yay we made it to 300 reviews...now can i get like 20 more..is that too much to ask..?


"So Alice didn't do anything," asked Edward for the 15th time.

I grunted, "No she stuffed me in her closet with no food and made me eat her clothes!,'' I said exasperated.


I smacked Edward on the arm, "No you doof she didn't do anything. Now if you ask me this question again I will smack you on your forehead where it hurts."

"Ouch touchy," Edward said.

It was amazing how the events all changed today. It the morning I would have taken Edward in the arms and kissed him, then of course his pig ways ruined it and made me angry. Then he got me frustrated, and followed me around like a lost puppy, became cute and knocked his big head on a post. Then made me happy again, then sad, then black mailed me and tricked my anger out, and now...now we were acting like friends. Defiantly a turn of events.

I couldn't deny I was hoping for something like this all along. Now that I had it, I was scared. I didn't want anything to ruin it. If things stayed like this I would be the most happiest person in the world. Though it was a mystery to me why Edward would even go through all this to be my friend.

Was I that special, was I worth i? Of course all he wanted was friendship, he specified that already. Of course just friendship, why would he want anything else? Especially from me. So in that the conclusion was made. I would take whatever relationship he wanted, just as long as I had him, it would be enough.

"So tell me, what happened to those dates?," I asked while we faced each other on opposite ends of the couch. He still had the ice in his hands. I could see a bruise being formed.

"I called and cancelled," he answered.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," he shrugged.


"Because, there are more important things and important people that I would rather be with," he replied grinning at me. I threw a pillow at him.

"Yes cause i'm so much fun," I said.

"Ha no not you i'm talking about my family, you simply were a step in the road. I had to settle things with you, now if you will excuse me I have to go find my family," he said and got up.


"Kidding," he smiled. "But really, i'd much rather be here than hear their nagging voices.

"I'll say I mean really how do you live with their voices Edward, I would think you could have some taste," I replied.

"I do have taste," he answered.

"Hmm tell me?," I asked.

"Well I like girls who have class, who are smart, have an actual sense of humor. Girls that can actual form a coherent sentence, well of course they have to have some decent looks.," he added.

"Wow Edward, you've been looking in all the wrong places."

"Guess your right. Suppose I should start looking in the right places then."

I nodded and stood up to stretch. I was thirsty and I started to walk over to the kitchen. Of course my day won't be complete without a being a klutz and somehow my foot just sorta twisted and I started to fall.

Of course Edward caught me in time except that I managed to kick him and we both fell forwards to the ground and I landed right on top of him.

"Hmm the view from here in quite nice," Edward said. I blushed, and his hand came up to brush the hair from my face. His fingertips sent little chills down my back, in a good way and I breathed in his intoxicating scent.

He's just a friend Bella...just a friend...my mind yelled.

"Oh my!," I heard someone say and I quickly glanced up to see the whole gang at the door with shocked expressions. What! when had they come in, I hadn't even heard the door being unlocked!

I realized the position Edward and I were in and blushed twice as hard. I heard Emmett whistle. "Get em Eddie boy!," he whistled again.

I quickly untangled myself from Edward and stood up. "Hey guys," I said innocently.

They all walked in and Emmet made himself comfortable on the couch. "Nice sex hair Bella," Emmett teased and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I became self conscious, and my hands came up to tame my messy hair. "Well looks like you two sorted out everything," smirked Rose.

"No it wasn't like that, its not what you think," I tried to reason.

Jasper chuckled, and Edward sighed. "She's right, Bella simply slipped and somehow landed on the ground...on top of me," he answered.

"Ok sure whatever," said Alice. "We have to get ready," she said.

"Where are we going?," I asked.

"Dancing," she answered happily.


"Yup, come on Bella lets get you ready," she said and dragged me into the room.

I pouted, "Why dancing, I though we had established that we were going bowling."

"Yes I know, but Emmett and bowling don't make a good combination. Trust me, you'd rather do this," Alice replied while combing through my hair. "Geez Bella how much did you two make out, there are so many tangles in your hair."

