I don't own the Percy Jackson Series. (Even though I wish I could :/) Anyway this is my first story and yes it's a Nico/OC story. For some reason everyone likes them even though a few people call them Mary- Sue story or something…. Plz comment and review!! Oh and this is a future fic so Nico is 17 and still at Camp- Halfblood.

Nico's Pov:

I spent the last three years rescuing half-bloods all over the world thanks to Percy. "What a genius…" I thought. "… yeah make the dumb deal to the gods that they have to claim every demigod children that they had. Now I have to pick up the slack of it since he and Annabeth wanted to live a "normal life" when they were 18." Anyway I just brought two girls around the age of 15 to the camp. I can already tell whose children they were. One was named Jessica and obviously a child of Aphrodite, no doubt and seriously wouldn't stop complaining all the way over here. Then she started to flirt with me (gag) and then complained some more. One was a child of Demeter and she sure was something. That chick had almost every well-known sickness known to man. She literary had a large suitcase that was just filled with medication. While Argus was driving us to Camp, she was just taking handfuls of different medication and I asked "Man, what don't you have?" She immediately turned and sneered "Cancer." Well that ended our lovely conversation. As soon as we got to Camp, Chiron went through all that intro and stuff and I went to my cabin and quickly fell asleep.

Diana's Pov:

I focused all my energy to the plants around me…big trees and other wild plants started to grow and made a garden in front of my house. My godly mother appeared in her human shape in front of me.

"Yes, Mother." I said, sorta anxious. She never talked to me unless we were moving again to keep me unknown to her kind or she had some really bad news.

"I am finally going to make you be known to the world, Diana. I realized that it is nonsense to keep you hidden anymore. You are 16 and you deserve to live your life. But because you are my daughter and I love you I'm sending you to Camp Halfblood in New York to be with other kids just like you," She announced and looked at me like I didn't have a choice.

"So much for deserve to live your life." I quickly thought. "But mom, I happy here in Brazil in the rainforest. It's peaceful and quiet and just beautiful and I can practice my powers freely…"

"I don't want to hear it! You better have all of your things packed by morning and someone that I can trust fully will be here to pick you up get you there safely. I will meet you at the Camp." She said in a stern voice. I winced and nodded. She disappeared into delicate gold shimmers. I sighed as I began to pack my stuff.

Nico's Pov:

Dionysus was running around like he was beyond crazy that it wasn't even funny. He was ordering (more like yelling) kids to put up some banner and he was in a tux! All of a sudden I see some very cranky looking Aphrodite kids putting out some extremely fancy clothes for everyone to wear. I spotted Chiron and ran up to him.

"What's going on? I hadn't seen the Aphrodite kids that cranky since that one time when you banned them from any makeovers on other campers and no make-up allowed for a week." (Not a fun time to experience).

"Well apparently Zeus made a deal to actually knock off the rest of his entire sentence if the whole camp manages to impress his granddaughter…" Chiron stated.

"His…His granddaughter?!" I stuttered.

"Yes…" Chiron said calmly. "Now get ready and put on your tux before Dionysus makes you lose your sanity and kill you then revive you again." I sprinted to my cabin to already see my tux laid out for me and quickly got ready.

Diana's Pov:

The plane ride to New York was uhhh… interesting. Gods and Goddesses kept popping up to greet me and introduce themselves and then gave my mother a scolding look as to say "How could you keep her hidden all these years?" My mother each time would look like a kid and sheepishly look onto the ground as if to say "sorry." The ones that made the most memorable appearance were Zeus, Demeter, and Aphrodite. (AN: do you know who is Diana's mother is yet?)

After they made their "extraordinary" appearance and commented on how much natural beauty I have and other stuff they all took my mom to the back of the plane and yelled at her some things that I cannot repeat if we want to keep this Rated T. When we finally landed in New York, it was too late to head to the camp so Demeter took me to the Lotus Hotel to spend the night. (Remember from the first book??? The Lotus Hotel? :D)

I open my eyes and the room is pitch black. I blindly put my hands in front of me and stumble over my suitcase and fall on my knees to the ground. I suddenly feel the ground shake beneath me as the earth begins to crack open. Green burning fire started blazing from the crack, "Greek fire…" I realized. Skeletons come up and are reaching for me through the ground. I scream. I rose straight up from my bed and looked around my room. "It was only a dream…" I look at the clock and it read 8am. "Great. I have 2 hours left." I sighed and slowly got ready for camp.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. Aphrodite burst in my room, giggling like she won the lottery the previous night. "Well don't you look pretty," Aphrodite grinned.

"Thank you." I cautiously answered, "I don't mean to insult you in any way but what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to help you be prepared for your big day today." The goddess smiled innocently. I was too smart to believe that. But insulting or refusing help from the gods when they happily want to would probably end up in a worst situation so I reluctantly agreed for her to give me a makeover. After an agonizing two hours, she was finally done with me. I must say, I looked pretty good. There was barely any make up on me, only a bit of lime green eye shadow which fitted perfectly with my light tanned skin and my hazel eyes, and pink lip gloss that just made my already pink lips more apparent. I wore a white tank top and dark blue denim shorts with a light green belt that was slanted on my waist which made my curves more visible and finally brown sneakers that completed my outfit entirely. She styled my caramel- colored hair with small curls and put it in a ponytail over my left shoulder, leaving some curly strands out.

I couldn't hide my surprise when she was done with me. Demeter, who I found out was my grandmother, came in and I swear she looked like she was about to have a moment when she saw me. She took me to the taxi while this dude with hundreds of eyes drove me to camp.

Nico's Pov:

While Dionysus was having a miniature heart attack/ seizure, the whole camp was putting up the last perfections before "her majesty" arrived. The Ares kids were cursing up a storm while cleaning their cabin, Aphrodite kids putting on make-up (as usual), and the Demeter kids fixing up the garden to make look as respectable as possible. Then all Hades broke loose all thanks to Jessica.

"Hey Nico," She said, winking at me.

"Uhhh hey Jessica," I answered looking around uncomfortably. I can honestly say that she looked good except her face being covered with 10 tons of make-up. Unfortunately, I can already see the nightmare stomping over here to commit murder. People I would like to introduce you to my EX- girlfriend Marissa, daughter of Ares. I dated her last year out of fear because I didn't want her to kill me after I played a prank. I broke up with her and was surprised that she took it well until she turned out to be a complete psycho and was willing to happily kill any girl that talked to me. She pushed one of the Hephaestus kids to the ground and grabbed an ax and started to stalk her way over here.

"Ummm Jessica… If I were you, I would start running now." I stated, as I started to back away slowly. Marissa was a pro with the ax. You could be 100 meters away, and she would nail you where she wanted to hit you. It would be a miracle if you dodged one of her throws. Jessica looked behind her and saw the evil walking toward her and started to run and scream for help and Marissa started to chase her. They ran around the corner and all I could hear was a scream and a bunch of things crashing down. I sighed as I quietly took my place on the stage.

So how is the story?? Love it? Hate it? Or is it just okay? I tried to make this one different from the others so give me your advice and I will see what I can do Plz Comment/ Review!!
