey. I love you." His words flooded me with a delicious warmth. It was trite and hackneyed, but in every way imaginable, he was the sun to my shade. Being with him, luxuriating in his warmth and radiant beauty, was like drawing the curtains back in a musty, forgotten room and flooding it with brilliant daylight.

Jacob had pulled me back from the edge and saved my life...again. Would I have actually jumped from the cliff? Probably not, but it didn't change the fact that he saved me from falling, from succumbing to the tempest of despair that had taken over my every thought.

My entire body was shaking. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was now in love with my best friend, Jacob Black. It was maddening and completely illogical. Oh god, though, I couldn't think straight. Every hard, firm inch of him was lined up with every soft, yielding curve of my body. I wanted him. I wanted to drag my nude body across his. I wanted to do things to him that I had no idea how to do. I wanted to pull his lips against mine...I mean, the ones that had never been kissed before.

A tiny moan escaped me as I watched his tongue take a lazy lick of his lower lip. He'll do anything I want. I just have to ask! Tentatively, I rubbed myself against the huge bulge between his thighs. The only thing that separated us from uniting was his boxer shorts. Oh my god, I wanted him. All of him.

He whimpered at the contact and buried his face into my hair.

"Jake," I whispered. Kiss me.

His mouth connected with mine again, and I couldn't help but keep my eyes open, to watch him lose himself completely in our kiss. His lips moved with mine, as if our mouths were created for the express purpose of loving each other. He was my lifeboat, saving me over and over again, and even though I knew I was safe and protected, still I clung to him with everything that I had. But the memory of the cold cliffs, the darkest hour of my life, could hardly touch me now in the heat of this oblivion.

"Oh, Jake. I love you...I love you so much," I mumbled against his lips and planted several kisses on them. "What are you thinking?"

"You have no idea--" His voice choked and abruptly, he pulled away. My lips cooled to room temperature. The blood that burned from the ardour of our connected mouths drained away, and the absence of his heated flesh against mine chilled me to the bone. He was no longer kissing or even holding me at all.

"Jake?" I was alarmed. What had just happened? Why couldn't he look at me? "What's wrong, Jake...please?"

"Nothing," he snuffed into his pillow, keeping his face hidden.

Despite myself, I thought of Edward, then. How many times had he pushed me away when my excitement got the better of me?

Rejection. Denial. Embarrassment. For some reason, I thought I'd never feel these things with Jacob. My eyes stung.

"Did I...I'm sorry, Jake. I don't know what I'm doing. Please tell me what I did wrong?" I grabbed his forearm, expecting him to pull away, but he clutched onto my arm too, pulling me against him.

"Bella, honey, don't cry. I'm sorry...I was just embarrassed." His voice cracked as he spoke. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't understand, Jake. Why are you embarrassed?"

Finally, he let me see his face. Fat tears streaked his cheeks. "I'm crying."

Oh. Oh, wow. I'd never seen a man cry before. Edward wasn't capable of it and even if he was, his tears would have been lethal to me. "Jake," I whispered reverently and drew my tongue along his cheek to lap up his tears. He seemed to like that very much. He moaned deeply and rubbed the small of my back.

"Bella." His voice was a shudder of breath into my ear. "I'm so in love with you I can't think straight. I want you so much." The sound of his voice, the sweet words in my ear and the heat from his beautiful body did strange things to my own. My inner thighs were soaked with moisture, more than my body had ever expelled before. There was a pulsating ache, deep within my core, and even if I didn't know what to do, instinct took over and told me I wanted his fingers inside of me. Rotating my pelvis against his hip, I opened my legs and pressed myself firmly against his thigh. The heat instantly brought the throbbing within my slit to a fever pitch, and I rubbed gently against the bristly hair of his skin.

"Will you touch me?" I asked shyly. His eyes met mine, and I was about to clarify what I meant but he already knew. His fingers slid from my spine, around to my abdomen, and he shifted away from me slightly to look down at my nude body. I looked down too and noticed the split in the front of Jake's boxers was open and...Oh, oh, wow. "Holy crow!"

"Hm?" His fingers crawled down my pubic bone and nestled in the small tuft of hair there.

"It'" I stole another glance at his erection that now poked all the way out of his shorts and gasped. Jake's eyes followed mine. "I've never..."

"Never what?"

"Touched..." I bit the flesh of my lip. Could I touch him? Had he ever been touched by a girl before? Oh, gosh, I certainly hoped not.

"Do you want to?"