I blushed, It must have happened when Edward was tickling me. "Alice!," I whinnied. "Its not like that. Edward and I are just friends. You know me, I just tripped and he caught me. You guys just happened to show up at the wrong time."

"I'll say," she muttered. I raised an eyebrow. "But I suppose of we hadn't walked in you two would have kissed," she added.

"Huh?,' I said confused.

She laughed, "Well we did come in a little earlier. You two were too absorbed in each other to even notice. If Rose hadn't gasped you two would have closed it off."

I thought about that, were we really that enhanced? I blushed thinking about it.

"Here put this on," Alice said handing me a blue skirt and white blouse.

I slipped it on and Alice applied my make up. "Stay here and I'll get Rose to do your hair while I go and change." I nodded and searched through my closet for some flats.

Rose walked in and sat me down to do my hair. "Your not mad?," I asked her.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Well you obviously don't like Edward, and well he and I are...,"

"Yes I know," she replied before I could finish. "I don't hate Edward. Just the way he acts around girls. Plus he seems to be changing," she said smirking. "Any reason why?," she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I can't be the reason."

"I disagree, he hasn't done this to any other girl and he never listens to us. Then you come and all the sudden no girl satisfies him anymore. Its defiantly you Bella."

"I don't understand why?"

"You don't see yourself clearly," she said. "Your beautiful Bella and your perfect for him. He needs someone like you to keep him in check. Edward's a great guy, you might not entirely believe it but he and I were good friends once. Before his jerk ways that is," she said smiling. "You should give him a chance."

"Alright i'm all pretty," said Alice skipping into the room. "Oh good your finished then. Lets go," she said.

Rose gave me another smile and left with Alice. I took another minute to absorb Rose's words. So she didn't entirely hate him. I already knew Edward was a great guy, but what surprised me was that Rose told he to give him a chance. What did she mean by that. Edward would never want me like that.

"Bella what's taking so long!," I heard Alice call.

"Nothing, coming," I said and got up to grab my purse and joined the rest of them. I noticed Edward had changed into a button down shirt. He looked so amazing. They all did, and looking at them I felt like an outsider.

"Great alright lets go," clapped Alice and led everyone out the door.

I hadn't realized I was still just standing until Edward came up to me. "You ok?," he asked me quietly.

I nodded and put on a small smile. He grinned back, "Good, and by the way. You look beautiful," he said and picked up my hand.

"You too," I replied and smiled.

"Come on," he said and I walked by his side to the rest of them. His hand was still in mine and I liked the way it felt. It felt right, like it belonged there.

"So what car's should we take?," asked Jasper.

"We should take Emmett's care since it can hold more people and Edward take your volvo, we don't want many people following us," answered Alice.

Edward nodded, "Bella you ride with Edward and the rest of us will go with Emmett."

"Ok..," I said.

"Alright we'll meet you guys there," said Alice and they all walked off to Emmett's jeep.

"My car is on the other side," said Edward. I nodded and followed him.

"So dancing," I said once we were seated inside.

"Right not your thing," he said chuckling. I shook my head. "Don't worry I'll be with you at all times," he said assuring me.

"You better, other wise who knows what Alice will make me do. I can see her making me dirty dance."

"Hmm that would be a sight," he replied.

"Edward!," I scolded and bumped his arm.

"Hey hey careful now, i'm driving."

"Oh please, you drive like a manic, going way over the speed limit one handed as if a little bump would throw you off," I replied.

"True i'm a pretty great driver, watch no handed," he said and took his hands off the wheel.

"Edward put your freakin hands back on the wheel," I yelled and sat in a protective stance.

"Relax, i'm not even moving an inch away from the lines." That was true, but I wouldn't have risked it with my luck. "Do you think I would put you in harms way?," he asked.

"Well you just did."

"Oh right...,"

I laughed, "Nice one Edward, just drive properly don't be such a show off."

