Zaara: Here is chapter 5

Killjoy: the thing escaped again.

Zaara: Oh well. We just have to kill it like always.

Killjoy: true true till then enjoy everyone

Human/monster speech

Human/monster thought

Demonic influenced/ Demon speech

Demon thought

(Breakfast time)

Naruto sat down in the cafeteria with a book in his head and a cup of orange juice. He had been up for a while considering Katsumi was as much vixen as any man could handle. He only had 2 hrs of sleep before waking to find a naked Katsumi greeting his friend early this morning. After a few rounds in the bed, and even the showers Naruto was pretty much ready for anything this morning, except the freaking frying pan that smashed him in his head. Hard.

Naruto hit the ground like a ton of bricks and grabbed his head in pain. "What the hell was that!" asked Naruto looking around and finding no one.

Naruto heard giggling and looked at the window. Naruto vanished in a yellow flash and appeared behind the person who did it and picked them up. Who he picked up wasn't what he expected. It was a girl of 13. She stood at 5'2", short black hair, brown eyes, wearing a brown short sleeve shirt, yellow skirt, yellow stockings, and a black hat on top of her head.

Naruto blink. "Um who are you?" asked Naruto looking at the girl. She looked like a witch.

The girl struggled, before she got herself loose, before glaring at Naruto. "My name is Yukari and I want you to stay away from my Thorn. And tell your boneheaded friend to stay away from my Moka!" yelled Yukari, before she sprayed Naruto with a blast of water.

Yukari ran off as Naruto was left with a wet blazer and shirt. Naruto sighed, before taking off his blazer and shirt and letting his chakra dry his body. It appeared he had a bit of a Hinata in this world, although she liked to stalk girls. This year was getting better and better.

(In class)

Naruto was sitting in his desk when his ninja senses told him to duck. Naruto did as his instincts told and ducked, just in time as a large pile of what he assumed was dog shit nearly impacted his face. The scream behind him told that it was an unlucky boy that had gotten hit. Naruto heard a foot coming down on the ground and looked up seeing Yukari glaring at him. Naruto stared at her for a sec, before she ran off.

"What is that child's problem?" asked Naruto before shaking his head as the bell rang.

(With Thorn)

Thorn was normally clam, but even with her patience she was getting irritated. She keep getting stared at during Gym. She wore the red bloomers, but chose to wear a tight black shirt instead. She looked around until her eyes landed on the culprit. A little girl was staring at her chest.

"What are you looking at?" asked Thorn.

"My future Thorn-chan," said Yukari running off.

(lunch time)

Naruto walked into the lunch room. Naruto was eating a bowl of Raman when Kurumu and Tsukune walked in. The both looked like hell. Kurume had her hair dyed topaz, her least favorite color, and she had red paint all over her body and Tsukune's shirt was brown, and smelled like dog shit.

"What gives you two?" asked Naruto holding his nose.

"It was that brat Yukari! I was hanging with Thorn when I got hit!" yelled Kurumu as she removed her sweater, and undid her hair.

Naruto looked at Tskune and didn't need to ask. Naruto grinned. "Yukari wants to play then she doesn't know about the king of pranks Uzumaki Naruto," said Naruto as he began to formulate plans. Monday morning the king of pranks was coming back


Yukari was walking down the path to school when a blast of wind hit her. She looked up and saw A laughing Naruto. She felt the cool breeze on her skin and looked down and blushed Crimson. She was in her cotton panies, black stocking, and white bra.

Yukari blush deepened as people started to laugh at her. She covered herself up and sank to her knees covering her still developing b-cup breasts.

Yukari glared at Naruto for doing this. "You bastard give me back my clothes!" yelled Yukari.

Naruto thought about it for a sec, before he grinned. "Fire style: Fire ball Jutsue!" yelled Naruto throwing them into the air and burning them.

Yukari got her wand and conjured up some new clothes. "I'll get you for this Uzumaki!" yelled Yukari as she quickly put them on.