I nodded my head and continued to assault my lower lip with my teeth.

"I'm not done touching you, though." Before I could argue, his finger made contact with a place that had only ever been pleasured before by my own hand. Again, I gasped and threw my head back. "Oh! Jake," I cried out and bucked down against his hand.

"Does that feel good, baby?"

"Yes," I moaned, my voice cracking. "Mmm..."

"You're so wet for me already." I lifted my head to watch his fingers work their magic. He splayed them so his forefinger could work my clit, while his thumb pushed gently into my vagina. I tensed for a moment at the strange pressure. "Relax," he whispered, smiling, and instantly I did.

"How do you know what to do? I don't have to tell me, but...have you done this before to anyone?"

"No, Bella. You know I've only ever wanted you." That wicked finger ventured a little deeper and hit an area that had never been explored. My entire body tensed. He stopped his ministrations. "Did I hurt you?"

"No. Keep...just don't stop." My thighs shuddered, and my body sung. "Oh, fuck, Jake! Oh, fuck me--" I squealed and swore and bucked into his hand. I was cursing and caterwauling, and fuck me, I hoped to god that Billy wasn't home because I'd never be able to look Jacob's father in the eye ever again.

But none of that mattered because here, at the hand of my best friend whom I loved beyond all reason, I had my very first orgasm.

He seemed to understand what was happening as I clenched around his fingers. He covered me with his hot, heavy body and kissed my neck, his fingers still engaged within me. His tongue licked at my earlobe, and I rode out the crest of my climax on his skilled hand.

"Fuck me, Isabella Swan. I didn't know you knew such words, you dirty girl."

"Fuck you!" I swore and giggled.

"Yes, please." His hot breath kissed my ear. "I want my cock inside of you so badly, baby."

"Now who has a dirty fucking mouth?" This was not like me, but I felt so wonderful and free and in love. I laughed again and attacked Jake's beautiful strong shoulder with my mouth and teeth. He groaned at my little nibbles. "Jake," I mumbled into his skin.


"How did you know how to touch me like that? I mean, I believe you...that you never touched anyone before. But how did you know how to?"

"Well, some of it comes naturally I guess. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a saint or anything. I've spent a lot of time, and I mean like tons of time, fantasizing about doing things like that to you."

"Oh..." I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn't. In weaker moments, I couldn't help but think about Jacob that way too. I don't think I would have ever admitted it, even to myself before the imprint took hold, but I was human. Also, I wasn't blind. He was beyond gorgeous and always just radiated raw sexuality.

"Also, there's the whole 'pack mind' thing..."

I stopped kissing his chest and pulled back, smirking when he groaned with disappointment and tried to draw me back. "What does that mean?"

"Well, when the guys are in wolf-form, we kinda have a front row seat into each other's minds. It's not always easy to control one's thoughts. When a bunch of guys turn into giant dog-beasts and run around killing monsters, testosterone is bound to come into play."

"Oh...oh no! That means everything that we do will be on display for the rest of the pack?"

"I'll do my best not to think like that, Bells. Especially not in front of Embry."

I nodded my head. "Right. Not in front of Embry..."

"Is this a deal-breaker, Bells? I love you and want to make love to you more than anything, but I don't want this to be like a 'thing' between us. I'm happy to just kiss and hold you. I swear, I won't pressure you."

I scowled at him. "I thought I made myself clear, Jacob Black. I want you to fuck me." I pulled him back on top of me and attacked his neck again with my teeth, sucking and biting. Marking him. The imprint was taking hold of me, telling me to lay my claim, to make sure all potential threats knew he was clearly my territory. The wolf gene that prevailed his bloodline seemed to infiltrate my own. "Make me yours, Jake."

"Bella. I am yours. I've always been yours; you've just been to fool-headed to recognize it." He pulled my legs apart and settled himself between my thighs. "Can I taste you, Bella?"

"Is it okay if I say no? Because, as much as I want you to, right now, what I really want is for you to be inside of me. I want it so much I can't take it. Make me yours, Jake. Fuck me."

He groaned into my neck. "You're going to make me come before I get anywhere near you."

I responded with another kiss. His mouth was so warm and soft. His lips were enticingly full. I loved the way they moved with mine. His tongue was sweet, barely grazing mine with tentative swipes. Every now and again, he would break from our deeper kissing to plant soft, chaste little pecks around my mouth. Everything about the way he kissed and touched me made it clear that he worshiped me. I didn't deserve it, but I would forever be grateful, nonetheless.