"Yes Miss Swan," he teased and pulled the car into a parking spot in a private parking area.

He opened my side and let me out. I got out and straightened my skirt. "They are probably inside already," he said and took my hand again.

Wasn't holding hands something couple's did, not that I minded. We walked to the entrance and the bouncer guy greeted Edward and let us in.

"Prince Edward, nice to see you again. I'll send for back up," he told us.

"Thanks Fred," said Edward and led me inside to the club. It looked like any other fancy club. A d'j and the up beat hit music playing, while people danced in the middle.

I saw little Alice jumping up and down to catch out attention and we both walked over to them. "Yay we're all here, this is our table so you can put your stuff here Bella and Janice there will watch it for us," yelled Alice over the loud music.

I nodded and placed my bag next to hers. "Do you guys want something to drink?," asked Emmett.

"Nah why don't we dance first and then we can drink once we get hot and thirsty," said Rose. Everyone agreed.

"Alright lets it the dance floor!," yelled Alice and pulled Rose and I to the dance floor.

I gotta feeling by the Black eyed Pea's came on. I remembered from my party how I actually liked dancing. So this time I wasn't as shy to start dancing with them. We all swayed together and sang out.

The guys soon joined us and we all danced and laughed together song after song. Emmett had some special dance moves and we all took turns making a dance move. We must have looked like complete ding dong's to other's around us but none of us seemed to care.

"Alright well i'm tired, who wants to get something to drink now?," asked Rose.

"I do," I answered and walked over to the table and took a seat. "Well that's enough exercise for me," I said and slumped down.

"I'll say. Dancing does give you good exercise," she agreed. Everyone else came and took a seat. Edward smiled and took a seat next to me.

"Looks like you don't need me to dance. You seemed to be doing a pretty good job yourself," he said with a smirk.

I shrugged, "I wasn't bad. I actually enjoyed it."

"See!," said Alice. "You make a big deal out of nothing. You can be such a drama queen sometimes," she added.

"Hey!," I answered defensively.

The waitress came with our drinks and we all scarfed it down. "Man that felt nice," said Emmett and slammed the glass down.

"Come on Rose let's go for round two," he said and took Rose back to the dance floor. They basically had grindid did together.

"Come on Jazzy," said Alice and pulled Jasper with her.

"Looks like we're the odd ones out," I said and took a sip of my drink.

"We don't have to be," he said. I chocked on my drink. "Whoa you ok there," he said and patted my back.

"Err yeah," I replied. No its just that the thought of me you together seems pretty far off, my mind wanted to answer.

"So their are a lot of pretty girls out here, none of them spark your interest?," I asked curious as to why he hadn't flirted with any of them. It was unlike him.

"No," he answered calmly. I raised my eyebrow. He sighed, "I'm looking for someone who actually applies to my taste from now on, remember," he said.

"Oh right," I said sounding slightly disappointed. I didn't think he was completely serious about that. I wondered if he would find someone that was in his interest. I frowned, of course he would. He was gorgeous Edward. I knew it wouldn't be long till he did find a girl.

"Come on, lets dance," he said and took my hand.

"Ok," I said hesitantly. I didn't want him to dance with me like Rose and Emmett were doing. It looked as if they were having sex on the dance floor.

Right Round by Flo Rida came on and I blushed. "Don't be embarrassed Bella, your a great dancer," he whispered into my ear. His breathe sent chills down my spine.

I nodded and started swaying. He danced along with me. "Your holding back, too stiff relax and let go," he said.

I took a deep breathe and relaxed more. My body kept pressing up against his and every time we would come in very close contact I found myself blushing which earned a chuckle from him.

Soon though I started really loosening up and started really dancing with him. He looked surprised but quickly covered it up and followed after. I knew I must have looked something like Rose and Emmett, but not as bad.

The song ended and a slower song started. 17 forever by Metro station played and Edward and I simply danced. A few more songs and we both got tired. "Do you want to go sit down again?," asked Edward. I nodded breathing heavily.