Naruto walked into his room after a hard day at school and the next thing he knew he was blown out the window. Naruto landed in a bat of tar. He came to the surface to see Yukari grinning.

"Told you I'd get you back Uzumaki," said Yukari before running off.

Naruto frowned. "You'd better watch your back brat. I'm coming for you!" yelled Naruto.


Yukari was waiting to get her test back from last Wednesday on History of Witchs. When she got it back she was startled to see her test score was only a 37. Naruto laughed as he was in the same history class. Yukari glared at Naruto knowing he had something to do with it, before she made a frying pan appear above his head. Before the frying pan could fall Naruto switched places with Yukari making it hit her in the head.

The bell rang and Yukari ran to get away from Naruto. She ran into a bathroom and locked herself in a stall.

"You know that won't help you right?" asked a girl opening the stall. It was Naruto in his sexy jutsu Form.

"Why not?" asked Yukari.

Naruko (1) smirked. Prank style": Exploding toilet Jutsu!" yelled Naruko before she got the hell out of the bathroom.

Yukari didn't know what the hell was happening, but after 2 seconds all the toilets in the bathroom exploded. Yukari heard three yells that belonged to three girls who picked on her. Yukari looked at herself and felt so dirty with all the toilet water on her. She took her wand and tired to clean herself, but it exploded covering her in Ink. A letter was on the end iof the fake wand.

You just got owned by Naruto Uzumaki my little witch.

(insirt Chibi Naruto on the bottom)

Yukari crumbled the letter as she prepared her next move against her enemy.


Naruto, Katsumi, Kurumu, Tsukune, Thorn, and Moka sat on the roof for lunch. Naruto sat next to Kurumu when he jumped up pushed Kurumu on the ground and started to dry hump her in front of the others. Moka, Tsukune, and Thorn all blushed, Katsumi grinned as rubbed her self lightly at what Naruto was doing while Kurumu had a perverted grin on her face and moaned as she felt the sheer side of Naruto's tool.

"If you wanted to fuck my brains out all you had to do is askNaruto-kun," said Kurumu in a sexy way.

"It's not my fault," said Naruto looking around for Yukari as this had her name written all over it.

Kurumu moaned loudly. "Well until you take my clothes off and cum inside me I hope you don't stop," said Kurumu as Naruto bucked his hips into her.

Krumu moaned and lowered her hand to her thong and tired to remove it When Naruto stopped all of a sudden. Kurumu frowned as even with their clothes on she was close to exploding.

Yukari laughed, before she left.

(later that Night)

Naruto was working out hoping to get some form of training when he turns his head and his eyes nearly pop out of his skull as Thorn is standing before him bare butt naked holding her breasts.

"Naruto-sama I can't stand it anymore. I want you," said Thorn.

Naruto jumped into the air was out of his clothes and had his arms spred out as he was welcomed to the promised land (2), before Thorn vanished and Naruto landed in a pile of cow crap.

Naruto pulled his head and looked up at the moon. "I knew it was to good to be true. She used the Her night of Mary Sue on me.


Yukari sunk into the Kitchen and walked over to the vat of dough that was going to make todays cakes. She was about to get Naruto in trouble for this. She took a sack of yeast ad dumped it into the batch, before leaving the kitchen.

Half an hour later Naruto used his ninja skills to enter the kitchen and do the same thing.

(lunch time)

Yukari and Naruto glared at each other as they both awaited the results of their prank to unfold, only for the cooks to run out of the kitchen. The two looked back and paled the bread had unleashed a tidal wave of dough that smashed into them and out of the cafeteria, before both landed in front of a pissed off head master.

"You two clean this mess Now. NO POWERS!" yelled the head master as he and the others left

( an hour later)

Both Yukari and Naruto were cleaning the mess they made. As they worked they kept silent, at least until Naruto began to think. Naruto had never pranked anyone younger then him, just older people, and he found himself in a prank war with a girl 4 years his junior.

