Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries, although a girl can dream thought. Ahhhh

I edited this chapter a little, so it is a tiny bit different. Some words and spelling errors.


"Why does he hate me so much?" thought Stefan as he walked along the streets of Mystic Falls, at a time that must be close to midnight. To him, it seemed as if his brother, Damon, had always hated him to an unbelievable level; and after what had just happened, he just had to leave. He couldn't stand looking in the only family he had lefts eyes, and not seeing love.


They have been fighting all the time and he can't help but feel abandoned. Damon just came around to ruin his life and he was doing a great job at it so far. They have been in a yelling competition for 10 minutes now, and it was just about to go too far.

"Why do you always have to do this Damon? You show up and ruin what I have tried so hard to make: a normal life! Why?" Stefan angrily screamed at his brother. He had had enough of this, he needed to know.

"Because what else do I have to do?" Damon replied with a smirk plastered to his face.

"You mean you make my life a living hell just because you're bored!" He said incredulously.

"Yeah, I guess," Damon replied dismissively.

And Stefan couldn't handle that answer. "Why can't you just let me be happy?" he yelled to the world.

At those words, Damon looked angry. It seemed that Damon had been getting more and more dangerous, and it scared him a little bit, even though he would never admit it.

"Because you don't deserve it! Mother died because you were born. You took Katherine from me, the only person I truly loved, and you forced me into becoming a vampire! Why do you think you deserve to have any happiness!" Damon exclaimed. Then his face took a look of shock, like he couldn't believe what he said.

At that moment, Stefan's un-beating heart just shattered. Damon was right, he didn't deserve to be happy. His mother died in his birth, it was his fault that Damon couldn't have Katherine to himself, and he forced blood on Damon. No wonder Damon hated him; he had taken all of Damon's happiness, it was only fair that he took Stefan's.

Even though, he knew all of this now, it still didn't stop the hurt that he felt when Damon uttered those accursed words. Damon was his only family, and although he never said it, he loved Damon, he looked up to him, but Damon couldn't return the feelings, and he understood why.

He couldn't be there at that moment, it was like he was suffocating on the air he didn't need, and the walls were closing in on him. Then he ran. Stefan ran right out of the house, the last thing he saw was Damon's face that had a look resembling regret, but that couldn't be; Damon had nothing to be regretful for, all he did was told him the truth. The truth he was avoiding all this time.

And with that, Stefan was gone into the cold night.

End Flashback…

Stefan felt cold. It was like he was drowning on land. He was weak from the coursing emotions in him and the fact that he hasn't eaten in awhile. He was stumbling along the empty streets, close to passing out as exhaustion set in. He felt like he had been walking for hours, while in reality, it was more like one.

As he looked up he saw the old church across from the bridge and the flowing river below. He thought that he should just stay there for the night, not really feeling like going home at the moment. Stefan made his way to the bridge that was the way to his destination, but before he got to it, his body finally gave into the exhaustion; his knees giving out, he fearfully realized he might have been walking a little close to the edge as the ground on the side of the hill came up to meet him.

He rolled down the side of the hill, still conscious but unable to stop himself. At a point, almost to the chilling river below, a stray branch found its way into Stefan's left shoulder, making him give out a shout of pain. "Not a stake, but I guess it works all the same," was his fleeing thought before he found himself enclosed in a barrier of water.

He tumbled through the current, seeming to take him further down into the bed of the now dreaded river. He wondered if he could actually die here. True that he didn't need as much air as humans, but if he ended up getting water into his lungs, could he drown?

He didn't want to find out, but it seems like he had no choice. Stefan simplify didn't have the strength to hold his breath any longer, and he let it go. As he did, a massive amount of ice ran down his throat into his lungs, instantly freezing them. As his vision was starting to blur, he though that this was the end. He wished that he would be able to go to the good place, but he knew he wouldn't; he has done terrible things in his life that are no easily forgotten. But most of all, he wished he could say sorry to Damon for taking the happiness from his brother that he himself so desperately wanted. He was happy for one thing though, that Damon may have a moment of happiness as he finds out the death of his brother.

His eyes were almost completely closed now, but something that he wasn't expecting happened. He saw a person swimming towards him. Stefan couldn't tell the persons face due to now extremely blurry vision he possessed. The person got closer and immediately grabbed on to Stefan and swam up with him in the strangers arms.

At this point, Stefan was not functioning; he wasn't breathing or really seeing, but he was awake to a certain point and had a little grasp of what is going on, probably the only reason he wasn't out was his vampire powers, not knowing if that was a gift or a curse.

He felt his head break the top of the water, but he didn't breath, he couldn't do anything at all. All he did was feel the person swimming to what he was assuming the shore. His suspicion was proven as he felt the person walking out of the water with him in his hands. The stranger gently put him down flat on his back. Stefan couldn't really hear, it was like he was still under water, but he had a feeling that this person was calling his name. He felt a warm substance run down his left shoulder, in realization that the branch must have fallen out while he was tumbling in the water.

Suddenly he felt a person slamming down on his chest; must have been CPR. After a few repetitions of this, he finally felt the dreaded cold substance leave his body, and replaced with desperate gasps of air. He started to retrieve his senses, and as he did, he felt a gentle hand on the back of his head lifting it up to make breathing a little easier. Then his hearing came back and he heard a comforting, gentle voice saying, "Shhhhhh, take it easy. That's it, get it all out. It is going to be okay, little brother."

At the last part, he thought he was hearing things. Having delusions of a type of Damon that he wished he had. And then his sight came back to him, and he saw a tall man with dark hair, a person that he has known for over a hundred years, the face of his brother. Damon's face looked down at him, a gentle smile and a look of terrible worry and regret? Was this really his brother? Damon hated him, it couldn't be.

All the events physical and emotional finally won out, and he fell slowly to unconsciousness. The last thing he heard was the voice of his brother, "Just sleep now, I will make everything better, just rest your eyes." And he did, falling into a fitful, confused sleep.


Tell me please if you want me to continue this. It is just a review, it takes 20 seconds. Don't just sit there and be shy, if you really want to know what happens I need to know that!