"Jake," I moaned. "Don't make me beg. Please? I want you."

"Okay," he swallowed nervously. "I just need to get a condom. Rachel has them in her room." My face must have been a question mark because he quickly qualified his statement with, "I mean, she's Paul's imprint so I know this despite the fact that I really, really wish I didn't."

"You don't need to, Jake. I've been on the pill for ages." I could feel the tip of his penis against me, and I was beyond desperate to feel more of him. "Renee insisted on it."

"Are you sure, Bells?" His eyes were bright with excitement. I nodded. I didn't want any barrier between us at all. "I'm going to go really slow, okay? Please, tell me if it hurts because it might."

I smiled. "Are you nervous, Jake?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "I don't want to disappoint you. That finger thing I did was a complete fluke. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing."

"Neither do I, but that's okay. We love each other. That's all that matters." I wrapped my legs around his hips and dipped my feet under the elastic of his boxers. He helped me by shimmying them all the way down. I peeked over his shoulder at his ass. Secretly, I had coveted it for months now, stealing glimpses of his behind under denim, but seeing it in the flesh was beyond words. I wanted to bite it. Instead, I reached down and grabbed it, pushing him firmly between my legs. "Please, Jake?"

"I love you, Bella. I want to make you feel good." He shifted his weight off of me and rocked back onto his knees, scissoring my legs on either side of him. I pressed my thighs into his hips and watched him make a fist around his length. I gasped at its size, idly wondering if I was really capable of opening that widely for him. "I'm going to go really slow," he repeated and pressed his cock-head into me gently. I felt the walls of my slit widen to accommodate his girth.

He paused there, just barely inside me, and looked at me, seeming to check if he should continue. "Keep going," I encouraged. "Break the last barrier between us, Jake." He groaned and pushed himself further in me, ever so slowly.

Jacob stopped again when he reached my hymen. "Try to stay relaxed, Bells. I don't want to hurt-" I cut him off by wrapping my legs around him and pulling him roughly into me the rest of the way.

Jake's mouth had dropped open in shock as he held himself frozen above me, in me, completely connecting us. I let my legs release him from their hold. "Are you okay, honey?" he whispered, sounding afraid of my answer.

I nodded even as I assessed my body. I felt surprisingly fine. Good, even. There was a dull ache deep inside but it felt more like cramps than the stabbing pain I had imagined. Stronger than the smarting of the rupture of my hymen was the feeling of being full. I hadn't noticed how empty I was until Jake was inside me, making the two of us into one.

"I'm good, Jake," I said aloud. He still hadn't moved a muscle. "I'm really good. Will you... Can you try… moving now?"

A small smile crept onto his face as he pulled himself out slowly. When only the tip of him remained inside me, he paused briefly before moving back in. He slid all the way inside me, farther even then he'd been before, and I let out an embarrassingly deep moan. It felt so much different than his fingers, like so much more.

"Oh, fuck," we both said, a split second apart. Jacob was moving himself in and out, each time entering me a little more quickly than the last.

"Shit, Bells. It feels too good. I'm not gonna be able to go much longer."

"A little more, Jake," I pleaded, panting. I thrust my hips up to meet him, making him slide slightly farther in. I could feel another orgasm coming, and I felt like I would die if I couldn't release it. My disturbingly deep moan was a constant sound coming from the back of my throat.

"Fuck! I'm gonna come, baby. I hafta come." His thrusting lost its rhythm, and he pounded into me with abandon.

"Wait!" I yelled.

He let out a coughing grunt, spilling himself inside of me. The sound of his orgasm, the feel of his seed inside me, pushed me over the edge, and I screamed his name as my walls clamped down around him.

"Bella," he said, his voice full of wonder. "I love you." He kissed me languidly, staying connected while I rode off the peak of my orgasm. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jake." I grinned like an idiot at him.

"I'm sorry, that was embarrassingly fast. Now I'll be able to last longer for you."

"Now?" He pulled out of me, and his seed leaked down my thigh. He grabbed his discarded t-shirt and gently wiped me clean.


"Like, right now?" I looked down and he was still fully erect. "I didn't know you, so soon after."

"Honey, I'm an eighteen year-old werewolf. You'll get tired long before I will."

We smiled and kissed, and I rolled him onto his back so that I could take the lead this time. He let out a feral growl as I slid him back inside of me.

It seemed that Jacob Black was exactly the "right kind of monster" for me after all.

Author's Note: Feedback? If there is interest in an expanded story, please let me know.