Note: This is the last chapter, the completion, the final peak... The end of "In Silence", yes, after that one, it's over! But I squeezed some lemons ;) - xBBx

Matt kissed me so softly, our tongues brushing in such a slow pace that I thought I would burst. Now that I thought about it, there probably was a reason why his hair was this fiery red.

Everything in him was softness. His deep blue eyes as calm as the water of a lake, his voice, caressing like a cool breeze, his hands, never harsh, always gentle, even the way he took me in his arms held more of the way a mother swan encircles her ducklings with her wings.
I felt precious in his embrace.

But now, standing in front of my bed, he was fire. Not 'on fire', he was fire itself. His eyes contained a lust I could hardly sustain, his cheeks were blushing and his body radiated a heat I've never felt before, and the expression on his face was so determined, so certain, that I knew where this would lead us. I didn't see anything that could stop me, and to tell the truth, I was pretty sure that if I ever stopped, he would make me go on, he would go til the end of what we were starting.

He saw my... well, not hesitation, I was totally up for what would soon happen, I was a bit shocked to see him so... alive. He looked at me, worry beginning to rise in his eyes, so I just tackled him so we fell on the bed, me on top of him.

Wow. I'd never have expected this move to have these consequences. When I thought he looked alive, I hadn't guessed he would be alive and kicking... hmm... alive and licking would be a better statement.
He flipped me on my back, laughing at our fall, pinning me to the mattress, and began licking my neck, and along my jawline, claiming my lips again, and the fire smouldered to a slow and lasting brasero as all his softness, tenderness came back.
I couldn't help but think of when he had claimed me on the dancefloor, this raging aura around him, and this sudden calm, back as fast as it had left.
I loved that. I loved feeling like he owned me completely, and how he freed me the second after, leaving me complete and linked to him in a way I've never bonded with anyone, not even my parents. He was all at once showing me that I was his, fully and indisputably, and that he accepted me as I was, unconditionally.

His hands roaming under my shirt sent shivers through my spine, I usually was the one to touch him this way, right before I stopped. I let him do without moving, it was intoxicating to be under him like this, and I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me.

It wasn't long before he pulled my shirt so high I could only get rid of it. It hadn't even touched the floor that Matt was already attacking my chest with his mouth, ravishing my nipples, making me moan in pleasure. I felt his hand slide along the back of my left thigh, pulling it up. I obliged, wrapping my leg around his. He moved his lower body slightly, and I suddenly felt his crotch against mine, brushing slowly, and there was no ignoring the obvious hard on he had as it was touching my own.

His lips never leaving my torso, the hand that had previously been located behind my thigh came in contact with my ass. Matt gave a light squeeze that surprised me, and I felt his fingers hook in the hem of my jeans in my back. Swiftly, his other hand unbuttoned my pants, allowing him to pull them down, taking my boxers along.
I blushed when I realised that I was naked (and the bastard was fully clothed, hovering above me with a lustful smile).
That couldn't work that way. I reached for his pants, fighting with the fly, but it wouldn't open.
Matt chuckled, and after some squirming, his shirt and pants were on the floor with mines. He hadn't opened the zipper of his pants to get them off, that's when I understood why he always wore them one size bigger than necessary, Matt was so lazy he was even too lazy to open his pants so he just slid them on and off without unzipping them.
The fly was rusty since it was never used.

I slid his boxers down, there was no way he kept them on. And Toadstool boxers are lustkillers, to my opinion. Well, not at that particular moment, since I was ready to rape him, or be raped, whatever, but I'd have to burn all his Mario patterned boxers later.

He pushed me back on the bed and from there, both naked, everything began to spin, my head, the bed, the room even. Matt was all over me completely and not enough at the same time, I was sure I would soon lose my mind with the need, the pleasure, the want for more. More of what, I couldn't really tell, I already felt overwhelmed but I wanted more.

As Matt leant to kiss me, deeply, his tongue curling around mine in slow motion, I grabbed his erection, and began to mimic the movement of his tongue with my thumb, caressing the tip of his member when he brushed the tip of my tongue with his, doing little circles in rhythm with him, and he was moaning against my mouth, his breath becoming heavier as I felt precum under the tip of my thumb. And he went on, showing me with his tongue what he wanted from my finger, smiling in the kiss each time I did what he expected. I smiled too, loving the sounds he made.
Suddenly he began sucking on my tongue and lips, his moans getting needier, louder. I broke the kiss and slid down.
Matt smiled to me as he rolled on his back, giving me better access between his legs, and oh the way he sighed when I took him in my mouth, the rush of blood in his member, and the taste of precum... I sucked him hard, pumping the base of his erection with a hand while the other massaged his balls, delighted by the way I could make him feel.
"Mmm... Mello..." he whispered softly, propping himself on an elbow, his hand reaching my hair to catch my attention, "Mello..." he repeated, and I knew he was close, so I just smiled and went on. He looked at me with half lidded eyes, smiling back, and there was lust in those eyes, yes, but so much tenderness that when he tensed up, gasping, and that I tasted the salty liquid on my tongue, I cried. I cried of happiness because this was mine, it was me who had made him reach climax, it was me touching him, it was me swallowing his cum, it was all mine and I... loved him.