He took my hand and led through the clumps of people. We had almost made it to the table when a girl stepped in front of us. "Edward long time no see," she said smiling at him.

I took in her appearance. She was wearing a clubbing dress, short but not slutty shirt and for once she wasn't showing too much...oh you know. She had blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She was all together very beautiful, almost as beautiful as Rosalie, and even more so than Tanya.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She knew Edward and that was enough for me to hate her. Whoa where did this intense feeling come from?

"Katherine!," Edward said in a surprised tone. "I haven't seen you in a while, what brings you here?"

"Im on break, thought i'd come out and have some fun. My you haven't changed, though its hard to believe you've become even more dashing," she said with a smirk.

Edward chuckled, "You look beautiful as well," he replied and gave her a hug. At that moment I felt like slapping this katherine chick. Who the hell was she! Did Edward and her have a thing once? Well that was a stupid question, they must have.

Katherine's eyes drifted to me and her eyes widened. "Is this the girl of the week Edward," she asked eying me with a small smile...or grimace.

"Oh I wish," replied Edward. "No this is Bella, Bella Swan," he said. "Bella this is Katherine."

Yes I figured that out, my mind muttered. "Hello," I said trying to keep an happy tone.

"Its nice to meet you Bella," she said and held her hand out for me to shake. I took it thinking she would squeeze it hard, yet she didn't. I bit my cheek.

"Bella is from America. She's Alice's roommate and they instantly hit it off. Well you know how Alice is, once she finds someone she likes, you can't get get away from her," he said chuckling.

"Yes I do, is Alice here?"

"Yes, she's around here somewhere, dancing."

"With Jasper I suppose. Are they still together?"

"Oh yes even more in love," answered Edward and led us both to our table. We all sat down and I felt uncomfortable. They obviously had history, something that really bugged me.

"So how are your studies going?," asked Edward.

"Well..you know I have many more years to go till I finish medical school," she answered with a sigh.

Oh wonderful she was smart, that bugged more. This meant she was actually decent. Well they were perfect for each other. God I wanted to punch something. She was perfect for Edward.

"What about you Edward, still going around doing shenanigans I suppose. All the girls," she said with a quick glance to me. Great she probably thinks i'm a slut. Guess thats what every girl would look like of they were with Edward. "I heard about your accident with the racing cars," she added.

Edward ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah well, bad habits are hard to change," he answered.

Katherine shook her head. "So Bella what are you studying?"

It took me a minute to register she was talking to me. "Err English, I mean I want to become a writer."

"Huh," she said eying me. "I would have never thought you would do something along the lines of that. I thought you were doing fashion or something," she said.

How dare she judge me! Well I suppose I judged her without knowing either but still!

"Well thats probably because i'm with Edward," I answered. It was obvious that was the only reason she said it.

"Your quick, smart," she said. "Yes I suppose I judged you because of that. I just supposed since Edward here has a bad reputation with girls, especially air head ones I figured you were just another one of them. I'm sorry Bella. I shouldn't have judged you that way," she said sounding truly sorry.

Damn her! Why did she have to be so...so..nice! "Its alright, its more of Edward's fault for bringing it upon himself," I said glaring at him. He looked innocently at me.

"So Edward how did you manage to get Bella?," Katherine asked her tone sounding very curious.

Edward chuckled, "I wish, she's very stubborn. The only relationship I have with her is friendship. I always seem to mess things up with her. It took months just to form this relationship with her," he finished while smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes. "We aren't together," I said. Oh how I wished we were, but at the same time didn't.

"Oh how interesting," said Katherine.

"Katherine," I looked us to see Emmett. They were all surprised to see her. Their eyes looked from Katherine to Edward then back to Katherine then to me. Rose was bitting her lip. I wondered what their problems was?

"Emmett, nice to see you again. Rose, Jasper, and Alice," Katherine said giving Alice a hug.

"I've missed you guys," she said.

