Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters are the sole property of Stephanie Meyers.

A/N: Are you ready for the finale? Well, here it is! I hope you guys liked my little story. Thank you so much for all of the reviews; you guys are the best. Enjoy =D

Chapter 23


Today was the big day. I smoothed out my little yellow sundress, then slipped into the bright blue robe. It took me a few minutes to straighten out my sashes and medals, then I grabbed my cap and took one last look in the mirror. Today was my last official day as a high school student, then I would be free to start my life with Edward.

"Bells? You ready?" my dad knocked on my door lightly, and I hurried over to open it. He was dressed nicer than I'd seen him in a long time, wearing a dark blue button-down shirt with jeans and a pair of Doc Martens. He smiled brightly at me, his eyes tearing up, and I shook my head.

"Oh, no you don't!" I chastised, grabbing his hand to lead him downstairs. He locked the door behind us, then we climbed into his cruiser, making our way toward the school. The parking lot in front of the auditorium was packed, so we had to park further out and walk up to the front. I hurried off to join the rest of the students huddled inside, quickly finding all of my friends.

"Hey, you," I said, reaching up to give Edward a kiss. He looped his arm around my waist, grinning down at me.

"Hey, you look beautiful," he complimented. I beamed up at him, then greeted the rest of my friends, all of us wearing matching expressions of joy and sorrow. The principal quickly rushed into the room, asking us to get into line, and Edward gave me a quick kiss before heading toward the front. I quickly slipped into my space behind Jessica Stanley, and pinned my cap into place as we were guided to our seats.

The ceremony moved slowly, and I managed to make it through my valedictorian speech without embarrassing myself. I watched Edward throughout the entire thing, and he smiled proudly up at me. The procession to receive our diplomas went by quickly with such a small class, and before I knew it, we were all huddled in front of the stage, tossing our caps into the air. I quickly found Edward in the crowd, and he scooped me up in his arms, spinning me around in a circle.

"We did it," he murmured, his lips against mine. I giggled softly, only pulling away when a throat cleared behind us.

Esme was beaming happily at us, overjoyed that we were finally together. Carlisle smile proudly at his son, and Charlie glowered at us, a small hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, betraying his happiness. They all offered us their congratulations, taking turns hugging both of us.

"I'm so proud of you, Bells," my dad whispered when it was his turn. I pulled back to look at him, and he wiped a tear from his cheek. My own tears spilled over, and I scrubbed at them furiously.

"I can't believe you graduated," he sighed. "It seems like just yesterday I was showing you off to Esme and Carlisle." Carlisle chuckled behind us, and my dad shot him a warning look, which he promptly ignored.

"Yes, and if I remember correctly, you were promising me that it was your life's goal to keep Edward far away from your precious Bella," he laughed. Edward smirked in amusement, while I shot my dad a playful glare.

"I might have been a tad protective at first," he defended himself, causing me to let out a very unladylike snort. He poked me in the side, earning a yelp of surprise, which brought a wide grin to his face.

"Well, what do you say we get back to the house?" Esme asked, ready to set up for our party. She had insisted on throwing a graduation party for Edward and I and our friends, despite the fact that the had few friends in school. We couldn't deny her request, so she went into planning mode, making sure everything was ready to go.

The five us quickly rushed back to the Cullens' house. Our friends arrived just after Edward and I had put our caps and gowns up in his room, and we all went to work setting everything out. My dad and Carlisle fired up the grill, while the guys set out some folding tables and chairs. The girls and I helped Esme put together the trays of food, then carried them outside to set up. In no time at all, the backyard and house had been transformed ready to start accepting guests.

The Cullens' place quickly filled up with the students of Forks High and their families. It seemed like the entire town had come out for our party, which was probably accurate. I sat on Edward's lap in one of Esme's wicker patio chairs, laughing hysterically as Emmett attempted to wow us with his celebrity impersonations.

The party was a blast. People were dancing all over the backyard, and mingling with one another around the food tables. My dad and Carlisle were bragging about their meat-grilling skills, and Esme played the perfect hostess. My friends and I laughed continuously, enjoying one of our last chances to be carefree. The next month would be spent packing and getting ready for the move, and then we wouldn't be back in Forks until Christmas. It was going to be hard to leave my dad, and Carlisle and Esme as well. But I was glad to be moving forward with Edward, getting started on our futures.

As the sun started to sink behind the trees, Jasper went to plug in the strands of lights that we had strung out that afternoon. The little white bulbs glowed brightly above our heads, contrasting beautifully against the backdrop of trees in criss-cross patterns around the yard. The music had been changed to something slightly softer for the evening, and Edward extended his hand pulling me into the yard to dance,

He wrapped an arm around my waist, placing his hand on the small of my back, while he reached the other one up to hold one of my hands up to his chest. I rested my head beside our hands, and listened to the sound of his heartbeat while we swayed from side to side, completely content in that moment.

As the song wound down, Edward slowed us to a stop, tilting my chin up with his index finger. He gazed into my eyes silently for a moment, his own emerald orbs churning with emotion.

"I love you, Bella, more than anything in the world," he whispered, his eyes still holding mine. Tears built up against my lids as I returned his gaze, a soft smile spreading across my lips.

"And I love you," I responded. "Always." He bent to graze his lips lightly against mine, then again with more pressure. He pulled away much too soon, and turned to pull me back to the porch. I followed behind him, my brow furrowing in confusion when he cleared his throat loudly.

"Excuse me? Can I have everyone's attention, please? Someone turned down the music, and every head turned in our direction. I continued to watch him, wondering what was going on in that handsome head of his. My questions were answered just moments later, when he dropped onto one knee before me, pulling a small black box from his pocket. My eyes widened in shock, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as gasps rang out through the crowd.

"Bella, I've known you all my life. You've been by my side, every step of the way, no matter how embarrassing it might have been to be seen with me at times," he chuckled, a nervous grin splitting his face in half. "There is no doubt in my mind that I was born for one reason, and one reason only: to serve as your protector, partner, lover, provider, best friend, and anything else you need me to be. I love you, Bella, and I will spend the rest of my life making sure that you have everything you could ever need or want, and that you're as happy as you've made me. Isabella Marie Swan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I stared at him for a long moment, completely speechless. Behind him, our friends were watching me expectantly, large smiles on their faces. Esme had tears of joy streaming down her face, and Carlisle was grinning proudly at her side. My eyes landed on the one person I was searching for, and he smiled a watery smile at me, reaching up to discreetly dab at the corner of his eye.

My gaze landed back on Edward, his eyes full of the love he had just professed. Everything became clear in that moment, and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that every word he had said was true. A strangled laugh choked from my throat, and I nodded furiously.

"Yes!" Edward jumped to his feet, his smile impossibly wide, and wrapped his arms around me waist, lifting me off the ground to spin us around, as his lips came crashing down on mine. The backyard filled with cheers and applause, and he set me gently back on my feet to slide the ring into place on my left hand, where it would remain for the rest of my life. He cupped my face in his hands to give me one more kisses, pouring all of his love into that one gesture.

"Thank you," he murmured, keeping his lips on mine.

"I love you," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He held me close, burying his face in my neck, before we were surrounded by our family and friends.

"See! I told you we'd stay in touch!" Alice cried, dabbing at her tear-streaked face. "There is no way you could possibly plan a wedding by yourself!" The whole group laughed at her declaration, me included, and I clutched Edward's hand in my own. Our lives were just beginning, and we had a long road ahead of us. But I would get through it, if I had him by my side. My best friend.

A/N: The end! I'm sad to see it go, but it was so much fun to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and thanks again for all of the wonderful reviews. I pray you all stay safe, and keep reading!