"those were some clever pranks you pulled," said Naruto making Yukari look at him.

"Thank you Uzumaki. You didn't do so bad yourself," said Yukari.

Naruto laughed. "We're I'm from I was king of pranks by the time I was your age Yukari-chan," said Naruto jumping up and wind kickeding some high up yeast.

Yukari snorted "Please I've been running this campus for a while nobody is better then me," said Yukari smirking.

"I am runt," said Naruto smiling at her.

Yukari smiled back. "When I first got here I felt alone and afraid because people picked on me. I acted out and started doing pranks, but I don't feel alone anymore," thought Yukari


Yukari was on her way to meet Naruto as he was going to teach her how to defend herself without her wand. She was running a bit late as she had over sleep. She was on her way to a clearing when three people stepped in front of her. Yukari gulped as she looked at them. They were the Student Council.

"What do you guys want?" asked Yukari backing up a bit as she didn't have her wand.

"Hey bros check out the cute little witch. I always found them sexy," said SC3 cupping yukari's face making her smack his hand away.

"Do you want to be violated walking around in such reviling clothes?" asked SC1 cupping her small breasts.

Yukari jumped away back into the leader who grabbed her and held her down. "It's against school rules to reveal what you are, but you go around in your witch clothes, so we have to 'punish' you," said the leader with a grin that scared Yukari.

The other two walked up and ribbed off her shirt and skirt leaving her in her bra and panties. The two in front of her began to unbuckle their pants and Yukari trembled in fear and began to cry.

"Nii-san help me!" whispered Yukari trying to fight tthe tears that she knew where falling down her cheeks.

" EAT THIS YOU BASTARDS! RASANGAN!" yelled Naruto slammed into the SC3 he went flying and hit a tree going through it. Naruto jumped into the air and kicked the other in the face, before charging forward and hitting the leader in his face sending him flying.

Yukari ran up to Naruto and hugged him tightly. "Nii-san I was so scard!" cried Yukari into Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto removed his blaze and put it on Yukari. "Nobody hurts my little sister," said Naruto flaring his KI.

The three idiots got up and glared at Naruto. "It's against school rules to interfere in punishments!" yelled the leader.

Naruto's eyes widened. "So your allowed to rape people!" yelled Naruto disguted by these weaklings.

"If it gets the message sent yes," said SC2

"You bastards are sick," said Naruto as his eyes turned red

All three of the student council members turned into Crocodile like monsters. They all roared and charged at Naruto, Naruto stopped all three of them easily enough, before throwing them back.

"What the hell? Reports said you're a weakling!" yelled the leader.

Naruto grinned at them. "Your wrong about that. I've been fighting with a human mentality, meaning that I've been holding back. Not anymore," said Naruto.

Naruto charged forward and slammed a fist into the leader, before turning to the other one and slashed him with his claws tearing 4 large bloody gashes into his flash. The last one grabbed Naruto in a full nelson, only for Naruto to flip over him and slammed into his back. The other two got back to their feet and charged at Naruto, only to be kicked in their guts.

"Know your place garbage!" yelled S-Moka (3)

"I didn't expect to see you here love," said Naruto holding the last one by his throat tightly.

S-Moka glared at Naruto. "Don't push your luck bastard," said Moka taking her seal from Tsukune.

Naruto blow her a kiss "Love you too darling," said Naruto making S-Moka blush.

Naruto throw the last one into the others, before galring at them. "Mess with my little sister again, I'll Kill you," said Naruto glaring at them

The three ran away in fear.

(of to the side aways)

A tall figure with a black jacket looked at the retreating council. "Useless. Now we need to replace them," said the man before vanishing via flames.


Naruto walked to school with his case on his shoulder. He jumped backwards as a bucket of water nearly hit his head. He turned and smiled at Yukari.

She changed her clothing style. She now wore the academy stranded with a brown blazer instead of green.