"Yes its been a while, what brings you here?," asked Alice.

"Oh i'm just here for a month. Then I have to leave again."

"Aww thats such a short time, you should have called when you came," Alice said.

"Yes i'm sorry I did call your parents. I supposed they would call you."

"Well we should hang out sometime before you leave," said Alice.

"Yes of course."

"Katherine are you ready to go. Your car is waiting," said a man in a black suit.

"Oh yes I'll be there in a minute," she said and got up. "Well i'm sorry I have to go, but i'll be sure to call. It was nice to see you all and it was nice to meet you Bella," she said and gave me a hug.

I was surprised by the hug. "Nice to see you again to Katherine," said Edward and gave her a goodbye hug.

"All right well bye," she waved and left.

It was silent for a minute until Jasper coughed. "So, its getting late."

"Your right Jazzy, we should go," said Alice. "Is everyone ready?"

We all nodded and got up to walk out. The bouncer bid us farewell and we all separated to our cars. "Bella i'm staying with Jasper tonight," said Alice.

"All right i'll see you tomorrow then," I said. "Bye guys."

"Bye," they all replied and got into Emmett's car. It started to drizzle.

I followed quietly behind Edward. I couldn't shake away the feeling of Edward and Katherine together. He opened the door for me, such a gentlemen and I sat down while he softly closed it after me. He then walked to the other side and started the car. It was silent for a few seconds before he started the conversation.

"So did you have fun tonight?"

"Yes, it was nice to loosen up a bit."

"You defiantly loosened up," he said with a laugh.

I had to ask the question, and i'm pretty sure he knew it was coming. "So...How how do you katherine?"

"We're family friends. Her father is part of the government, he helps my father."


"Yes she is studying to become a doctor."

"Yes I got that, she didn't like someone who would."

"Your right, not many people would guess that."

I had to ask him the next question too. "So are you and her...close then?"

"I should have known that was coming," he said and sighed. "Well we were, I guess you can say. More so with Alice." I nodded. "I've known her since I was 14."

"For 5 years then," I concluded.

"Yes," he answered.

"So you've never taken a liking in her?," I asked trying to sound nonchalantly because this was the one question I wanted and feared the most to be answered.

"No," he answered. That surprised me.

"No!," I said incredulously.

"No,' he answered again.

"Well why not. She seems...perfect," I said my tone getting stiffer at the end.

"No one's perfect," he answered.

"Well she seems perfect...for you," I said.

He shrugged, "How so?," he asked after a second.

"Well, she's smart, can actually form a coherent sentence, she seems nice, and has the looks. She seems to score a 10 on your scale."

"Hmm now that you say, your right. She does score a 10 in everything on my list. Its too bad she has a few flaws though, otherwise I would have had to whisk her away," he said with a smirk on his face.

What the Hell did he mean by that? What flaws did she have?

"Well what are the flaws?"

"Well for one thing, she's blonde," he answered with a grimace.

"So?," I asked, my eyebrows furrowed together.

"So..., I prefer brunettes," he said starring at me with his breathe taking crooked smile.

( I was thinking of stopping here but I seem to be behind on my schedule....they should be together by now...or at least have their first kiss...something keeps to be stalling..so i'm gonna continue.)

"I, ," I didn't know what to say. "Oh, ok then," I replied.

He stared at me for another moment and sighed. We were almost to the campus and the rain had picked up tremendously! It was basically raining in buckets, by the time we pulled into the parking lot.

"I don't suppose you have an umbrella?,' I asked in a hopeful tone.

"Sadly, no," he said and turned the ignition off. "We should probably make a run for it," he added.

"Oh great," I muttered. "Well here we go," I said and placed by hand on the door handle to get ready to open the door. The rain pelted down the minute the door unlocked and I quickly got out and tried to cover my head.

"Come on Bella!," Edward yelled from the other side of the car. I quickly made my way to his side and we both made a run for it across the campus grass.