Matt relaxed, pulling me into his arms. We cuddled a few moments, and I almost thought he had fallen asleep in the crook of my neck when I felt his hand creep between my legs. I was in such a bliss for having given him pleasure that I had totally forgotten my own hard on, but feeling his hand on my crotch fuelled my lust instantly.

I crawled on top of him, and he continued pumping my erection as I sat on his lap. He sat up, making me fall head at the end of the bed, rampaging above me to kiss me, his hand not leaving my dick, and he seemed to hesitate a few seconds as his eyes searched for mines.

Then he asked me shyly: "Mello... how do you want it?"
I looked at him puzzled until I understood what he meant. I didn't know how I wanted it, actually. I hadn't thought about that precise subject, and even if I was slightly afraid of the pain, I didn't care if I took him in or the contrary.
He seemed to understand that I didn't know what to reply, and I knew that he would accept bottom because I didn't know, because he would never choose the "let's top Mello" option between the two possibilities, because that's how he was. And that wasn't fair. So I simply replied: "Take me, Matt."
If someone had to take the pain because none of us knew how we would do it, then it would be me.

He lowered, pecking my skin along his way down to my crotch, and began to give small licks to the tip of my erection, making me gasp. My fingers crept in his hair, stroking the soft locks as he blew me. I had to refrain myself to push him down, not wanting to choke him, but it felt so good!
It's only when he added a second finger, making it a bit uncomfortable for me, that I realised that he had already a finger in me. The way he sucked on my dick felt so amazing that I hadn't even notice that he was probing me.
He looked at me through his bangs, and I nodded for a third finger, when the strange feeling from two fingers had disappeared. He pushed his three fingers in, and pain shot all of a sudden, making me tense around him.
He withdrew them, his mouth leaving my cock, and watched me as I tried to relax, as he pushed them in again, slowly, carefully.
It was still painful, but little by little, it became bearable.
Since we hadn't planned this, and since it was something not really easy to ask Roger ('hey Roger, can you buy some lube for Matt and me? We'd like to sex up each other someday soon...'), we had no lube.
Matt licked his fingers again, adding more saliva before he went on preparing me.
The pain didn't want to go, and I was beginning to dread the moment Matt would penetrate me. He was by no means small, and I wondered how it would fit in. I think he was scared too, taking so much time to make me ready (would I be able to be ready?).

I saw his expression change to a concentrated one, something similar to when he played his games. His fingers probed me again and again, changing angle, curling slightly.
"Ah!" a loud moan escaped me against my will. I shivered both from shame and pleasure. I was sure that if there was someone in the corridor or in the next room, they would've heard me. But he did it again, sending waves of I don't know what but it was absolutely fantastic through my body, leaving me panting and my cock smearing precum abundantly, erected almost painfully.
This was too much, and not enough once again.
It was a shared feeling, since Matt crawled up until his lips met mine, and he pushed himself in me. His look was needy, lustful, eager even. Just in time, because I was ready to beg him to fuck me immediately.

The pain shot up as his balls hit my butt cheeks, his member completely in me. I felt stretched beyond my capacity, and Matt began to rock me against the mattress in a slow pace, going deeper each time, if possible.
It hurt, but I didn't want him to stop. He was in me, I was feeling him filling me, he held me close, breathing in the crook of my neck, I could feel sweat pearl on his forehead and dampen my shoulder, he was moaning and groaning directly in my ear, leaving soft kisses from time to time on my earlobe, murmuring my name: "Mello... Mello..."
It felt wrong.

"Mihael." I whispered in his ear.
His face lifted up to meet mine, his eyes questioning, until he realised. He smiled so beautifully, still moving in me, his gaze not leaving mine, pouring so much tenderness, so much... love...
"Mail..." he replied simply.

His skin sliding against mine, sweat making our bodies slick, his heavy breath, my pants, his moans, my sighs... I'll always remember the first time Matt... Mail and me made love, and how he cried my name, my real name, when he came in me, holding me so tight he would have taken my breath away if I hadn't already lost it when I saw the look in his eyes.
And how he finally, really broke the silence as he told me he loved me.