"Your have to do better little sister," said Naruto smiling at yukari.

Yukari puffed out her cheeks. "Your too good nii-san," said Yukari as Naruto patted her head.

"Hey Yukari-chan, Naruto-kun," said Kokoa running up to them and walking backwards.

"Hey Kokoa-chan. What are you up to?" asked Naruto.

"Nothing. Just heading to the gym wanted to hang somewhere nice and dark," said Kokoa

Naruto smiled, before he grabbed both girls arms and dragged them to the gym. It was a good day to train after all.

(in the Gym)

Yukari was dressed in a black tank top, and gray pants, while Kokoa was dressed in the Schools Gym clothes. Naruto had only taken off his tie and jacket.

"Okay Yukari I think I'm going to teach you how to fight without your wand. Your to dependt on it. I want you to be able to protect yourself if you lose it," said Naruto making Yukari nod.

Yukari charged at Naruto and throw a punch at Naruto only for Naruto to stop it with his open palm, before sweeping her feet from under her. Yukari landed hard on her ass.

"To slow and sloppy," said Naruto

Yukari jumped up and throw a kick at Naruto. Naruto sidestepped it and punched Yukari in her gut making her cough up spit. Yukari throw another kick at Naruto, before he grabbed her foot and twisted her in the air, before coughing her bridal style.

"I see you have some skills my cute little sister," said Naruto making Yukari blush.

"But not enough," came a voice from the stands. Naruto looked up and saw two girls sitting there.

The first girl stood at 5'9", long silver hair, amber eyes, slender figure with small c-cup breasts, coca-cola redbone, wearing a gray skirt that came up to her upper thigh, white button up shirt that was unbuttoned showing off her black sports bra, and high heel shoes. She looked a bit dittzy, but that could have been due to the sake bottle in her hand

The other girl looked like she stood at 5'4", long black hair that fell past her ass, red eyes, large d-cup breasts, wearing a black button up shirt that was unbuttoned with only two buttons closed, tight black short-shorts, thigh high black boots.

"Who are you two?" asked Kokoa as Thorn and Kurumu walked in.

"My name is Isis. This here is Magimi," said the black haired girl.

"What are you two doing here?" asked Thorn preparing to beat the hell out of these two chicks.

"Let's talk in the hall," said magimi as she and isis walked down the stairs and gave a noticeable swag of their hips indicating they wanted Naruto to notice their rip and plump asses.

(outside in the hall)

What the hell do you two want?" asked Thorn

Magimi smirked before she leanded forword and grabbed Kurumu's breasts, making the girl moan slightly as the other girl rubbed them. "Nothing much we want to be part of the harem that that guy I building," said Magimi

Thorn smacked Magimi's hands away from kurumu's chest. "I won't let a bunch of fan girls near my master," said Thorn.

Isis stepped up to Thorn. "me and my friend are far from fan girls, and we'll do anything to prove it to you or any girl he likes," said Isis looking into Thorn's eyes/

Thorn was a trained warrior able to detect lies, but she detected no lies from this girl. "Very well, but if you hurt Naruto-sama in any way I'll kill you," said Thorn as they all walked back in to Talk to Naruto.

Zaara pulls out two kegs of Sake and gives one to Killjoy

Zaara: About time we got done

Killjoy: yup but we for got our hot kitty- chan(Glug glug glug)

Zaara: (takes a swig) Kurumu is good to look at as well.

Killjoy: Twue true (glug)

Zaara: I'm going to call her up and see if I can get a date

Killjoy: Haha Good luuck She want Nawuto not you (hic) you got any more Sake I am out.

Zaara: Can't hold your Sake hug Killer

Killjoy: (pushes Zaara away) Dude I can handle better then you apparently


(1) Naruko will come up a few times

(2) Reference to the king of Thieves Lupin The Third (which i don't own)

(3) Whenever i bring out inner Moka I'll label her as S-moka, much easier to write