It was dark and there was no one outside, probably due to this terrible weather. I was already drenched by the time we both made our way under the roof and into the elevator. My clothes were all damp and I probably looked like I just stepped out of a pool!

I looked down at my white shirt and noticed it was now see through! "Great," I muttered under my breathe and crossed my arms over my chest.

I heard Edward chuckle. I had forgotten for a millisecond that he was there and looked up to see him pretty much as drenched as I was. I raked my eyes from the very top of his body to the bottom. His hear had shiny droplets of water and I had to say it looked...amazing. His shirt was clinging to his perfectly sculpted body and I could make out his toned chest.

"Its not polite to stare Bella," he said in a teasing yet sexy tone. I blushed, great now he knew I was ogling him. Just then the elevator doors opened and Edward gestured for me to walk out. I gulped and walked to my door and fumbled with my purse to get my keys.

I unlocked the door and stepped in. "Are you gonna come in?," I asked him.

"Mind as well. Just for a bit," he said and walked into the living room. "Your drenched," he said taking a look at me.

"Hey don't look," I said and turned away from him.

"Oh ok. So its ok for you to stare at me, but nooo, I can't," he said.

"No you can't because I am not covered," I said.

"Well why don't I give you a moment then," he said.

"Thanks," I replied and walked into my room. I pulled out a towel which I decided to give to Edward. I wouldn't want him to get sick. I quickly tried to dry my hair but then decided it was no use since I would go for a shower anyway. I picked up Edward's towel and walked back to the living room to give it to him.

I almost fainted right there when I saw him pull his shirt off. Sure he was facing away from me but...oh..my..god!

Edward must have noticed the freaky squeak noise I made and turned around. His front view was even better! What an amazing freakin six pack!

"Oh Bella, didn't see you there." I simply nodded. I needed to take my eyes off his body! "Thanks is that towel for me," he said walking toward me. Oh he was getting closer.

"Yeah huh,' I said and dropped it on the couch. "I have to go have a shower,' I replied quickly and bolted to the bathroom. I locked and door and let out a huge sigh. The picture of his body was now embedded into my brain.

I shook my head and turned the shower on. God what was happening! I scrubbed my body and let the water rinse me off, then turned off the tap and stepped out of the tub.

"Oh crap!," I muttered. I had ran in here so fast that I had forgotten to get my clothes! "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!"

I wrapped my towel around my body and slightly opened the door. I heard the T.V running. Ok god maybe I could make a run for it to my room that was down the hall. I quickly stepped out and began to make a run for it. I was almost there when my foot tripped across a bag on the floor and I started to fall.

I felt two arms wrap protectively around me and I didn't have to look up to see who it would be. I opened my eyes to his green ones. "Forget something," he whispered.

I nodded still in his embrace. "My...clothes," I replied in the same soft tone. Thank god he had a shirt on.

"Bella, Bella, Bella," he teased with a small smirk. I started to move back and he followed. I gulped, here I was in a small towel with no clothes on and had an adonis witnessing it. I was backed up against a wall and his face drew closer to mine.

I could feel my heart beat faster and my face seemed to be moving towards his too. His lips were so close and I could already taste his sweet scent.

"Your making it very hard to resist Bella," he whispered and closed the gap between out lips.

Kissing Edward was a lot better then I had ever imagined! He may have not been my first but he was one hell of a kisser. Our lips moves in synchronization and molded together perfectly. He tasted amazing and things started to heat up even more.

His hands moved up to my hips and my hands found themselves knotted in his hair. Something I have been wanting to do, since the first day I met him. Then altogether it stopped. "Someone needs air," he chuckled and rested his forehead against mine.

I hadn't realized I was breathing so heavily and blushed. Guess I forgot to breathe when I had a god kissing me. "Wow!," I said.

"Umm better than I imagined," he agreed.

"You imagined this?," I asked.

"Well of course, your rather something amazing Isabella Swab," he murmured and placed his lips back to mine.

So what did you guys think...like..it...don't like..it..review =)