The reason I don't allow PM's are because my mom would kill me! lol, I'm not even supposed to be sending them.

"Do something!" Rachel demanded.

"I...I don't know how!"

"Well figure something out, or your little stick here goes bye-bye," Rachel took both ends of the wand.

"No! My father paid 40 gallions for that, and you're paying for it if it breaks! I don't even want to be here!"

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Fine, I WILL!" Draco grabbed his cloak, from Rachel's closet and snatched his wand out of her hands. But before he left, Draco took one last look at the muggle girl, lying on the floor screaming.

Serves her right! he thought to himself. The muggle deserved much worse. But something bothered him. In the pit of his stomach he felt a twinge of guilt. Trying ignore it, he headed for the door of Rachel's room, but as he glanced back, h sighed and life his wand. He muttered something under his breath and Jordan's boil vanished.

He muttered a quick memorey charm so that they would forget the last couple of minutes.

"Rachel?" Jordan asked sleepily. "How did I get here?"

Rachel blinked, confused. "I...I don't know. Go back to sleep, Jordan."

But as Malfoy tried to creep out of the room Rachel said, "Ahem. And just what do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing," he had seen the girl turn into a bear, he didn't want a repeat of that.

Reluctantly, he headed back to his sleeping bag. He never thought he would actually miss Hogwarts.